Grunt11's Training Log

As a side note to running I got a nice unbiased validation that HST is working when I put on my running pack. I could barely get it over my shoulders because the straps were so tight and I couldn’t buckle the chest strap w/o loosening it. Guess I have gotten bigger. :)

I love moments like this! :-)

Nice work across the board, G11 - its hardly a wonder why you are seeing such great results!
Today’s workout:

Dead Lifts 255 lbs x 20 M-Time

Dips BW(162 lbs) +15 x 20 M-Time

Incline DB Curls 25 x 15 +5 +3

Incline DB Shoulder Press 35 lbs x 20 +5 +3

DB Preacher Curls 20 lbs x 16 +4 +3

Leaning Lateral Raise 20 lbs x 10 +4 +4 +4

PM workout today since I work the early shift this weekend.

I only did 10 Dead Lifts for 255 lbs last time so I improved there.

On the Incline Curls that if I don’t start the motion like a Hammer Curls and rotate my arm as it comes up but rather start with my arm rotated there is no pain. That jives with the fact that Hammer Curls hurt more than anything else.

Set a PB yesterday. I took my second day off in the same cycle. My total days off this cycle now equal the total days off I to in my first two. I do think It’s helping as I felt really strong in the Dead Lift today. Probably could have done 30 reps but since I doubled last cycle at the same weight I didn’t see any point in pushing it especially since I’m working this weekend.
Sunday’s workout PM:

Wide Grip Pull Ups BW(162 lbs) +15 x 10 all M-Time
Parallel Grip Pull Ups BW(162 lbs) +15 x 10
Close Grip Chin Ups BW (162 lbs) +15 x 10

Leg Curl 70 lbs x 13 +3 +3 +3

Incline DB Flye 25 lbs x 14 +4 +4 +4

Leg Extensions 80 lbs x 25 +5 +5 +5

Overhead DB Triceps Extensions 25 lbs x 8 +3 +1

BB Calf Raises 275 lbs x 20

Today’s workout:

Flat Bench Press 170 lbs x 20 M-Time (concentric first)

Supported DB Row 55 lbs x 20 +5 +5 +5

Overhead Shrug 165 lbs x 14 +6 (lost the bar at 14)

Cable Pullovers 45 lbs x 15 +5 +5 +5

Reverse EZ-Bar Curls 45 lbs x 15 +4 +4 +4

BB Shrugs 275 lbs x 20 straight set

About the only thing of note was that the Flat Bench Press seemed much easier today than last workout. Plus 20 reps with 170 lbs is an improvement over 10 from last cycle. Nice things were that all the reps on my bench are still concentric first so I’m not getting any assistance from the stretch reflex yet.
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Today’s workout:

Full Squats 225 lbs x 20 M-Time

Dips BW(162 lbs) +20 x 20 M-Time

Incline DB Curls 27.5 lbs x 14 +4 +3

Incline DB Shoulder Press 40 lbs x 16 +4 +1

DB Preacher Curls 25 lbs x 13 +3 +1

Leaning DB Lateral Raises 25 lbs x 8 +3 +3 +3

Squats were suppose to be 220 lbs but I just couldn’t resist putting on the second 45. I’m quite happy with the result since my log from last cycle indicates I only did 10 reps last time. Also 225 is 90% of my 1RM from the end of last cycle. Gotta love M-Time!

I really wanted to stop doing Dips at 10 reps but knew that was psychological so I made myself get 20. The log also indicates I only did 10 of these last time I was at BW +10, and my BW is also up 7 lbs from then.

I’ve been having no problems with pain in my left arm since I’ve stopped doing movements that put my arm in or transition through the position of a Hammer Curl. The exception is that I can do Medium Grip Parallel Grip Pull Ups w/o pain.
Thanks! I’m pretty shocked at how quickly I’m making gains since I switched to doing M-Time for my compound lifts. 2 months ago I couldn’t even pull 225 lbs off the ground for one Dead Lift, never mind a Squat.
Squatting as much as you deadlift -- I'm impressed. My squat is 60 lbs below my deadlift.

I like using M-time for squats, as well, though some folks urinate and moan about all the re-racking. I just count the re-racking as part of my M-time.

I understand about adding those "extra" five pounds. There's something about having those two big wheels on the ends of the bar that makes you feel as though you're doing a man's work!
Forgive me if this is a common question, but what is "M-time"?
Here’s a link that explains it in detail since the link in the thread below it is broken.

Here is a discussion of it on this forum.

Basically, M-Time is a way of managing fatigue by doing “singles” in a programmed way. Rather than doing a standard set of day 3-4 reps with 90% of my 1RM not only greatly fatiguing my muscles but also my central nervous system especially if taken to failure, I do one rep and then rack the bar for about 5-30 seconds depending on the weight and then do another rep until I complete the set. In the case of squats today it was 20 reps. Assuming I had done that with regular sets/reps I would probably only have been able to do 3 reps each set at the most without going to failure which means 20 reps would have taken almost 7 sets. Remember I was working with 90% of my last 1RM today.

