Getting ready to get on


Im going to begin a cycle using gear using 2 on / 4 off method. I plan on doing 2x a day / 3x a week.

ON - Beastdrol V2
Week 1 - 4 x 10 w/ 8RM. 2 sets in the AM and 2 sets PM.
Week 2 - 4 x 8 w/ 5RM. 2 sets in the AM and 2 sets PM.
Week 3 - 2 x 5 w/ 5RM.
Week 4-5 - 2 x 5 w/ 5RM
Week 6 - SD
Week 7 - Repeat

Any suggestions, questions or comments appreciated.
Thanks bros.
I don't know anything about prohormones except that if they are any good they are usually tough on your liver. However, I am curious as to how you are going to do sets of 10 reps at your 8 rep maximum? Rest/Pause, clustering, myo reps, misprint, etc?
Its not a "true" 8RM. I used a formula based on a 1RM to calculate my 8RM. The strength I get while on the gear will allow me 2 more reps. As this is my second cycle on HST I know I can squeeze them out easily, at least I hope. I have a good log here. Thanks for replying
I don't know wtf beastdrol is, but if it is illegal, I would strongly urge using something that has been around a little longer and has effects and sides that are more well known. If it is legal, don't get your hopes up too much for the results.
Thanks for the concern bro. Its legit stuff. I am looking for some critique on my decisions:
1 - Increased volume
2- Increased frequency

Ive read a lot of Bryan's writtings so I think Im in line and good to go.
As per O&G I will try Myo Sets. They make sense the more I read into them. My routine is basic:


AM - 1 x 10 ; 4 x 3
OverHead Press
Flat Bench
Supinated Row
Romanian Deadlift

PM - 1 x 10 ; 4 x 3
OverHead Press
Flat Bench
Supinated Row
I like it. If it were my program, I think I would switch up the PM program to include an incline bench or dips and neutral drip chin ups but that is just personal preference. Good luck.
I have to test my max on the incline bench and Im a little new to the exercise. I want to focus on overall chest mass as well so my choice of flat. I wish I had access to a dip station cuz I love dips. Thanks for replying.
If I'm reading it right, this stuff is actually just Superdrol marketed under a different name. I've used Superdrol once in the past for a short cycle and I wasn't really all that impressed with it. If I were going to go that way, since Superdrol is illegal anyway, I would just get some Dbol since it is a lot more effective. The sides aren't really worth the benefits with SD in my opinion in comparison to more time tested oral steroids.

That said, make sure you get bloodwork done afterward since SD is really hard on your lipid profile. I hope you have nolva, clomid or toremifene for PCT. Make sure you work hard to get your LDL and HDL back where they need to be after PCT.

Increase volume but don't increase load above what you would have used anyway, run it through the 10s and first week of 5s, then do the remainder of the 5s and post-5s through your PCT.
I apprecite the info. Actually Beastdrol V2 is methylstenbolone and its not illegal yet. I have my PCT protocol ready. Did increase volume but not load. Finishing my second week of 10s.
If I'm reading it right, this stuff is actually just Superdrol marketed under a different name. I've used Superdrol once in the past for a short cycle and I wasn't really all that impressed with it. If I were going to go that way, since Superdrol is illegal anyway, I would just get some Dbol since it is a lot more effective. The sides aren't really worth the benefits with SD in my opinion in comparison to more time tested oral steroids.

That said, make sure you get bloodwork done afterward since SD is really hard on your lipid profile. I hope you have nolva, clomid or toremifene for PCT. Make sure you work hard to get your LDL and HDL back where they need to be after PCT.

Increase volume but don't increase load above what you would have used anyway, run it through the 10s and first week of 5s, then do the remainder of the 5s and post-5s through your PCT.

I agree. No point in using that when there is better stuff out there. I would also recommend taking Milk Thistle and maybe some other liver support supplements if you are going to take orals since they are hard on the liver.

I also highly recommend full blood work BEFORE and AFTER the cycle.

Check the following:
Testosterone Total, Free & Bio
Estradiol (sensitive test only)
Full Lipid panel
CBC Panel (complete blood count)

If you aren't going to do the blood testing then I highly recommend that you don't mess with AAS.
Just keeping trenning hard and eating clen.

There's really only a few worth using IMO, the side effects profile is more important than the efficacy, at least in my book.
You've set up your PCT right?

And I assume you'll know pretty quickly whether or not gyno is an issue.
PCT is setup and gyno is not an issue with this compound.

I have seen reports that it can cause gyno, even though it does not aromatize. You have to remember, once you introduce an exogenous anabolic steroid it will throw all of your natural hormones out of whack.
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Yeah definitely can cause gyno via other avenues from what I've read. Remember, it binds to shgb in a manner similar to winstrol which can increase free levels of E and T. Since T will be shut down due to the hormone you are taking, E might not be an issue but it is possible. I would keep some letro or something on hand just in case. If you're only doing 2 weeks on, 4 weeks off, probably not an issue but also sides are dose related. How much are you taking a day? Seems like 30 mgs a day is the optimum dosage for most.
1-2 2 caps (8 mg)
3-9 3 caps (12 mg)
10-14 4 caps (16 mg)

So far some good gains. Looking good in the mirror. This brand I take has an AI. So estrogen is under control. So far so good.
Why different dosages? You should just run the same dosage throughout. You won't get any more or less shutdown than you would have otherwise.