going to 1st week of 5s and no results :(


New Member
I have been doing hst for about 7 weeks now and i havent seen any results. im not sure what the cause is maybe its because the weights i lift are too light even though i used the HST calculator to predetermine the weight im gonna used and I did a 9 day SD.

My diet has been so-so due to work and school im probably consuming around 1800-2000 calories at the most (i weigh 140lbs and eat 140g of protein).

i did two sets during 15s, two sets during first week of 10s, one set during 2nd week of 10s, and right now doing one set in 5s.

the only time ive been sore was the 2nd week of 15s and that was it. does that relate to anything because im not doing enough sets or what?

am i going to see the results during week of 5s or what? its a little bit frustrating after 7 weeks and still no results.
quickups: if you are not gaining anything you are not eating enough, period.

If you eat around 500 cals a day over maintenance levels you will gain weight - around a pound a week. If you don't train you will gain weight and if you do train you will gain weight. It's that simple. However, a well structured training plan will encourage your body to use the extra calories wisely and grow you some muscle.

You are a young guy and your maintenance levels are probably a lot higher than you think. Training will push your calorific requirements even higher on training days. I expect you should add at least 500+ cals over maintenance on training days and  almost as many on non-training days. Also, as you gain lean mass you will have to eat a bit more to keep gaining as your calory requirements will have increased.

Non-scientific approach: Keep adding good food to your diet until you start to gain weight. Add a couple of eggs and some milk etc. Have some good oils and fats. You can eat junk now and again but it's best to stick to good foods that you can regulate. It's easy to add an extra egg to your diet.

For a more scientific approach you will need to do a few sums so here's a quote from one of Colby's posts:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">First, you need to figure out how many calories you burn a day (BMR - basal metabolic rate).  This depends on your weight, bf%, and the exercise/movements you do in a day.  I use the Katch &amp; McArdle equation as it is more accurate by using lean body mass (LBM) measurements.

LBM = (1-BF%)*(weight in kg's)
BMR = 370 + 21.6*LBM

*if your bodyfat% is 12%... put in .12
**if you don't know your bf%, get some cheap calipers and measure, estimate it, or get it tested

Now that you know your BMR, you can calculate how many calories you burn a day by multiplying your BMR by an activity factor.

Activity Factor
Sedentary = 1.2
Lightly Active = 1.375
Moderately Active = 1.55
Very Active = 1.725
Extremely Active = 1.9</div>

There are other ways to do this as mentioned in the FAQs.

Until you get your diet right you won't know how good or bad your training plan is. You have to give your body enough food to sustain itself and grow. All the best.
1. your not eating enough.
2. your not eating enough. at 1800-2000 cals (@140lbs)your at maint. level at best. im surprised your not losing wgt.

i sympathize with the tough work/school sched. but eating enough must be a priority if your are to gain wgt. size and strength. if you just dont think you can improve on your so-so diet right now then dont kill yourself in the gym b/c you will not grow without surplus cals regardless of how light/heavy the weights are.

go to the diet section of the forum and explore and you will see some of the lengths that people must go to in order to gain. at 140lbs diet must be a priority if you plan to grow. conservative estimate id say at least 2500 cals daily. if your over 5'9&quot; probably more like 3000 but dont take my advice or anybody elses as gospel. check out this and other forums and see what others are doing to get results.
No gains means you are not eating enough, if it hasn't sunk in yet after Lol's and bluejacket's advice. Gaining mass isn't rocket science - lift some weights and eat a lot of food - you will gain.

At 140 lbs, gaining weight would be quite easy. Like bluejacket suggested, I would start shoveling down 3000 calories a day. You won't have to eat as much as a larger guy would to gain, but I understand that much food might be hard for you. Still, if you want to gain, you have to eat. Personally, I would feel like not eating enough is basically wasting the time I spent in the gym, and use that as my motivation to keep on the food.
2000kcals sounds more like a cutting cycle than bulking.

Have a look at some of the other posts as to what guys on here are eating throughout the day. Possibly have a look at fitday.co too to accurately monitor what you're getting down your throat.

Bottom line...eat a LOT more.
I wasn't eating enough until I got to the 10s. When I increased my intake, it was like an overnight change. All my measurements and weight went up.
Man from the remarks in these posts one would get the idea that perhaps he isn't eating enough
Sorry guys I just found it incredibly funny, true but still funny.
Maybe it is due to school that tou don't grow !
I you don't respect your hours of sleep , it will reduce your muscle growth !

And as everyone said , eat MUCH and you will grow !
(Lol @ May 17 2006,22:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">quickups: if you are not gaining anything you are not eating enough, period.

If you eat around 500 cals a day over maintenance levels you will gain weight - around a pound a week. If you don't train you will gain weight and if you do train you will gain weight. It's that simple. However, a well structured training plan will encourage your body to use the extra calories wisely and grow you some muscle.

You are a young guy and your maintenance levels are probably a lot higher than you think. Training will push your calorific requirements even higher on training days. I expect you should add at least 500+ cals over maintenance on training days and  almost as many on non-training days. Also, as you gain lean mass you will have to eat a bit more to keep gaining as your calory requirements will have increased.

