Help me devise my first HST program please?


New Member
5'9, 218, ~14%bf (can see ab outline, but I'm smooth)
former aspiring powerlifter who had to lay those dreams to waste after shoulder reconstruction surgery and spinal problems.  approximately 20 years of weight training experience.
My limitations:
I cannot squat (which is my FAVORITE GODDAMNED EXERCISE),  No heavy overhead or barbell bench work (8s are the HEAVIEST).  no power cleans, pullups or heavy  skullcrushers, as I have wimpy elbows (I'll be able to work in chinups in a few months, elbow tendonitis sucks).  Oddly enough, I can do rows off the floor.  I can do conventional deadlifts as well, but right now I'm not too concerned about them.
Attached is what I'm looking at trying to work in.  2 sets of exercises 1-6, 1 set of exercises 7-9.  I show adjustments to the rep schemes due to my limitations.
Also, no frickin' way am I doing negatives, but I will add in a week of drop sets after the 2nd heavy week.  I'll use the same weight/rep scheme, except I'll add in a drop (or 2, depending upon the exercise) to hit 15-20 reps total.
Goals are...hypertrophy! :P  
and more importantly, to train without injury for 7 straight weeks.

So, how's it look?

Welcome to the HST forum!

Unfortunately, I cannot look at the attached file because there are a couple scenarios that would occur if I clicked that link. One being that my monitor would combust right in front of me, and the glass shrapnel would go into my face forcing me to goto the hospital. I just started my third cycle and can't afford not lifting now!

It's too bad you have to exclude a lot of good exercises. Can you do leg press? Hmm, no overhead work.. how does a routine based off these exercises sound?

Leg Press
Chest Press (machine)

Can you do 5's for those exercises?

well fooey. you don't have excel?

Leg Press (20/15/10)
Bench Press (15/12/8)
JS Row (15/10/5)
DB overheads (15/12/8)
DB rows (15/10/5)
DB Stiffs (15/10/5)
curls (15/10/5)
dips (not sure how to work this)
DB laterals (15/10/5)

that is the basics
Can you do chins or SLDL? As far as dips go - do you have a gym that you goto? If so do they have a dip or dip/chin assist machine?

What is JS Row and DB Stiffs? Why 10 reps as your heaviest rep phase for leg press?

It looks decent considering you had shoulder reconstruction. You seem pretty focused about your training, so applying HST principals will be helpful.

Get your diet in check (lots of EFA's, one gram of protein per pound of lbm, the right amount of calories) and you will grow.

holy crap, Omega, you rock! Thanks!

Colby, to answer your ?s:

"Can you do chins or SLDL?"

I can't do chins now, gotta give my elbow tendonitis a bit more time to heal, but then I'll hit chins. I can do 15/10/5 on those with weight once my elbow is more forgiving.

SLDL - check the "DB Stiffs", that's how I do SLDL, I do 'em with DBs. I just like 'em better because I can control the weight a bit easier and it allows me to realy get the hammie stretch that is needed.

" As far as dips go - do you have a gym that you goto? If so do they have a dip or dip/chin assist machine?"

I can do dips if I do 'em nice and slow-mo. Can't do them quickly or with heavy weight due to shoulder reconstruction. I am tempted to do slower reps in place of going "heavy", but I'm not sure. I'l putz with them and see how things work out.

"What is JS Row"

JS Row is a method of bent over barbell rowing that has a few "principles"

1) Between each rep, the bar rests on the floor briefly, i.e. you copmletely "deload"
2) Your upper back DOES NOT MOVE above parallel to the floor. This is paramount.
3) You explosively contract your shoulder blades together, then pull the bar to your upper gut, while maintaining 0 hip motion and maintaining perfect parallel upper body position.

"Why 10 reps as your heaviest rep phase for leg press?"

Because in my 20+ years of lifting, I've found heavy, low rep leg presses to be a complete waste. Just my opinion.

"It looks decent considering you had shoulder reconstruction. You seem pretty focused about your training, so applying HST principals will be helpful."

yeah, take away the shoulder recon, and I'd be doing stuff a bit differently (good mornings and squats, along with heavy benches)

"Get your diet in check (lots of EFA's, one gram of protein per pound of lbm, the right amount of calories) "

high lignan flax, Isopure + maltodextrin + dextrose immediately postworkouts, 50ish g protein across 6 daily meals.

"and you will grow."

I sure hope so. :D

thanks for the response

Your workout looks OK, considering that you cannot do a lot of stuff :D

I would recommend you try out the 15/10/5 setup of the HST mainline and get a gutfeel at then end of at least two cycles, as I am pretty sure that you have not yet tried to aply HST principles before!

Your knowledge and experience will defenitely be a bonus when using HST.

There is a good read for experienced guys like you, the "pimp my HST" e-book, there is alot of tweaking techniques that can help you around some of your limitations.

Anyway, welcome to HST and...happy lifting and best of hypertrophy
a kinda funny way to wish someone for the start of a new year but what do we want from HST at the end of the day?

Cheers mate
first day went fine, but muddafugga, I really hate not being able to squat.

I'd give my left nut to be able to do that. *pout*
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I'd give my left nut to be able to do that.

I'd be reluctant to do that
no matter what the loss, man...that is the most important nut...
... the carrier of goods!

I get you! I just thought the left one is kinda essential to keep the "equipment" working in order and I am pretty sure you'd like to keep it functional, for entertainment purposes of course

Anyway with some patience and good techniques you probably will be able to get back into squatting soon.


your experience + our intake = success let us revise as we go along.

Happy lifting mate!