having trouble getting calories


New Member
I know the key to gaining muscles is to eat, eat some more... But I have a real hard time eating that much. I struggle to even getting to my maintenance level. I just get so full and it makes me sick in the stomach to try to eat more...

I feel like I will never put on muscle the way I want to because I'm not getting enough of a calorie surplus...

Is there anything I could do? maybe just drinkmore shakes to get calories in? I count every calorie I eat or drink on a website called the daily plate, so I know what I'm eating, I just struggle to get to where I need to be.. my body just can't handle all that food...
For people who legitimately have a hard time getting enough calories in, it is often easier to drink them than eat them. At the same time, you have now officially made the majority of people who view this forum hate you. lol!
I also used to have a hard time eating - my solution was drinking (no, not the bad kind of drinking). A blender is your best friend. Take 5 dl (two cups, i think) of milk (whole preferably), 2-3 dl (about one cup) of dry oats, a big spoon of peanut butter and some chocolate milk-powder, throw it in a blender for half a minute. Easy to drink, tastes delicious, and gets you another 700-800 calories. That's my breakfast and my before bed-meal right there, covering nearly half of my daily calorie-intake.

Oops, sorry leegee, you were first with the same answer.
It is in practice easy to get a lot of calories, you just don't need to get them all at once. If you really have a difficulty eating a lot just spread your caloric intake throughout the day. I believe that there might be a psychological issue here. I have noticed that in the past I had difficulty getting calories because I either thought I had already eaten enough but hadn't or I made myself feel full while I could easily eat more, drink a milkshake or have desert.
One trick I learned to get fast easy calories is to have a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil or flaxseed oil. High caloric density. Other tricks (obvious) are to drink whole milk (instead of skim), normal soda instead of diet, use sugar instead of sweetener.
I have some trouble getting protein without using shakes tho.
And realize it takes a while to acclimate to the eating for bulk or cut. Two weeks for some.
Add a banana to Mini's shake you you're in heaven!
Thanks everyone. i guess I'll try to have more whey shakes. Also, that's a good idea to have regular soda and suguar. I always usually have spenda and diet soda. I guess I just have one of those stomach's that gets full easily. Maybe because I recently lost about 30 lbs and my stomach shrunk.. who knows... I appreciate your feedback.
(leegee38 @ May 19 2008,4:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">For people who legitimately have a hard time getting enough calories in, it is often easier to drink them than eat them. At the same time, you have now officially made the majority of people who view this forum hate you. lol!</div>
I second that.
Apparently, fat contains twice as many calories as carbs or protein. In fact, we advise to reduce fat intake for that reason when somebody wants to lose weight. It would only be logical to increase fat intake to increase total caloric intake. So try that and tell us how it goes.