How do you harness the beast within?

My two cents...

When I have a partner and music, metal real well.

In the morning early? Don't think music'll work then, so...intense concentration is the key, get to the dead, lock, pull, get down and for me!

Squat? Very much the same...but struggle with the bench there...something's missing! I'll try the ceiling thing next time.
(quadancer @ Jul. 19 2009,9:19)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I also work a bit with Chi but don't really know what I'm doing; I just know it helps.</div>
Hi Quad!

What type of Chi-work do you do?
Chi Gung, some kind of meditation, Tai Chi?
Do you use a book, go to a class or use home videos?

I´ve been trying to work my chi as well regularly but i always seem to lose focus and stop doing it after a few days, until I pick it up again. Need some inspiration
You guys have piqued my curiosity with this &quot;Chi-work&quot; , has this been used with lifting to good result?
It's all in my head, more like visualization of energy fields. Probably just my imagination, borne of memories from books ...and old kung fu movies of course...
Anyway, however you do it, placebo cant be denied even by western medicine. And I believe &quot;Qi-work&quot;, in any form (you can do this in many different ways), is a way to control placebo and harness it. Or rather, placebo is a hint/evidence that &quot;chi&quot; (whatever you want to call it) really exists.
Aw, I just imagine that it cuts out other thoughts and helps you concentrate on the lift, and anything that does that is going to do some good. Sometimes I can &quot;see&quot; the entire universe bending to my will, and at that moment, I am da man!
If your avatar is correct, you've gained some beef since I was hanging out here last. Good work!