How Long Does Your WorkOut Last

It's actually variable- the 15s go quickly, because I'm doing only one set. The sessions get longer as I get into the 10s and especially the 5s, as I add sets and concomitant rest periods. The 15s take about 20-25 minutes, while the 5/negs take up to an hour. It also depends on how many lifts I'm doing, of course! Some cycles I do only compounds, and others I add in isos.
The 5s and post 5s take the longest for me, sometimes over an hour. But I voted for 45 minutes to 1 hour, because that's the average for me, with a 5 minute warm-up.
Currently doing very short workouts, 30 minutes or so.

Will change during the 5's though as I aiming at 30 reps.
Mine now take at least an hour.
But I am doing a whole-body routine now, about 9 different compound movements and all are done max-stim style or just clustering to 20 reps.
At the end of my compounds I super-set bis and tris and do abs real quick. Overall takes about 50 minutes in the lighter part of cycle. When the weights get heavier it takes much longer since I am going for 20 reps for each exercise throughout the entire cycle to keep the total work output progressing along with the load.
I thouroughly warm up every body part before beginning the working sets. It takes me over an hour - close to 2 hours by the time I'm done with it all. I rest longer between sets than most though because I fatigue easily.
20 - 30 mins for 15's.
30 - 40 mins for 10's,
40 - 60 mins for 5's.
I find I don't have to warm up much after the first few sets with HST, depending on what I start with. I do, of course, do a warmup set for critical stuff like squats.
All in all, about an hour and 20 minutes. But I tend to get enough rest between exersizes to make sure I do a good lift on the next ones. I also have to set up stuff with my home gym.
Lately, I go over an hour all the time. I'm working out with my brother now, he's a total newbie, so a lot of time is spent watching him doing his lifts, helping him on form, etc. I wish I had someone to show me all this stuff when I first started...
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I wish I had someone to show me all this stuff when I first started... </div>

It'll be great to see the results of your input, once they're out there!
Oh I'm taking measurements and pics every step of the way. I don't have any good before pics of myself except some crappy pic from when I was 18, a mistake I'm not making with my brother. He's starting off rather smaller than I did though. He's 5'11 was only 120 lbs. I have him eating like a horse. Right now he's just doing compounds three times a week, adding weight every couple workouts, but he's already added a half an inch to his upper arms.

In about two months, I'm going to start him on his first HST cycle... should be interesting.
(Fausto @ Sep. 01 2006,10:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Currently doing very short workouts, 30 minutes or so.

Will change during the 5's though as I aiming at 30 reps.</div>
Same here
(jvroig @ Sep. 16 2006,14:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Fausto @ Sep. 01 2006,10:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Currently doing very short workouts, 30 minutes or so.

Will change during the 5's though as I aiming at 30 reps.</div>
Same here  
been there done that
tot training a total newbie to lifting,on HST should be a good topic keep everyone informed,i think most would be interested in the results.
and if you let him know everyone is intersted it might give him more &quot;get up and go&quot;