Help me out with my diet...Please


New Member
I am a 33 year old guy, 6'2 230 lbs and around 28%bf. I have been lifting for 6 months and just started my 1st HST cycle last week. I do 30-40min cardio 2-3 times a week.

I really want to pack on as much muscle mass as I can right now. My goal is to be fairly buff (17 1/2- 18" biceps 16 1/4 now) and be under 20%bf. I get over 200g of protein per day and my diet is pretty clean. Now I know it is usually pretty tough to loose fat AND gain muscle at the same time. But since my bf is 28% does this apply to me?
If I were you I would cut down to at least 15%bf, while focusing on maintaining as much muscle as possible. 28% is pretty high dude.
Like baby a said, you'll want to cut first. Since you are at 28%, I guess it is possible you may gain a bit of muscle while you lose fat, but either way, you still have to start a cutter for that to happen. Personally, I find 15% to be a little too fat still, but that's just my personal preference. If 15% is good enough for you, then shoot for that, but I wouldn't settle for anything higher than 15%.
You'll be able to pack on better quality muscle and actually be able to see it once you get to that size.

How many calories total are you taking in right now? Carbs? Fats? You should be able to lose weight on 2500 calories a day. Are you tracking your caloric intake? It's hard to diet effectively if you don't.
Yeah, I can drop the weight down with no problem.

My plan was to finish the cycle I am doing now and maybe do another one or two to add a bunch of muscle. Then do some serious cutting in the spring just in time for beach season. I guess the key is to watch that my bf doesn't get too high when bulking.

I know 28% is pretty high but funny thing is that I don't really look 'fat'. I must carry alot of fat in my head or something...LOL

Your not 28% body fat. Bathroom scales that claim to give bf% are garbage. I am at 13% (when done with calipers by a trainer) and those scales read me in at 25%.

Your gonna have to get it done at your gym to find out what you really are.

Joe G