I am new to the board and HST in general. Kind of stumbled upon it when I was trying to buy some caffeine.
Been training for about 20 years using different traditional splits. For the last couple years I have been basically doing full body Monday and Friday with Shoulders and Arms on Wednesdays. My full body workouts were focused around compound movements. For example, Mondays might be flat benches, leg presses and pull ups. Wednesday might be shoulder presses, upgright rows, curls and tricep pushdowns. Fridays might be incline presses, squats and rows. I had it set up to rotate through a similar cycle with different exercises over the course of 6 workouts. Including warmups, I was doing 12-16 total sets with only one real work set per exercise. Just finished another cycle of that and now want to try HST since it appears to be great. Been reading for the last two days and have come up with the following.
My first goal was to keep my total sets around the same as I have been doing. Didn't want to go overboard my first time around and time is an issue too. So I have come up with the following.
Bench Press
Rear Delts (skipped should presses since they are getting some work with my benches)
Bicep curls
Triceps pushdowns
I do some ab work every morning after I get out of the shower and do a few calf raises after my walk everyday at lunch. That's why those two were left out above.
I am planning on just doing one work set per exercise my first time through after warmups. That keeps me in a similar total set range.
Figured I would post here and see if you all have any opinions on what I can improve or might be missing. Trying to keep it plain jane the first time through but I want to make sure it's effective too. Thanks in advance for any advice or opinions.
I am 5'11 205 lbs. Eat a low glycemic diet except for after workouts and consume about 3,000-3,500 calories a day spread out over 8 meals a day. Each meal consists of a lean protein, low glycemic carbs and healthly fats. Also try to get some walking in each day at lunch and maybe some extra walking on rest days. Use casein protein except for after my workouts which I use whey. Drink about a gallon of green/black tea a day. Also take a maintenance dose of creatine each day (about 5 grams). Figured I would give a little background information.

My first goal was to keep my total sets around the same as I have been doing. Didn't want to go overboard my first time around and time is an issue too. So I have come up with the following.
Bench Press
Rear Delts (skipped should presses since they are getting some work with my benches)
Bicep curls
Triceps pushdowns
I do some ab work every morning after I get out of the shower and do a few calf raises after my walk everyday at lunch. That's why those two were left out above.
I am planning on just doing one work set per exercise my first time through after warmups. That keeps me in a similar total set range.
Figured I would post here and see if you all have any opinions on what I can improve or might be missing. Trying to keep it plain jane the first time through but I want to make sure it's effective too. Thanks in advance for any advice or opinions.
I am 5'11 205 lbs. Eat a low glycemic diet except for after workouts and consume about 3,000-3,500 calories a day spread out over 8 meals a day. Each meal consists of a lean protein, low glycemic carbs and healthly fats. Also try to get some walking in each day at lunch and maybe some extra walking on rest days. Use casein protein except for after my workouts which I use whey. Drink about a gallon of green/black tea a day. Also take a maintenance dose of creatine each day (about 5 grams). Figured I would give a little background information.
