Hey i got week and my 10rm can only be done 7x

I was doing M-TIme to the end of this cycle. I wanted to know if i should decrease my 10rm that i was using this cycle since i was only able to do it 7x. I'm only doing 4 reps because thats all i can do at one time. On the next cycle i'll be doing the traditional HST.
It looks to me like you should probably adjust you 10RM down for the next cycle.

I’m a little confused about something. Are the maximum of 4 M-Time reps you just did with your 5s weights or still your 10s? The reason I ask is because you should be able to knock out 10-20 reps with your 2-3RM (90-95% of your 1RM) using M-Time. Your 10Rm should be somewhere around 85% of your 1RM.
I'm not sure I understand

I was using 215lbs(I can only lift this 4X) for M-Time reps. I was doing it for 15 reps but did 20 reps this last session(i have 2 more days of 5's then i'll probably do negs for a week then SD)

Since the last day of 10's was the only workout i had problem with in the 10's I just continued onto the 5's. Then I ran into the problems here.
I misunderstood thinking you were still in the 10s since you kept asking about the.

If you are doing 4X reps at a time then you are actually “clustering” not doing M-Time which are single reps with a wait between each one. However, it really doesn’t matter since they are accomplishing the same thing as long as you are getting 15-20 reps total.

Unless you want to take the time to find out your new RMs I would just base the 10RM and 5RM for your next cycle on what you did this cycle using a rep calculator to convert what you did to 10 and 5 rep maxes.