Non-scientific approach: Keep adding good food to your diet until you start to gain weight. Add a couple of eggs and some milk etc. Have some good oils and fats. You can eat junk now and again but it's best to stick to good foods that you can regulate. It's easy to add an extra egg to your diet.

For a more scientific approach you will need to do a few sums so here's a quote from one of Colby's posts:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">First, you need to figure out how many calories you burn a day (BMR - basal metabolic rate).  This depends on your weight, bf%, and the exercise/movements you do in a day.  I use the Katch &amp; McArdle equation as it is more accurate by using lean body mass (LBM) measurements.

LBM = (1-BF%)*(weight in kg's)
BMR = 370 + 21.6*LBM

*if your bodyfat% is 12%... put in .12
**if you don't know your bf%, get some cheap calipers and measure, estimate it, or get it tested

Now that you know your BMR, you can calculate how many calories you burn a day by multiplying your BMR by an activity factor.

Activity Factor
Sedentary = 1.2
Lightly Active = 1.375
Moderately Active = 1.55
Very Active = 1.725
Extremely Active = 1.9</div>

There are other ways to do this as mentioned in the FAQs.

Until you get your diet right you won't know how good or bad your training plan is. You have to give your body enough food to sustain itself and grow. All the best.</div>
would i still eat 140 grams of protein a day if i eat around 2500 calories? I read on one of the faqs that bryan wrote that eating too much protein can actually be bad for you. or should i eat more than this?

is it too late to gain muscle mass now that i am on the first week of 5s? i have the second week of 5s to go and then im going to do the 5s again for two more weeks.
140 grams of protein would be fine at the moment. Just get a good balance of protein, carbs and fats in your diet too (Bryan's Eating For Size article is a must read). It's never too late to gain on a cycle. you may be surprised how fast your body wants to grow once you give it enough nourishment.

Eating For Size
Echo on the eating more part...

140g of protein is a good amount, but don't fret about it as the caloric intake is more important.

Pre and Post WO protein should be your main focus when it comes to a certain part of your diet.
Dan said:
Man from the remarks in these posts one would get the idea that perhaps he isn't eating enough

Funny indeed!

Remember eat more around your training, more carbs before training, more proteion after training, as per the eat for size article.
(quickups @ May 17 2006,22:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My diet has been so-so due to work and school im probably consuming around 1800-2000 calories at the most (i weigh 140lbs and eat 140g of protein).</div>
you answered your own question your diet is so-so theres noway on this earth youll pack any muscle on taking in that many callories,2000cals is a womens daily intake a mans is 2500cals( average) you need at least 3000cals.go buy more food
(lcars @ May 19 2006,13:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">you are lucky you didnt end up losing muscle and injuring yourself in the process.</div>
Icars, you are starting to sound like Mr Smith!
If you are concerned about how late it is in your cycle, you could just go ahead and keep doing your 5 RM once you hit your 5 RM. Keep that up for four to six weeks with a proper diet - you are young, so you should be able to handle it. If you eat enough, you should see some really good gains. If you decide to do this, after a couple weeks, you'll want to try to progress beyond your old 5 RM to find your new 5 RM. Take it easy though, I'd just increase the weight by 10 lbs or so every other workout, building up nice and slow so that it takes a couple weeks more to find the new 5 RM.
(Totentanz @ May 19 2006,09:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If you are concerned about how late it is in your cycle, you could just go ahead and keep doing your 5 RM once you hit your 5 RM.  Keep that up for four to six weeks with a proper diet - you are young, so you should be able to handle it.  If you eat enough, you should see some really good gains.  If you decide to do this, after a couple weeks, you'll want to try to progress beyond your old 5 RM to find your new 5 RM.  Take it easy though, I'd just increase the weight by 10 lbs or so every other workout, building up nice and slow so that it takes a couple weeks more to find the new 5 RM.</div>
so i should the two week 5rm cycle two times? or i should do my last 5rm workouts for a couple of weeks? is that kinda like 5x5? im kinda confused please explain more clearly.

btw i have a cold right now..should i skip today(my third 5rm workout)?
(Lol @ May 19 2006,09:15)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(lcars @ May 19 2006,13:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">you are lucky you didnt end up losing muscle and injuring yourself in the process.</div>
Icars, you are starting to sound like Mr Smith!

your answer was more constructive
but damn you can really burn yourself out on that kind of diet.plus he has a cold maybe due to a low and fatigued immune system?

i think tot means when you hit your 5's just extend them so instead of 2 weeks do them for 4-6 weeks 4 might be best then have a break.

spend some time planning out your diet and get that cold sorted,then hit it.
(lcars @ May 19 2006,15:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Lol @ May 19 2006,09:15)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(lcars @ May 19 2006,13:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">you are lucky you didnt end up losing muscle and injuring yourself in the process.</div>
Icars, you are starting to sound like Mr Smith!

your answer was more constructive
 but damn you can really burn yourself out on that kind of diet.plus he has a cold maybe due to a low and fatigued immune system?

i think tot means when you hit your 5's just extend them so instead of 2 weeks do them for 4-6 weeks 4 might be best then have a break.

spend some time planning out your diet and get that cold sorted,then hit it.</div>
so after the two weeks of 5rm keep doing it (meaning that i increase the weights) or do the same two 5rm cycle?