The big advantage I see using M-Time is that above about 85% of your 1RM most all of your muscle fibers are being recruited every rep. So each rep after that in the same set is just fatiguing the muscle and CNS more than is necessary to get max fiber recruitment. By pausing between reps and letting the muscle recover there is less fatigue induced allowing more reps to be done while minimizing fatigue meaning faster recovery after the workout.

Another advantage I’ve found in using M-Time is that it forces me to focus on each rep rather than trying to focus on a rep while at the same time just trying to get through the set. So I can put maximum force into each rep w/o worrying about getting the next 2-3 right away.

I also find the M-Time makes my workouts faster when they are very heavy. I can do 20 90% of 1RM Squats in 10 minutes. No way I could do 7 sets of 3 90% of 1RM Squats in only 10 minutes.

Since metabolic fatigue, or fatigue within the muscle, may also help with hypertrophy I’m combining Max-Stim (M-Time) with Myo-reps which attain maximum fiber recruitment by using lower weights for multiple reps in each set.

In this scheme of fiber recruitment only that last few reps of a set are recruiting all the muscle fibers. So to minimize CNS fatigue you do an “activation set” say 10 reps with your 11-12RM (stopping 1-2 reps short of failure). Rack the bar and then wait so many seconds based on your rep range. Then pick up the bar and do 3-4 more reps again stopping just short of failure. And you keep doing this until your gotten the desired number of reps. Because each pause is only long enough for the muscle to replenish it’s energy and not for the fibers to recover each additional cluster of 3-4 reps is at or near maximum fiber recruitment. So in effect you can do an activation set of say 12 reps 3 of which recruit maximum muscle fibers. Then say you do an addition +3 +3 +3 more clusters after that for a total of 12 reps that recruited maximum muscle fibers for the CNS fatigue cost of 21 reps. Doing that with regular set/reps would cost your CNS 40 reps, almost double and meaning a longer time to recover. Myo-reps also make my workout much faster.

To me combining Max-Stim (M-Time) and Myo-reps gives me a much more efficient workout with less CNS fatigue than would be possible using standard sets/reps. And using them in combination my muscles are getting both strength work and metabolic work as if I were doing regular sets/reps.
Squatting as much as you deadlift -- I'm impressed. My squat is 60 lbs below my deadlift.

I like using M-time for squats, as well, though some folks urinate and moan about all the re-racking. I just count the re-racking as part of my M-time.

I understand about adding those "extra" five pounds. There's something about having those two big wheels on the ends of the bar that makes you feel as though you're doing a man's work!
Sorry if the way I said that was unclear. But I’m about the same as you TR in that my 1RM Dead Lift last cycle was 315 lbs while my Squat was 250 lbs a 65 lbs difference. I was trying to mention that not more than two months ago I couldn’t even do 1 Dead Lift with 225 lbs and now I’m Squating that much for 20 M-Time reps.
Fantastic Explanation. Thanks for taking the time to write such a thorough response.

Is this your first cycle with M-time and myo-rep schemes?
This is my first full cycle using both M-Time and myo-reps. I used M-Time for most of my compound lifts last cycle and loved it but felt something was missing without the metabolic work. So at the end of last cycle I started doing myo-reps with some isolation exercises to get the feel for if I could handle it. I liked them and started using them at the beginning of this, my 3rd cycle, and now can say I love them. So much more efficient than doing regular sets/reps I hardly do any straight sets anymore. Only a few exercise like BB Calf Raises and BB Shrugs which I do in straight sets because I’m also using them for training grip strength.
Today’s workout:

Wide Grip Pull Ups BW(163 lbs) +20 x 7 all M-Time
Parallel Grip Pull Ups BW(163 lbs) +20 x 7
Close Grip Chin Ups BW(163 lbs) +20 x 7

Leg Curls 75 lbs x 11 +4 +3

Incline DB Flye 27.5 lbs x 11 +4 +4 +4

Leg Extensions 90 lbs x 20 +5 +5 +5

Overhead DB Triceps Extensions 25 lbs x 9 +3 +2

BB Calf Raises 285 lbs x 20 straight set

My average weekly body weight is up a pound to 163 lbs now. That’s 2 lbs away from the most I’ve ever weighed before. Even though I’m not doing any meaningful cardio I don’t feel anywhere near as encumbered as I did back when I was power lifting. I use to get out of breath just going up stairs back then but now I still feel pretty light on my feet, at least when I haven’t just done Squats. Also had a checkup at the doctors last week and my BP is still perfect and my heart rate well below average. Surprising since the girl who takes the vitals is very cute. Kind of reminds me of boot camp where the doctor that told me to turn my head and cough was a woman.
Today’s workout:

