Help me


New Member
hey guys i was just wondering ..... like is the point of the low sets to put everyhting in that set that u have got physically.... like for eg i used to do like 3 sets of 8 . 32.5kg bells bench press....
for the 1-2 sets should i be at complete failure after each set? or is the poitn to mkae sure your pushing the muscle hard or just sum advice?
HST is not about fatigue training. It is concerned with what you need to do to create an environment for muscle tissue hypertrophy at the cellular level. Training to failure is more to do with training your CNS. This can be useful for strength training but, if we are mainly concerned with hypertrophy, training to failure is actually unnecessary.

Have a read through the 'Simplify & Win' thread (linked in my footer) for some good pointers. Of course, there is a ton of useful info under the FAQs (ignore any recent posts there - look for the ones by Blade or Bryan. Something went awry when the board was converted and now anyone can post in the FAQs).
mroe hlep lol

so when determinign your max 15, 10,5 rep max this it when u fail?... so i guess i should be feeling a good straing and pumping out my last few reps.. but not failing
so i guess i should be feeling a good straing and pumping out my last few reps.. but not failing

Yes, the idea is to avoid failure because this is counter-productive, unless you are endurance training. Generally, as you mentioned, you will hit failure at the end of every 2 weeks (your actual 15, 10 and 5 rep max). There are also a ton of things you can do instead of training to failure on those weeks, such as stopping short and calling it good, or resting for a minute or two then resuming, or even doing drop sets especially during heavy phases.
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Also, if it helps then use the lighter sets for something else at least on a psychological basis. For example, do something similar to a dynamic effort routine at the begining of each micro cycle. If you concentrate on that and kind of convince yourself that's the point of the workout, it makes it easier to lift lower weight for a while. At least in your head if, like me, you feel odd not going heavy more often.
Effort vs load

hey guys i was just wondering ..... like is the point of the low sets to put everyhting in that set that u have got physically....?

Remember that effort is not what stimulates growth. It is the weight itself. We only use measures of effort (e.g. finding your Repetition Max) to give us an idea of how heavy the weight needs to be for a given individual.