Well my whole reason for wanting to do a cut (so I could do cardio in preparation for a fitness test) seems to be pointless. I went jogging this morning for the first time in months and can easily pass the test since I forgot I just moved up into the 50-54 category this time. So to get max points all I need is the following:
Waist measurement < 32.5”
Push Ups > = 52 in 1 minute
Crunches > = 43 in 1 minute
1.5 mile run < = 11:06
I didn’t realized what a joke the run became at my age. Just going out for a light jog this morning I did it in 12:40 which is easily a passing score. My waist is 31” up ½” from my cut. Crunches are no problem only other thing to work on is Push Ups since I never work anywhere near the 50+ rep range.
I think I’m still going to try to cut up until then, about 6 weeks, since I already started and would like to do some serious bulking once the weather cools down and the extra calories don’t overheat me at work.
I was planning a PSMF for the first two weeks but I got a late start and missed out on the one weekend a month I work. So since I know I can’t diet over weekends off and I already kick started it with a glycogen depletion workout I’m going to go ahead and give UD2 a shot for the next 6 weeks, since it lets me eat over maintenance on the weekends.
My maintenance calories are somewhere between 2,400-2,700 depending on daily work activity so I’ve cut calories down to 1,200-1,300 on cutting days. I will use the modified play Lyle suggests by doing the Tension workout on Friday morning rather than Thursday night since I prefer to workout in the morning and also have every other Friday off anyway so I can enjoy my eating. The Power workout will still be Saturday morning so I can start tapering off the carbs by Sunday night, and then the dreaded Depletion workout. Also that will give me 4 full days of serious cutting and only 3 days of bulking/maintenance since my main goal is cutting while maintaining strength and mass.
I’m hoping if I do is several weeks in a row I will get used to doing the Depletion workout since right now IMO it totally sucks. I mean the workout itself sucks, the being totally fatigued and dragging a$$ by the end of the day sucks, the D.O.M.S. the next day sucks . . . it just sucks. However, if possible I still plan to do it all in one day. I may split it a little and try to get 3/4s done Monday and the other ¼ Tuesday getting all the leg work out of the way Monday so I can start jogging/running by Tuesday.
I’m going to start off slow but for cardio days 2,3,4 I hope to work up to jogging in the morning, running a timed 1.5-2.0 in the afternoon and doing HIIT on the elliptical in the evening each day. However, I may cut back on Thursday in preparation for Friday’s Tension workout.