How are you getting your gains?


How is everyone getting their gains, I seem to be stalling/gaining too much fat and there's temptation knocking at the door.
Hate to tell you, but if you can't make gains without AAS, you aren't going to make good gains with AAS. AAS might seem like a magic bullet, but they aren't. You will waste your time if you don't have everything dialed in just right before you even start.
Thanks for the advice, I've cycled before and gotten great lean gains off of low doses.

I won't do it I think, enough is enough, vanity is a curse.
Try stuff out, for long periods of time, listen to your body while doing these experiments. I am still gaining after 9 years (faster than first years because of more experience and discipline).
Too many see 'roids as a panacea, rather than a "facilitator..."
(the_dark_master @ Nov. 27 2007,05:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Too many see 'roids as a panacea, rather than a &quot;facilitator...&quot;
Yeah, and too many of those people, once they've used AAS, can no longer makes gains without using them for some reason. I hear this all the time. Of course, I hear of plenty of people who still make gains even when they aren't using, so...
(Jari @ Nov. 27 2007,12:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Using steroids or drugs is both illegal and stupid!</div>
(Jari @ Nov. 27 2007,07:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Using steroids or drugs is both illegal and stupid!</div>
That depends on where you live.
Taking drugs for high blood pressure or diabetes without a legitimate prescription is just as illegal. It is also just as stupid if you don't know what you are doing or are not being advised by an appropriately trained person. Taling drugs manufactured by a chemistry buff in Mexico or China who has little regard or knowledge for proper manufacturing hygene is one of the stupidist things a person can do. At least stick to the quality name brands if you feel you must take drugs for any reason, legitimate or not.
(Jari @ Nov. 27 2007,07:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Using steroids or drugs is both illegal and stupid!</div>
And oversimplified misinformation a sign of ignorance.
So isn't stupid ? How many people who spent their life using steroids managed to get to 70+ years old with decent health ?
More than you would think, as I've read. But many opt for the lesser route of HRT in the later years for simple hormonal maintenance, which many of us qualify for without having ever done steroids. (me, for one)
Also, there is a large difference between the contestants and heavy users compared to those who used them more supplementally. The more dosage utilized, the greater the side effects are, and there are many out there who still use after many years safely, by limiting (yes Virginia, you can control) themselves to lower dosages. And OTOH, there are those who go nuts at the first signs of improvement and think &quot;more is better&quot;.
(Krieger @ Nov. 28 2007,18:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So isn't stupid ? How many people who spent their life using steroids managed to get to 70+ years old with decent health ?</div>
Please do some reading once in a while instead of believing all the crap you are spoonfed by the media and the government.
Hey, I'm here because I like to learn and I'm a learner. That's why I ended up on this HST forum, because I learned how true it is and I'm still learning here.

But if the media is all I got, so yeah, I can't learn from some information that you did not provide but you said me to look after.
(Krieger @ Dec. 04 2007,01:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hey, I'm here because I like to learn and I'm a learner. That's why I ended up on this HST forum, because I learned how true it is and I'm still learning here.

But if the media is all I got, so yeah, I can't learn from some information that you did not provide but you said me to look after.</div>
the media knows jack about need to research at sites that cater for users.or medical research sites, anywhere but the media.

if used sensibily there is no reason anyone should develope serious problems.maybe chronic users do put themselves at risk,but not many people die from steroid only tends to happen when accompanied with other recreational drugs.