Honest feedback on HST


Thanks Lol, Russ, intersting that Franko mentions that, the reason there is that fish oil basically thins blood just like warfarin, without the side effects so heling can be a problem, bruising, many times is due to burst blood vessels (tiny) inside, then the release of white blood cells for clotting, but when the fish oil is there in fairly big quantities, clotting will become an issue.

Excellent for people with heart issues, only thing left to say is what would be the top dose to replace warfarin without causing health problems? One can be a lab rat, but when there is heart problems you don't want to take chances...darn pharmaceuticla companies, why don't they research this stuff?

Dan...any interesting research oin this front?
(Old and Grey @ May 16 2009,12:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">' Since my clothes are on most of my waking time, I go for the athletic look as opposed to 'wow, he's big' look on the beach. I will be posting my 65th birthday shots next year and you will see what I mean. The most frequent question I get is &quot;Were you a professional athelete.&quot; The second most frequent question is about arms.

Wow ! Old and Gray naked on the beach !
what a terrible thought !
Naw ! Just joking .
I've been doing a strict HST routine since 04 with The occasional HIT routine ever one in a while .
I'm 56 .
What most ppl don't relies is that the first year the weight doesn't seem to be heavy enough especially during the fifteens .
You are always progressing .
Just think that if you gained 10 pound in the first year what it would be like it two years.
If you are keeping a log you would relies you have gained a bunch of strength and size.
I do get bored with it sometimes .
I just change and them a month or so later I find myself back doing HST.
Here I am ! What do you look like ?
This pic is a year old I look alot better now .
6'1&quot; 250 lbs 10%bf I need to bring the bf dowm