Grey Hair and Muscles

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">As expected, no posts here from any ladies. I would love to see more women (of all ages) involved in lifting. If there is a contingent of female members here they are keeping very quiet. I recall only a couple posting a comment over the last few years.</div>

There was one woman who came by here and posted about 10 times. I believe she was getting ready for a BB contest.

Kate was the well known HST'er around here a while ago, but she disappeared soon after I joined this forum.
Yeah I read some of Kate's posts way back when. And Lucky Frog was the other woman. Never did find out how she got on with her HST cycle.
OhmiGawd. I've been perusing the Blonde Bomber's website for info and history...couldn't find any recent pics until I googled some. Can't say as I'm very enthused. Ol' Dave has fallen sizewise and fullness to the inevitable ravages of I deduce that this is about the best we can ascribe to on the natural route.
And just back in 1990 he wasn't as full as his comp days, but looked better than now regardless. Still, he'd stand out in any crowd as long as he's wearing a t or tanktop. I'm thinking Pax Beale had more going on at an older age than Dave, or at least as much, but he's rich.
44 in Sept and by then will be a granfather of two (another on the way, too cool).

Lots and lots of gray hair, it's a gene's thing, got my first when I was 19 years old.
(quadancer @ Feb. 02 2008,19:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">OhmiGawd. I've been perusing the Blonde Bomber's website for info and history...couldn't find any recent pics until I googled some. Can't say as I'm very enthused. Ol' Dave has fallen sizewise and fullness to the inevitable ravages of I deduce that this is about the best we can ascribe to on the natural route.</div>
I don't know quad. I think he looks pretty darn good for being in his mid 60's.
Still, my point is sort of a question for us. How much mass (youth) can we hold on to for how long? I would imagine that Dave's and Pax's efforts were all they could do, and Dave was very yuge when younger. Pax started BB'ing I think in his late 50's and did very well, got good size then lost it.
The PL'ing numbers I've seen for guys my age and weight aren't far over mine and I'm not really &quot;strong&quot;. (yeah, I USED to lift this and that...) so strength also declines pretty much in the 60's. Whatever the limits, barring accidents, injuries, or any less hormones, I'll do whatever I can. I just don't want to face atrophy any more than watch my wrinkles deepen. And I really thought I'd be able to find some larger guys in their 60+ years. Dang. If Dave couldn't do it, there's no hope outside of hormonal assist.
(quadancer @ Feb. 03 2008,20:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">oOHHhh...I found a 69 year old competitor video...but it's in German - hey Exfatman, can you translate the factoids for us?</div>
Sure, here we go:
In the video, it says that bodybuilder Klaus Noack is almost 69 and started competing at age 66. Noack had owned a gym for over 10 years. Nowadays, he helps out three times a week and trains a member with a nervous system disease.

One week before the competition, he eats only plain noodles. On the day of the competition he drinks only very little water to make the muscles hard. The competition shown will be his last one because he finds it very difficult to follow such a lifestyle.
Morris is very impressive - there's hope yet! I really like his pic in the Olympia Master's he won...sure didn't LOOK to be 61! Of course now, these guys we're posting here live in the gym. I don't feel much hope of keeping that much beef into those years if I'm still in construction, BUT YA NEVER KNOW...!
(quadancer @ Feb. 04 2008,19:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Morris is very impressive - there's hope yet! I really like his pic in the Olympia Master's he won...sure didn't LOOK to be 61! Of course now, these guys we're posting here live in the gym. I don't feel much hope of keeping that much beef into those years if I'm still in construction, BUT YA NEVER KNOW...!</div>
Just wait until you retire and can spend all your time doing what you want.
I guess I missed this post as the time it was written the Old Bat (meaning Beautiful And Terrific) and I were on the beach in Aruba. It's tough duty but somebody has to represent us older guys leering at the topless beauties down there. I should receive a medal.

As for the &quot;grey&quot;, it becomes less and less of a problem for me on the top of my skull with each passing year. The androgel doesn't help it either but now I can claim to having one or two hairs on my back. Very macho looking!

I'll turn 63 in June and can celebrate 50 years of lifting (with a few time-outs for stuff best forgotten.) I think it is 50. The memory is the second thing to go so I am not 100% positive.

Currently cutting down my size. My top was 190 pounds at 9.5% fat at 5'8&quot;.  I don't want that type of size anymore. I looked even larger because I have short limbs (31&quot; sleeve length) so I looked much bigger than someone with longer limbs. I am going down to 170 or so and even lower fat %. I believe that a leaner athletic look is more befitting someone who is eligible to collect social security.  

Besides, I need to improve my flexibility and muscles with shortened tendons tend to get in my way. I even had to embarrass myself by using a stool to mount a rather large horse yesterday. My legs just don't raise as high as they used to without pulling something out of whack elsewhere in my body. So the biggest contribution I can make to the current generation of lifters who are serious is to continue to work on your flexibility. It will come in handy in later years.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I believe that a leaner athletic look is more befitting someone who is eligible to collect social security.</div>I think I'll just wear a fat suit when I apply!

Hey, you never made good on a pic! I'd like to see that 190 myself!
No one has mentioned Albert Beckles yet. I haven't seen any recent pics but, if I remember correctly, he came second to Lee Haney at the '85 Mr O; he would have been 55 at the time if he was born in 1930.

Question: is it easier to maintain existing mass than to gain new mass as you get older (whatever gear you take)? My guess is the former. So Beckles was in a very different situation to us oldies who are much newer to lifting.

I'd like to see a pic of Al now; if his birth date of 1930 is correct he's now around 78 years old! He was still competing in '92 (at age 62).

Here's the most recent pic I can find (but you can't tell much from it):

Bill Pearl was looking pretty good in the 80s too, which would have been his 50s since he was also born in 1930. He'd be nearly 80 now though, and last I saw, he was looking real soft...