how do i get my tris bigger with hst? more sets?

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Totentanz @ Oct. 09 2005,11:08)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Jester @ Oct. 09 2005,10:50)]Wide grip, palms facing away. Gives the best stretch for lats and bis...IMHO.
I feel the same way.
irritating (and thick) newbie here, my apologies in advance to Jester and sundry but I’m somewhat puzzled with the hand configuration you’ve described, particular the “palms facing away” part of your this are you referring to an overhand grip?


Bytheway, below is my current workout, albeit the workout I intend to implement. If anyone could kindly critique it in terms of length, redundant exercises, order etc I would be most appreciative.

1. squats
2. Standing calf raises
3. Pullover
4. Dips
5. Chins
6. Bent over rows
7. Shoulder press (barbell)
8. Shoulder shrugs
9. Barbell curls
10. Tricep press downs or extensions
11. Ab crunches
Yeah he meant overhand grip (palms facing away from you).

Your routine is almost there, but where is your hamstring work? Do you plan on alternating anything? I swap leg curls with deadlifts and dips with bench every other workout.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Sun-Tzu @ Oct. 12 2005,6:20)]Yeah he meant overhand grip (palms facing away from you).
Your routine is almost there, but where is your hamstring work? Do you plan on alternating anything? I swap leg curls with deadlifts and dips with bench every other workout.
hey sun, do u know how i can get any stronger in my pullups and dips?

i tested today and can only do 5 dips and 4 close-grip pullups. i know, its sad...
Keep doing them.

Use progression in your bench press and pull downs the same as normal, and use dips and chins/pull ups in the 5s and negs/5RM phases. Just keep doing them.
When I started HST 10mths ago, I could do 7 dips with BW - and that was near the end of my first cycle, couldn't do any/many before that.

Now I've added 10kgs to bodyweight*, and can do that many with 30kgs me, it works ;)

Yup, b.b., just keep plugging away with the chins and dips. You'll get there. One suggestion: you'll be able to add a few reps if you do 'em on an assisted chin/dip unit. Start out with bodyweight, and when you fail, immediately do a few more with assistance.

At one time there was no way I could have done even a single bodyweight-only pull-up (now I can crank out about ten, depending on what I weigh). I worked my way to that point on an assisted machine. I also couldn't do dips without assistance, but now I can bang out about 20 with bodyweight, and maybe five with 55 pounds strapped on.

Tip o' the hat to you, Fausto ;) but I think those units have a lot of value for beginners. I could never have gotten to this point without the gradual progression they made possible.
For pullup strenght there is a great program on the web that you can use with a training partner.

You basically do 1 rep then let your partner go.
Do 2 reps then he does 2 reps.
You do 3 reps he does 3 reps.
you do 4 reps he does 4 reps..and etc. until one of you cant go anymore you reach failure. When this happens your rest for like 2 mins then start over at 1 rep. You repeat this cycle 3 or 4 times and over time you start outdoing your old pullup #'s. Try it out!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (B.b. in stress! @ Oct. 12 2005,4:36)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Sun-Tzu @ Oct. 12 2005,6:20)]Yeah he meant overhand grip (palms facing away from you).
Your routine is almost there, but where is your hamstring work? Do you plan on alternating anything? I swap leg curls with deadlifts and dips with bench every other workout.
hey sun, do u know how i can get any stronger in my pullups and dips?
i tested today and can only do 5 dips and 4 close-grip pullups.  i know, its sad...
Just keep it up like the guys just mentioned. And don't even think the amount you can lift is sad. For some reason (I'm guessing through societies influence) you get this perception that everyone else working out can lift a ton more than you and that makes them more of a man or something, when in reality about 50% on the people on this site can't do as many as you just mentioned. I don't do dips and chins until my 5's week. I can do 10, but I hurt myself once doing chins, so I don't do it anymore. We all have to start somewhere and sometimes it's low. Don't compete with others, compete with yourself. Just be smart about it. The goal is try to reach a point that you are happy with yourself. Its the journey, not the destination that you should be focused on. Just work on it little by little, even take breaks (you always need to rest), and it will come. Soon (3-4 months) you'll be saying, "dang! I just did 10 Chins! Look at me now ladies" lol j/p

Good seeing you man. You should post at MH more often, even though there are a lot of dicks that post there. We need more people there that aren't. That program sounds a lot like what Bruce Lee and Dan Inosanto used to do for practicing the straight lead. Bruce would do 1 lb dumbells 50 times and then Dan would, then he would do 3 lb, etc. Dan wrote that it was killer to his arms, but it increased his speed and endurance dramatically. I'd assume it would work great for Chins and Dips as well, but I'm sure it's going to burn like hell, so get ready B.B.
thx for the advise everyone!

And sun, u r right and that journey and destination thing, and i do try not to compare myself with anyone but myself.

i would type more, but i have a whole #### load of aich-doublya (hw) to do. later friends!