How are most of you training now?

It's interesting at how everyone has changed there routines.

I have switched off and on with a ton of ideas...but my frequency per muscle group has never dropped below at least 2 a week.

I just love how full body training or UPPER/ LOWER training works my whole body or half of my body in a session.

Maybe its mental but I just feel like I am leaner and overall healthy training the body as once fuctioning machine....vs the old bodybuilder days.
Been a long time since I have posted, but I still read the forums. I had surgery in November of 2007 for a strep infection in my left ischial. I was down for 6 months and didn't start lifting till April of 08 but  I recovered fully and have been back at lifting since.

For Strength I used 3 sets of 5-8 reps.

For the Hypertrophy, I used HST pretty straight forward.

I too have had bouts of joint pain and tendonitis, and have adjusted the length of cycles. I started out at 12 week cycles, but cut back to no more than 8 weeks. I also never did de-loads but have added those in.  I also added some activation exercises as well as rotator cuff work.

Overrall, these methods worked for me and helped my Wheelchair Basketball game alot. It helped this 37 year old keep up with those 20 something young guys and girls.

One last note, Fitness has also come into play for me, not just getting bigger size. HST, Steady state cardio and HIT cardio helped my endurance/stamina for Wheelchair B-ball games.

Good to see the OG's still posting here: LOL, Joe.Muscle, Quadancer, etc.
(quadancer @ Jan. 25 2010,2:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What are your stats? What were they before? I know CF is good for conditioning, but I've not seen droves of guys saying they built MUSCLE mass on it. For me, powerlifting broke through where I was stuck, although I've lost conditioning that I'm working on regaining with GST and possibly another HST cycle.</div>
First off, i am not saying that if you want to build lots of muscle to go and do crossfit.
All i'm saying is that it works for ME.
I will also most assuredly do a strenght routine this year just because i like it.

Without a change in bodyweight (176lbs) my deadlift went from a 285 max to a 340 and my squat from 220 to 265. My bench suffered a little but that's ok.
Don't forget this was after a motorcycle accident so i had to start from zero again. That was from 28th of febuary.
Hey CZ, thanks for your thoughts.
(Cold Zero @ Jan. 24 2010,11:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thanks to HST i discovered my body grows better on the 15's then the 5's.</div>
Hmm, I'd be interested to know why you think this is true?

(Cold Zero @ Jan. 24 2010,11:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Lol and anyone thinking of trying it i really strongly would advise you not to mess with the programming.</div>
I have been studying the mainsite WODs for a while now; they are certainly interesting and varied (and sometimes eye-opening) but I don't think that it's necessary to follow them to the letter to get some very good results, if you have a reasonable understanding of good training principles and an ability to program your own schedule. There are plenty of existing, and quite frankly rather brilliant and beastly, CF WODs to choose from that cover the various time and modal domains very well, as far as metcon is concerned; I can partner these with a hypertrophy/strength program that is more in line with frequent and progressive loading. Pretty much anything I do for my metcon is going to work at this stage because it is so poor right now. Once a have a 3 min Fran more careful programming will be necessary!

Anytime you try to gain size and strength and improve metcon you are demanding a lot of your body's energetic systems and recovery ability; so striking a balance and getting results in both areas will be an interesting challenge. There's also the task of learning new skills. It's all going to take more time and effort.

It may be that as I improve my metcon, my strength will suffer. What I am hoping is that I will be able to maintain my strength levels while my metcon improves and then, once my metcon has improved significantly that I will then able to increase my strength levels whilst maintaining my metcon.

Of course, if your goal is primarily to get really good at CF WODs then it would be a good idea to focus on them exclusively; aiming to complete the mainsite WOD as Rxed in a respectable time would then be a good idea.

The CF Football WODs are interesting; I'm rather more interested in incorporating gymnastic strength and flexibility movements into my training - which might not appeal to a 245lb linebacker in the same way - but a lot of their strength related work will be exactly the kind of thing I will be doing.
Joe: sounds good; we adapt and learn. For me, I had to change because I wanted to powerlift mostly, and that was like walking into a whole new library. Unfortunately, most of the routines consider anything over 6 reps to be cardio; and I hate cardio; and I didn't DO cardio; and I now am paying for cardio undone.
So, a little cardio and repwork along with the strength training to get me a bit more fit.
I also bought Coach Rip's Practical Programming to try and plan out some long-term work, although 1/3 of the way through the book hasn't taught me anything yet that I haven't learned right here on this site.
But they got it right, at least!
Unfortunatly i have had a couple of injuries in the last couple of years wich forced me to stop training and then start up again. That gave me more then enough time to try new routines and see how effective they were for me.

And as i keep training logs i just checked what i did everytime and it was obvious that whenever i did higher rep work (not to high) my body responded better to it.
Don't ask me why, i have no idea.

