How do I progress my negs?


Well-Known Member
Hey, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how best to progress the weights for a 3-4wk long negative phase, HST style....?

My next cycle is going to be a Heavy-tweaked HST, similar to the one Lance posted about a month ago. I'll be using 2-3wks of 5s, a week of 5RM and then cluster reps and negs for 3-4wks.

How often do I progress the negs, and do I increment them using a % base (e.g. 5%), or by the standard increments I use for progression...?

Thanks for any help :)
This is a great question, and I'd like to see some responses, too. I just finished my first HST cycle and hit the wall mid-negs because I wasn't sure how to progress the weights. I think next time I'm just going to do one set of negs, followed by a drop set.

It'd still be helpful to see how others progress their weights during this mini-cycle, though.
from my understanding you don't progess the weigth with the neg's as you do the rest of the cycle. the neg's are done using your ~ 2RM (basically 1 step heavier than your 5RM). you keep that same weight for the 2 weeks. this weight is heavy enough that you won't run into problems with RBE as with the rest of the cycle.
Basically what Tiger said. However, if you find the negs are getting a bit easier, there is nothing wrong with adding a little bit of weight. Just make sure that you whatever weight you use that you can complete 5 eccentric reps using good, controlled form. The other alternative is to keep the same weight but use a slower tempo.
@old and grey: and what is about clustering? I used to progress the weight and cluster the reps up to 1rep clusters until the load can not be stop properly anymore.this helps me to use weight beyond 120% of my 1RM and gains are just great.
