Help making a womans routine

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Hello everyone,

Seeing as how this forum and all its members have helped me along thus far, i decided to see if you could help me out once again. This time however its for my girl. She recently decided to start working out and wants to keep her muscle and lose some bodyfat. She isnt really concerned with gaining mass in her legs... but what girls really are? she just wants to be overall fit and in shape. So I was wondering if any of you had any input on how to help me and her out.

i was thinking maybe some hst style for upperbody bot maybe not shoulders and no hst for legs.... also.. is there anyway to reduce muscle size? i know it sounds weird but she feels her calves are a little to large.... :confused:

anyways thanks alot
i think the only way to lose muscle is not use it but that may be difficult with far as a workout just for fitness what about just doing a 3day fullbody workout 2 sets of 10 very little rest between sets..a bit like a circuit.. :D
I'm not sure HST is the best training program, because it's core goal is getting bigger.

As an aside... I'd recommend

A six day workout with a 2 day split on the weight workouts and aerobic exercise right after the workout will work wonders over a period of about 6 months. A 3 day workout everyother day each week will work as well, just a different level of dedication. The results should still be excellent.

3-5 sets x 15 reps this way she'll get a lot of calorie burn in workouts. This will also really wake up those muscles.

Compound exercises or the cycle programs offered at 24Hr fitness and other gyms would work well.

Finish off each weight workout with about 45 minutes of cardio/fat burn on a treadmill. Keep the speed and incline to where she can carry on a normal conversation while exercising. Good fat burn requires a lot of oxygen.

Go easy on the carbs, except within 2 hours of a workout. Then the carbs will burn off quicker.

The workout will build muscle and burn the glycogen stores so that the cardio/fat burn aerobic training will really burn the fat. The Glycogen stores have to really be burned away with a good weight workout in order for the aerobic training to really kick into fat burning.

domineaux beat me to it :D

Yep, I agree with him.

Little rest in between 3 to 6 per week full body workout.

She should do legs IMO, as squats and at least stiff leg deads is what keeps women's legs and butts looking good.

No increase in weight or muscle, just toning? Keep nutrition at basal metabolic requirement, cycle weight training with cardio, but go HST as it will help tone the muscle properly!

To get big you have to eat big, that is for sure
thanks alot.. one question... she should eat more carbs before w/o or after/ oh my shift button doesnt work.. :confused: so im thinking a 3 times a week routine will work best with her schedule. full body compound circuit x3 then one set of 15 for some isolation work maybe on some bi's, then a little post weights cardio. .

kinda like this
circuit x 3x10
squats/sldl..... alternate
db slight inc bench
1 arm bent over db rows
seated shoulder presses
iso work
standing db curls 1x15
30 min or so on tredmill at light/mod pace.

keep the calories below maitenance and use hst principals for maybe a 2x15 circuit for 3 weeks and a 3x10 for 3 more. do you think sd will still be necassary/

and good idea about the squats and sldl because a good body definatly has a good booty
The most important thing is not to overwhelm her. Keep it simple and involve a lot of muscle groups without ragging her out. It's important that she is comfortable and has a chance to get used to weight training, before popping her with the tough workouts.

It's very hard for most women, because they do not have a propensity for hard work. If she burns out early it'll be difficult to keep interest. She'll do like most women --- resort to diets.

This is very much "thinking out the box", I don't know but maybe you should let her try out HST all the way maybe just exclude the negs.

At any rate her maxes should not be that big, if she's not used to weights.

One other thing, why keep calories below maintenance? Does she need to loose weight or just tone up? If not then keep at maintenance level, HST will take care of the burning + the cardio.

Don't overdo it, keep it interesting, let her feel she has strength (mostly she probably did not know how much before trying
) but with enough coaxing any woman will enjoy it, I think.

We agree then:

Squats/stiff leg deads - legs
bench/shoulder press/lat pulldown or chins/curls/tricep extension - upper body

3 x p/week 15/15/10/10/5/5/5/5

no negs, cardio on days off, any of choice. - 20 - 30 mins. medium to high intensity.

Man - you'll be in for some transformation if she does it all and sticks to it!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dreadrok @ Nov. 02 2005,12:11)]This time however its for my girl. She recently decided to start working out and wants to keep her muscle and lose some bodyfat.
For losing bodyfat she may want to look over at the forums. That board has some good diet information, although I would warn her that anything goes over there as far as language, flaming, etc.- definitely entertaining if nothing else. Lyle McDonald seems to know his stuff and cuts through the b.s. of dieting. Just my $.02 worth.
thanks ill take a look at that other forum and see what i can pick up there. Ill definatly think about just a straight forward HST routine. thanks guys