Help me with my Post Workout Shake


New Member
I've been doing a little research on the internet (we all know how dangerous that can be), and I've read from several sources that one shouldn't use milk in a post-workout shake, as the casein prevents the rapid absorption of protein. My shake has been made of: 1 scoop whey protein, 2 cups milk, 1 banana, 1/2 tbs. flax oil, and 5 tsp. sugar. If the milk is causing a problem, then I have no problem not using it (blended milk gives me a stomachache anyway). I also keep reading about maltodextrin, but I don't know where to find the stuff. What does the group recommend, and where online can I find maltodextrin? Thanks.
Actually, you want "fast" protein in your pre-workout drink, and "slow" in your post-workout drink, which would be taken immediately following your training.

As far as maltodextrin goes, you can get it online at, etc. Some have said your local drug store carries it, but I don't use it & have never looked for it.
If you've had NO pre-workout shake, then you DO want a fast protein in your post-workout shake. Frankly, though, you're already late.

The thing to do is have a fast protein immediately pre-workout. Then, after, you should have a slow, long-lasting protein.
But some protein, before and after is better than nothing.
If you only have a slow protein (meat/casein), take it earlier, instead of taking it at say 20-0 mins prior to the training session, take it about 1 hour prior. Then right before the training session take some carbs. Then have some more straight after the training session.
Use dextrose (= glucose) instead of maltodextrin and get it from a drugstore or pharmacy or chemicals store. It will do the same thing and is much cheaper.