
Active Member
I started a thread a while back for total reps and it gave me a good idea of rep range the majority of guys are using.

But I see everyone mention HIGH VOLUME a lot lately…and one person interpretation of high volume maybe a lot different than another person interpretation.

So to help me understand what the majority of you guys call high volume please chime in.

High volume is…

How many sets per bodypart a week?

How many reps?

How much Frequency of training each bodypart a week?
I think of high volume as being in the region of 150 reps per week per exercise. So for squats that would equate to 5 x 10, 3 x weekly

Edited to add that, of course, it all depends on the intensity of each rep (ie. %age of your 1RM you are using). If I was using around 90% of my 1RM I would think of 75 reps per week as being high volume.
~30 reps an exercise per workout. Such as 3x10. Obviously anything higher, such as Lol's 150, I would also see as high volume
. It's werid how my perception has changed since finding HST. I used to do 5 exercises for chest, and at a minimum of 4 sets per exercise lol.
(UFGatorDude30 @ Jul. 30 2007,01:00)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> I used to do 5 exercises for chest, and at a minimum of 4 sets per exercise lol.</div>
I did the same...thats why I am curious to what the majority of us VETS here and others consider HIGH volume.
I look at volume slightly differently. I consider high volume to be either 40 reps or more per set for at least 2 sets, or 10 reps per set with a minimum of 4 sets. The first kind of straight volume I've done with very light, very deliberate, slow movements, and the second is much more a moderate weight with both explosive and rhythmic movements used in each set.
i used to do 4 exercises for chest with upto 4 sets.
4 exercises for shoulders at 4 sets,5 exercises for legs at 3sets etc etc.i have no need for that kind of training anymore.
more efficient training methods, using the right weights and selecting the best exercises works for me.

also diet and rest come into it.
I use to always look at volume in terms of sets.

Of course now I look more at total reps.

But it seemed the old school advice of 12 sets for large muscle groups also held true for the test of time.

I made great gains off of a Chest/tricp....back/bicep....shoulder/ legs routine.

Were I did 12 sets of chest back and shoulders once a week and 9 for the bis and tris.

I guess HST with 4 sets of 10 reps is the same its just spread out evenly across the week!

Again though it seems the old 12 sets for large muscle groups has stood the test of time!
jesus, i also remember doing 4 exercises for bi's 3 sets each lmao.

all that for such a small muscle,and they never grew much at that.

i now do 2 exercises 3 sets done! works like a charm.
I guess I do 30 reps per body part per workout. That may be 2x15, 3x10, or 6x5. At 3 workouts per week, that's 90 reps. Would one do 90 reps on &quot;back day&quot; and 90 reps on &quot;chest day&quot; etc.?
High-volume for me is doing 50 or more reps per bodypart in one workout. For example doing 2 exercises for chest and doing 3 sets of 10 for each would be 60 reps for chest, and thats alot of work if you are lifting anywhere near your maxes.
Right now I am cutting and I am doing very low volume. Once I am done cutting, I will do more of an HST type setup with higher volume and/or frequency.
60 reps per bodypart in 90 minutes practice? How is that possible.
Now im on cutting, but on bulking im going to do 1*15 2*10 3*5. Dont see any need for so much reps.
Great discussion guys!

I normally stay at 30 and go up to 40 reps per bodypart.

so I get anywhere from 90 to 120 reps per week.

Thib (Christian Thibeadeu) over at t-nation recommends this as well.

I agree with some of his thoughts. Although he thinks 120 reps are 120 reps no matter the way you get them in (frequency). I don't know that I agree with that.

Lyle seems to like Thib a little bit though over at Bodyrecomposition...and well it hard to get Lyle to like anybody...hehe
(scientific muscle @ Jul. 30 2007,18:21)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I didn't say I recommended it....HIGH means 'too much' MODERATE means 'just right'.
 I recommend 20-30 total reps per bodypart.</div>
Do you think that 20 reps are better than 15 reps on 5's?
(Avi1985 @ Jul. 31 2007,17:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(scientific muscle @ Jul. 30 2007,18:21)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I didn't say I recommended it....HIGH means 'too much' MODERATE means 'just right'.
 I recommend 20-30 total reps per bodypart.</div>
Do you think that 20 reps are better than 15 reps on 5's?</div>
i think that all depends on the individual and the total volume of the workout as too much could lead to over training.
(lcars @ Jul. 31 2007,17:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Avi1985 @ Jul. 31 2007,17:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(scientific muscle @ Jul. 30 2007,18:21)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I didn't say I recommended it....HIGH means 'too much' MODERATE means 'just right'.
 I recommend 20-30 total reps per bodypart.</div>
Do you think that 20 reps are better than 15 reps on 5's?</div>
i think that all depends on the individual and the total volume of the workout as too much could lead to over training.</div>
ditto. As Lcars pointed out that alot depends on the individual and conditioning.
I consider the volume high when I must take more than 60 minutes to complete one workout. A normal volume for me is between 30 and 60 minutes per workout. Anything less and I feel like I didn't lift enough weight. Anything more and I know I spent energy I didn't have.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">High volume is…

How many sets per bodypart a week?

How many reps?

How much Frequency of training each bodypart a week? </div>

Without readind prior posts, here is my unbiased answer...

Sets/bodypart/week &gt; 30
Total reps &gt; 1.25*rep range
Frequency must be at least 3x/week
(Martin Levac @ Aug. 01 2007,02:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I consider the volume high when I must take more than 60 minutes to complete one workout. A normal volume for me is between 30 and 60 minutes per workout. Anything less and I feel like I didn't lift enough weight. Anything more and I know I spent energy I didn't have.</div>
And how many reps for each muscle you put on your 60 minutes workout?