How are you getting your gains?

(quadancer @ Dec. 06 2007,19:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
Get ready to be restructured in your thinking.</div>
That's what I wanted... thanks very much.
My reasons for not using are pretty lame but straight forward

1) My ego! I have loads of natural gains left to make, and don't want to feel like I had to have 'help' in getting them

2) I'm vain as all hell, and don't want acne, let alone tits! I'm not sure how well anti-aromatase drugs work, etc, though I do understand certain compounds will not, by definition, aromatize to estrogen (i.e. winstrol, anavar, etc)

3) I would want a Dr monitoring me on a weekly basis. Not happening. (But of course in a few years, I will be a Doctor, and then its game on)

All that aside, this thread is making me salivate at the idea popping some orals for my fall/winter bulk!
I have never used AAs but have known many who did with mixed results. There was some good advice in here concerning using quality products from name brand labs. Also do the research and talk to those who do use it safely before deciding. That advise should be heeded. I have seen guys raging and known a fella who packed his head in ice to reduce the brain swelling from some of these supplements. That just didnt seem like the way to go for me. I was able to work up to 405# Bench Press, 560# Squat and 580# Deadlift all without any juice. Those arent the biggest numbers out there but I was proud to take it that far along in my heyday. Just hard work, good food and a bit of protein powder here.
There was what I'd consider a good article (not that I know anything about the subject) on steroids in the August/September issue of Planet Muscle written by Jeff Everson. He's been around for ages, used them and has a PHD so should know a thing or two. He outlines both the pro's and cons, and there are plenty of cons it seems especially if you do not know what you are doing. He says, that some bodybuilders have permanently damaged their hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal axis so that testosterone remains depressed even with HCG &amp; other drugs.

He basically says that generally there is no real data (is anyone collecting??) that shows low doses of AAS over short time periods are dangerous, but you must be careful and monitor your Test, cholesterol, triglycerides, liver &amp; muscle enzymes, etc closely, do BUN tests, prostate checks etc.

He also points out that the typical dosage these days is much higher than it used to be (maybe 10x, and that may be one reason for the bloated abdomens, [internal organs are overgrown] of today's competitors as opposed to those in Arnie's day). Most product available in gyms is highly suspect and are nothing like the real pharmacy grade original, dodgy additional ingredients aside, and many new variants of old favorites also have questionable results.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">maybe 10x, and that may be one reason for the bloated abdomens, [internal organs are overgrown]</div>

bloated gut is from HGH and IGF-1 usage not testosterone.

I am considering doing a test prop cycle with HST, but I am not sure whether or not to do the standard 10 week course and HST throughtout or the 2 on/4 off with arimidex and nolvadex as PCT quick restarters.
Has anyone done the 2 on /4 off?