About the WOD's, the wod's are not random and the idea is to give you general fitness.
Just trying to get a better Fran time to improve your fitness is like only doing abs to get a sixpack.
Having said that i know that you have more then enough knowledge and experience to make it work for you.
I just really encourage you to try some other Crossfit stuff as well. It all fits together.

And i only say that because i read up on your log and you really seem to like the challenge of the WOD's..
(quadancer @ Jan. 24 2010,8:23)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Joe: sounds good; we adapt and learn. For me, I had to change because I wanted to powerlift mostly, and that was like walking into a whole new library. Unfortunately, most of the routines consider anything over 6 reps to be cardio; and I hate cardio; and I didn't DO cardio; and I now am paying for cardio undone.
So, a little cardio and repwork along with the strength training to get me a bit more fit.
I also bought Coach Rip's Practical Programming to try and plan out some long-term work, although 1/3 of the way through the book hasn't taught me anything yet that I haven't learned right here on this site.
But they got it right, at least!  
Last picture I saw of you (your back pic) were looking HUGE!!!!

Keep it up big man!
Started out on the vanilla version of HST, exactly as Brian laid it out, 3x a week. Did that right up until my 2nd last cycle and was still getting gains I could measure with a tape-measure. I did rotate/swap exercises during this time eg cable rows for bent over rows etc just to keep it interesting

On my last cycle (&amp; this one) I decided to try myo-reps so adopted a &quot;Simplify &amp; win&quot; type routine but still started it as a normal HST workout i.e. SD, 15's etc, just incorporated MR's once the weights got heavier &amp; to extend the 5's.
Ben, how would MR's benefit you if you were allready at the end of the 5's? You'd be going back to a higher rep range, so, I'd see that as a deload (not SD). Not that it wouldn't be good for conditioning work.
(quadancer @ Jan. 26 2010,2:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ben, how would MR's benefit you if you were allready at the end of the 5's? You'd be going back to a higher rep range, so, I'd see that as a deload (not SD). Not that it wouldn't be good for conditioning work.</div>
agree with this,i start HST style but use MRs in this way,i start with an activation set of 17 or more reps then 6x6x6x6 then decrease the reps every wk and increase the weight.
(faz @ Jan. 26 2010,7:21)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
,i start with an activation set of 17 or more reps then 6x6x6x6 then decrease the reps every wk and increase the weight.</div>
IM just learning about Myo-reps and have used them some...but I can't say I have it down 100%.

So when you say you start off with a 17 rep ACTIVATION set does that mean you are using roughly about a 18 to 19 rep max to start HST off with?
Exactly...what I have been doing (maybe Im doing it wrong) but when I wanted to used myo-rep..I pick my 10-12 rep max.

Bang out 10 reps or 1 rep shy of failure...wait 20 seconds and proceed until about 25 total reps. Then I stop for that muscle group or bust out a lighter weight metabollic set if its a priority muscle. I do this twice a week.

However what I haven't figured out yet is the best way to progress in weights doing the above?
Yeah, Quad's right.  
 Do it like you would an HST progression. So the load goes up and the number of reps for the activation set go down. Aim to get about the same number of cluster reps as you did for the activation set unless your activation set is only 5 or 6 reps. If the load is that heavy you might as well do regular reps as full activation will occur anyway and you'll probably avoid a bit of fatigue build up by staying further away from failure.

The great thing about myo-reps is that you are able to use lighter loads and still get enough TUT with full fibre recruitment because of fatigue build up from the activation set.
(Joe.Muscle @ Jan. 27 2010,1:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So when you say you start off with a 17 rep ACTIVATION set does that mean you are using roughly about a 18 to 19 rep max to start HST off with?</div>
on the monday yes,then add weight wed and fri is the 17rm day.
then next week on the monday i use the same 17rm but do 16reps and so on,untill i get down to 5rm then as lol said i just do 5 reps but with 20 secs between sets,then finish off two weeks of 5rm but with a decent rest inbetween to push it a bit,not exactly myo-reps per say but am enjoying it.
Well after reading up on the logs and you guys's posts i decided to do a strenght routine again.

I want my bench back up and my shoulder strenght more up then it's going now with crossfit.
So i started my 5/3/1 Boring But Big today.
Was fun and my body is really shook up!
I should have said I started doing Myo-Reps when I started the 10's, I say Myo-Reps as I'm following the 25reps per muscle protocol as laid out by Borge but we could call it clustering.

I do the 15's as normal (2sets)
For the &quot;10's&quot; instead of doing 2 or 3 sets of 10's I went the Myo-Rep route and aimed for 25reps per body part as per Borge's recommendation.
I continued using Myo-Reps for the &quot;5's&quot; but it ended up more as Max-Stim doing almost all singles because I extended the training period by another couple of weeks

I changed from my normal Vanilla HST workout to the &quot;Simplify &amp; win&quot; workout so that I could just hit each major muscle once with 25 Myo-Reps .

As you can see my workout kinda morphed as I progressed. I was going to write a post a few weeks back to see if anyone else was doing something similar or would like to give it a try as a variation.