Glad to be here! Gots some questions!


New Member
First off I wanna introduce myself to all you! I am a 33yo male who has been lifting for about 6 months.6'2 230 lbs @ 27%bf. The first 3 or 4 months I was doing full body lifting (not HST) 3x a week and I was seeing gains of about a pound of lean mass a week. For the last couple months I have switched to a typical split where you hit each bodypart 1x a week. This was at the advice of the guys on a couple bodybuilding boards. Since then my gains have really slowed down to basically nothing. I think that guys on roids may be able to get results on a typical split but for me, I feel like Ihave to hit everything 3x a week. Which is why this site and HST look like the answer to my prayers!

I started HST the other day. I loved the 15s. The thing that really freaked me out was how pumped I was after. I never had anything like that before :) Since I want to see max gains from this would I be better off doing....

15's 2 weeks
12's 2 weeks
10's 2 weeks
8's 2 weeks
5's 2 weeks
negs 2 weeks
rest 2 weeks

for a 14 week cycle (like the sample program on this site) OR

15's 2 weeks
10's 2 weeks
5's 2 weeks
negs 2 weeks
rest 2 weeks

for a 10 week cycle?:confused:? ( like I notice alot of you guys seem to do)

Thanks alot!!!
Hey :)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]15's 2 weeks
12's 2 weeks
10's 2 weeks
8's 2 weeks
5's 2 weeks
negs 2 weeks
rest 2 weeks

for a 14 week cycle (like the sample program on this site)

Actually, the sample program is more like the second routine you posted - 15, 10, 5, then negs, each for 2 weeks.

I'd stick with that for the meantime - so just do 15's, then 10's, then 5's, then negs, each for two weeks, then SD for 9-14 days, then repeat. As long as you have everything else nailed down (maxes, nutrition, rest), you'll see great gains.

Regards and good luck,
Spyke First off welcome! You have just entered in my opinion and 10 years of lifting expierence the best forum on the net with no B.S answers. Now to help you out. Good news is HST really is the best way to train if you are looking to get bigger muscles. Also it can be great for fat loss. As far as your question on modifying the routine I would not. My advice would be to follow the basic routine for your 1st cycle. However if you want to change some things this is only what I would recommend.
First I would only drop the isolation exercises. The reason is b/c if you are looking fat loss stick to the heavy compounds.
I also would stick with the 2 week increments as the basic routine call for meaning 15's 10's and 5's however, and some may disagree, but If it was me I would not do the negatives at all instead I would just stay with my 5 rep max. I say this b/c it sounds like you want to have some fat loss and negative IMO want help to much there.
Other than that just keep it simple. It will be hard to bulk up if you are trying to lose weight. So decide if you want to cut or bulk and stick with the plan. Also watch your rest longer than 1 minute and when you get in great shape try 30 second rest periods this will up your natural testosterone levels and kick your metabolism in high gear...not to mention it will kick your @ss.
Thats it !
Welcome to HST and to growing again! :D

Jv answer it brilliantly...he snuck in there before I could get this long post...posted
Welcome to the forums! I agree with Joe. Muscle, this is the best training site on the Web.

HST is a great tool. Just remember: Eat enough calories, get enough rest, and use HST principles. YOU WILL GROW! I promise.
Welcome Spyke

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]You have just entered in my opinion and 10 years of lifting expierence the best forum on the net with no B.S answers.

No doubt about that! He...he...he... Idefinitely second that, IMO B.S. should be used strictly for mushrooms and other higher biological systems, we have no use for that.

Try good, clean, factual info. and to boot some research tidbits too!

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Good news is HST really is the best way to train if you are looking to get bigger muscles.

Chiefhog has just proven that, read his thread it is fresh off the press or should I say off the web

JV is correct stick to the vanilla program first, although the first choice will work as well, but chioce 2 will confuse you less and will give or should give a good indication of what to do next.

Results are up to you with regards to effort (hey keep this one short of failure always)
; proper nutrition and sleep.

HST takes care of the rest if all principles are adhered to, 'nough said ;)

Now lets get growing