Getting ready to get on

How old are you?

How long have you been lifting?

What are your stats?

Since you haven't commented on the suggestions to do blood work I'm assuming you did not do any pre-cycle blood work. Good luck getting everything restabilized after your cycle. Even if you do post-cycle blood work, you have absolutely no idea where you were before cycle, so you won't know what is out of whack and what isn't (relative to pre-cycle). And if your lipid profile was out of whack prior to your cycle it's most likely going to be really bad post-cycle.
This compound doesnt have a lot of time on the market. I took precaution while dosing. I used this approach for peace of mind. My second cycle will be shorter but with a consistent dosage.
Cycle is done. 8mg for 2 days and 12mg for 8 days. 10 lbs in 10 days! Muscle hardness, great pumps and phenomenal potency. With the right training I added 3/4" to arms, 1/4" forearms, 1-1/2" chest, 1" waist, 1" thighs (hamstrings got bigger), 1/2" calves. Weight 240 lbs. Very happy with results. Will take at least 3 weeks PCT before doing another cycle but at 20 mg (5 caps) for 12 days.
What you report is certainly impressive but I don't think you can keep those gains unless you consistently cycle. Once you stop, most chemically induced gains tend to disappear pretty rapidly, not in days but certainly over a couple of months I would think. I would appreciate your keeping us informed as to what you are doing, how much, results and what happens when you stop. I have no experience with these oral stimulants and long term effects are hard to gauge as the FDA tries to shut them down as quickly as possible but I am interested in learning from peoples' experiences just for my own knowledge. In general though, I would think you would be better served with a continuous cycle of, say, 500 mg or so of injected brand name testosterone from a standpoint of your overall organ health and preserving gains. That appears to be the safest and most studied AAS with the easiest managed side effects. I am sure there are thousands of AAS users who would argue that stacking 'this and that' would be superior but I would be leary of that due to my lack of knowledge.
I must say I did enjoy and will continue to do myo reps. Would you elaborate on your position of why multiple sets of same reps is not as effective as myo reps? They certainly did something during my cycle. I enjoy the CNS aspect as well. I certainly believe it allows me to train 6x a week easier.