Flat Bench Press 175 lbs x 20 M-Time

Supported DB Rows 60 lbs x 20 +4 +4 +4

Overhead BB Shrugs 170 lbs x 20 straight set

Cable Pull Over 50 lbs x 15 +5 +5 +5

Reverse Grip EZ-Bar Curls 50 lbs x 15 +5 +5 +5

BB Shrugs 285 lbs x 20 straight set

The first 5 reps on the Bench were concentric first but then I had to switch to standard eccentric first to make use of the stretch reflex. Still an improvement since I only did 10 reps last time

The rest of the workout was uneventful, but before I worked out I had some extra time so I took some measurements even though I’ve only been in this cycle for 2 1/2 weeks. Based on my measurements at the end of the last cycle before I SD’d this is what’s happened:

Weight: +3 lbs
BF: +.5 %
Waist: +.5”
Chest: No Change
Upper Arms: +.5”
Forearms: +.25”
Neck: No Change
Thighs: +.5”
Calves: No Change
Hips: +.5”
Shoulders: +.75”

I think some of the waist increase is actually muscle. I haven’t done any direct ab work since starting HST until I started doing Cable Pullovers based on how they feel are hitting my abs pretty hard. It seems that the isolation work I added is doing what I had hoped for. Plus based on my comparative weights from last cycle my strength is also up. I guessing/hoping that after almost 4 months I’m past most of the neural adaptation strength gains and what I’m seeing now is mostly because of more muscle.
Today’s workout:

Dead Lift 285 lbs x 1, 275 lbs x 20 M-Time

Dips BW (163 lbs) +25 x 11 M-Time

Incline DB Curls 27.5 lbs x 13 +3 +2 +2 +2

Incline DB Shoulder Press 40 lbs x 15 +4 +4

DB Preacher Curls 25 lbs x 15 +4 +4

Leaning Lateral Raises 20 lbs x 12 +4 +4 +4

I managed 20 Dead Lifts again this time. Last cycle I only did 10 at 275 lbs. I decided to try adding a single warm up rep above my working weight for the day to see how that feels. I might give it a try with my Squats and Bench also.

Dips felt really weak today, didn’t feel so great last time either. I hadn’t intended to push them for max strength gains this time around but rather use them to complement the Bench Press by keeping them down in the 75%-85% of my 1RM range from last cycle, but today’s weight is actually 94% of my 1RM so I think I need to dial them back since my last Bench was only 87%.

I’m finally getting the weight dialed in for the Myo-rep exercises. I had planned from the beginning to try and keep them in the 10-15 rep range and most of them are there now.

P.S. I knew I put the Dead Lifts on Saturday for a reason. After they start getting heavy all I want to do after my workout is go take a nap.
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I managed 20 Dead Lifts again this time. Last cycle I only did 10 at 275 lbs. I decided to try adding a single warm up rep above my working weight for the day to see how that feels. I might give it a try with my Squats and Bench also.
Yup, I remember the first time I did 20 M-time reps of 275 lbs. It's the sort of thing that stays in your memory for a very long time. I also consider it to be a victory of sorts.

I learned from Mikeynov about warming up with a one-time, extra heavy lift, before my work set. I usually go 30 to 50 lbs over my intended work weight. That's when I have established most of my PRs.

(and yeah, a nice set of deads will put you to sleep faster than a glass of warm milk...)
TR said:
I usually go 30 to 50 lbs over my intended work weight. That's when I have established most of my PRs.
Thanks for mentioning that, eventually setting new PRs was my goal but I wasn’t sure how far to jump ahead. I’ve never ended up working so close to my 1RM before using M-Time so I wasn’t sure how much of a jump to try. I’ll keep trying to stretch it out a little more. I’m thinking it will also make for a good test whether I’m overtraining or really progressing in strength.
Today’s workout:

Close Grip Chin Ups BW(163 lbs) +25 x 20 M-Time

Leg Curls 75 lbs x 12 +3 +3 +3

Incline DB Flye 27.5 lbs x 12 +4 +4 +4

Leg Extensions 95 lbs x 20 +5 +5 +5

Overhead Triceps Extensions 25 lbs x 11 +2 +2 +2

BB Calf Raises 295 lbs x Fail

Overall bad day, which is a bummer after such a good one yesterday. Hope it’s a one off thing. I may have sabotaged myself by using a full scoop of Creatine before my workout when I usually only use a half. Felt like it crashed my blood sugar part way through. However, I felt weak from the start.

As for the Calf Raises I couldn’t even lift the bar. Grip was the obvious first thing that wasn’t working but I doubt if I had straps I could even have pulled the bar the couple of inches off the rack to start my reps. Since I’ve managed 315 lbs for 20 before, something must have caused this. Maybe yesterday’s Dead Lifts?
Maybe today it’s not so much I had a bad workout as I’m just having a bad day. Since I don’t seem to tolerate BCAA during my workout I’ve started taking them between meals since I read that might spike protein synthesis and I didn’t want to not use what I already have.

So what did I do. Pulled the ice tea out of the fridge to mix it with and instead of pouring it into the shaker I start pouring it into the BCAA container. I’d call it a stoner move but I wasn’t. Scooped it out and now I have a whole day’s supply pre-mixed.