Hey i got week and my 10rm can only be done 7x


New Member
I also got weAk too...

It most definently isn't the carbs. I've accepted that I've gotten weak. I could only lift my 10rm 7X... i think it was all the gym time I missed due to training and schools.... and that month at ntc. lol

what should i do now?
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Did you try to hit your 10RM on more than one workout. It’s possible you just had a bad day.

In general it sounds like you just need to get back to working out, eating and resting assuming you can. Otherwise I’m not sure what you are asking (“what should I do now?)
If you got weaker due to whatever, and you were able to do that load for 10 reps only a short while ago, you should be able to regain that pretty quickly.
No i only tried it on friday. today is sunday should I try again monday? or continue with 5's?

ANd I wouldn't say it was a short while ago. I stopped working out around the end of november for a 3wk school. Then I worked out from dec 17-jan 28 or so. In feb we left for a month... no working out(no gym available) came back in march and have continued to work out since then using the old RM's that i've had. Deployed April 1st. I finished one complete cycle since being here, took my week off then did a week of 10's(skipped the 15's) changed bases and had another week off due to gym being closed. So i started back from this new cycles first week of 10's.
I would just continue on with the 5s. If it happens again, that you can’t make your reps for a particular session, I would just cluster reps until you get to your target amount so you maintain sufficient Time-Under-Tension to stimulate muscle growth.

As Tote said you will regain that strength very quickly. You may even make your 5RM if you are training, eating and resting well enough.
Thank you...

So i had to use my weight for the 2nd day of 5's due to not having any 2.5 plates.(if anyone cares to donate 2 plates i'd appreciate it :D.....

Sgt Matthias
3/25 ID SFA Team 3
FOB Hughie
APO AE 09310

>.> just saying.... 2.5lbs could come in handy


So I did it but the first set felt like failure. then I rested about 4min and i tried again and It felt like I could do 1 more(6 total), so i finished it. So on the 3rd-6th day i just cluster for 15 reps total then what Do i do for the next cycle? Wont be able to add to my weight... for the bench... why are my other lifts fine?
Sound like the smallest increment you can use is 10 lbs. right now? There are a several things you could do for this cycle.

First you could recalculate your 5RM and start your next workout from the new numbers. One workout at the weight you are using won’t have conditioned your muscles to that weight so you should be able to progress normally and make gains with the new RM.

You could stick with the weight you just used and keep pushing for more reps each workout until you get to about 8 on the first set. Then add 10 lbs. and do the same thing again.

You could switch to using M-Time reps. Similar to clustering except you do single a rep wait up to 30 seconds and do another single rep until you get to the desired number of reps. If you did this you could keep progressing the weight but since you have at least 4 workouts to go at 10 lb. increments I would probably do each weight for two workouts before progressing. I’ve been using M-Time for all my lifts when they get above 80% of my 1RM and been gaining about 10% on all my lifts each cycle. Not to mention 32 lbs. in 7 months.

Regardless of the method you choose Repeated Bout Effect (RBE) won’t be a factor this close to your 1RM if you repeat the weights a few times. If you recalculate your 5RM and progress normally you should have more chance for hypertrophy, OTOH if you stick with the heavier weights and push for more reps and more weight you should rebuild your strength more quickly.
Hmmm the M-time reps seems to be easier. If I were to recalculate my 5rm when should I do that? Wednesdays workout? or after my last day of 5's?
If you want to generate the most hypertrophy I would recalculate now and finish your cycle with the new numbers. If you want to regain the most strength I would use M-Time reps to lift the max weight for the rest of your cycle.
I’m not sure what you mean about your 10RM I thought you were in the 5s right now? If you are talking about your next cycle you I would base it off how you did this cycle.
My old 5rm was 220lbs. I tried to find out my new 5rm to correct my problem but I don't have 2.5 lbs plates so my 5rm is between 205 and 215. I can do 215 4x. I'm gonna try to steal two 2.5lbs plates when I go to a different fob... don't judge me.

I was thinking about finishing the 5's with M-Time(there's only 4 sessions remaining) then forget about the week off and do 15's based on the RM's I found today? How do you think this would work? And I only found the 5rm's should i base the 10's and 15's on the difference between the 5's and 10's/15's of the first RM's I found?
I'm gonna try to steal two 2.5lbs plates when I go to a different fob... don't judge me.

It’s not stealing if you don’t keep it and take it home. You are just moving government property between to government locations. ;)

I was thinking about finishing the 5's with M-Time(there's only 4 sessions remaining) then forget about the week off and do 15's based on the RM's I found today? How do you think this would work?
If you don’t SD your will hamper your potential for hypertrophy. You may still get the strength gains by just doing a deload back down to the 15s depending on how well conditioned you are already. But actually if you just want to deload and not SD then you’d be better off only dropping back down to the 10s.
well I dont want to hamper my potential for hypertrophy!

I can try to increase reps with 215 for the rest of the cycle... then SD and start all over... Do you think I should try to find my 10rm since i missed it by 3 reps this cycle?

just for general knowledge;
For negatives How many sets/reps?

I weight 182lbs last i checked(a week or two ago)

THe weight gainer is 600calories for 4 scoops.
My breakfast is abaout 3 eggs+cheese(sometimes turkey if they have it) and bacon, plain oatmeal in one of the small parts of a tray(i add raisins) and a cup of milk. Not sure the exact calories

THen dinner is something like 2 pieces of turkey/chicken breast or fish with string beans or broccoli in the small portion and mashed potatoes.

If i had those 2 meals how many scoops of weight gainer should I take a day?
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well i did 215 4x again... M-time reps... I think i'll continue and hopefully i'll get stronger...

Should I leave the weight for 10's the same on the next cycle?
Are you stopping at 4 M-Time reps because you just can complete another? You should general try to get 15-20 M-Time reps to create enough Time Under Tension (TUT) to stimulate growth. You probably can go lower at the very end of your cycle but not in the 10s or early 5s weight range.

For the 10s you should pick a weight that you can do at least 20-25 M-Time reps for, assuming you still plan to use them. If not then adjust the weight down and base it on what you determine or calculate to be your 10RM.