How many of you do this


Active Member
How many of you guys get all of your protein in religously everyday.

I ask this b/c for past 2 months or so I have only got about .7 per gram of bodyweight a day. Due to work and just life in general its been hard to not get in all of the protein that is recommended. I ask this b/c I know tons of people who make gains but don’t get no where near the amount of protein recommended. Now I know everyone is different but I am curious how many of us out there get in a calorie surplus but not always the recommend protein amount and still make gains.

Back in my college days I would drink the chalky protein everyday but due to career and just life sometimes I just get maybe 4 meals a day at 25 to 30 grams protein per meal. Any of you do this?

i dont think it sounds bad for slow steady gains,people often put too much stock in bulking and often end up fat because of it,some of the callorie intakes i have seen advised are complete overkill imo.

right now im slowly cutting with cardio but still eating to grow,i get around 4-5 meals with 30-80grams protein each day,i throw in a couple of shakes too.

my bro-in-law packs muscle on and he eats crap 2-3 meals a day,it sucks.
At the moment, I only 'religiously' have a protein/glucose shake before and after training. I also will down a shake if I'm rushed in the morning and have no time for porridge or eggs on toast!

I tend to go through phases where I set myself a goal to get to a certain bodyweight (often a previous weight) and then rarely miss a meal for 10 weeks or so - but seriously, unless you are a pro bodybuilder, or have no life away from training, I don't think it's practical to eat timed and measured meals every day of your life! The good thing about weight training, and many other things in life, is that it's harder to get to a certain point than it is to maintain it.

So if you are really disciplined early on and for a long period, in the future you will be rewarded by our good friend muscle memory and even a permanent change in your non-trained state. Then it doesn't take much to 'top up' again with a few weeks of discipline after living a 'non-body-obsessed' life for a while.

But it probably takes years of consistent training/planned eating for permanent changes to set in.
Perhaps this is the reason why I struggle to grow nicely, lately the last month or so I have been doing kind of OK and have so far scored 2 neat kilos, what is difficult is trying to keep a neat food log when you have a busy life!

But yep some people overdo it!
As a busy, older guy, I don't log cals or anything, but have sort of a feel for portions from practice.
As it went, I was eating up to two grams/lb bodyweight/day but not growing even with all the protein. I started growing when I just started force-feeding myself, even with a bit less protein, but still keeping a good "fistful" per meal five or seven times a day. In other words, I went from maintenance to bulking, and that was what made the difference, even though I lowered the protein a little. Guy asked me yesterday if I was on steroids. I love it!

I even skip the protein on the occasional meal, like a sweet potatoe pie or something. But religiously eat CC almost every night to avoid catabolism.
(quadancer @ Jul. 25 2006,16:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">As a busy, older guy, I don't log cals or anything, but have sort of a feel for portions from practice.
As it went, I was eating up to two grams/lb bodyweight/day but not growing even with all the protein. I started growing when I just started force-feeding myself, even with a bit less protein, but still keeping a good &quot;fistful&quot; per meal five or seven times a day. In other words, I went from maintenance to bulking, and that was what made the difference, even though I lowered the protein a little. Guy asked me yesterday if I was on steroids. I love it!  

I even skip the protein on the occasional meal, like a sweet potatoe pie or something. But religiously eat CC almost every night to avoid catabolism.</div>
Eat CC???

I got lost there?
I took that as cottage cheese.

Personally, I count calories pretty much everyday, except for the weekends. The only things I really worry about (unless I'm doing a special diet, like UD2.0 or something) is how much protein I get and the total calories. I think it makes a big difference. If you don't count, you won't know what went wrong if you don't make any gains, and so you can't adjust your calories upward by a certain amount when you need to.
After all, you don't just go into the gym and pick a weight that feels like you could maybe get out about 5 reps or so. No, you keep meticulous track of what weights you will use. Since diet is more important than training, why wouldn't you be even more meticulous about your diet?
Tot: I think you have made a good point. I must try to be a little less lazy about tracking what what I eat. I did work it out a while ago and I try to stick to eating a similar amount of stuff but that's not very accurate. It is a lot more bother than training though. Training three times a week as opposed to eating around 40 times a week!
I just tend to eat as much as I can and see if the scales go up! For a few weeks they didn't budge so I started adding in an extra protein shake every day and that did the trick. Annoyingly, I ran out of whey protein before my next order arrived so I've had a few days without the extra protein. I certainly feel like I need to eat more when I'm not having the shakes.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">my guess is complex carbs

but thats not nearly as interesting. </div>

Or maybe he's referring to a Cubic Centimeter - in that case gulping down a CC of stana everynight  before bed would indeed be quite anti-catabolic!
under the week i´m tracking too what i´m eating. i´m looking for enough protein and that i eat my 4000 calories a day to gain weight.

my experience is that when i get more protein into my stomach than normally adviced from all the strength coaches (2gr. per kilo of bodyweight) than i can add more leaner mass and i´m looking better in the mirror.

when i don´t have the time to eat or when i´m too lazy (what is happening often
) i make a shake that consists of
water,oats,protein powder and oil. such a shake has 800 calories. and about 50 gr. of protein.

I think that is the best way to go for people like us, because it is cheap and fast and such a shake has only good high quality incredients.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It is a lot more bother than training though. Training three times a week as opposed to eating around 40 times a week!
Man you are saying it ! That s the biggest point in our sport - EATING ! For me eating is 70 percent and training only 30 percent.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i make a shake that consists of
water,oats,protein powder and oil</div>

Oats in a shake eh? Sounds interesting - I might give it a go. I have oats (porridge) for breakfast most mornings and the oats I use are quite finely ground. I'm just trying to imagine how soluable they'd be. Well I guess so long as you can swallow them down ok then there would be no problem.
(Lol @ Jul. 25 2006,23:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Tot: I think you have made a good point. I must try to be a little less lazy about tracking what what I eat. I did work it out a while ago and I try to stick to eating a similar amount of stuff but that's not very accurate. It is a lot more bother than training though. Training three times a week as opposed to eating around 40 times a week!
I just tend to eat as much as I can and see if the scales go up! For a few weeks they didn't budge so I started adding in an extra protein shake every day and that did the trick. Annoyingly, I ran out of whey protein before my next order arrived so I've had a few days without the extra protein. I certainly feel like I need to eat more when I'm not having the shakes.</div>
if you dont eat roughly the same stuff most days it can be real hard to figure if your getting enough (without tracking it each day). this was a problem i had yrs back as tracking all the diff stuff i was eating all the time became tedious, were talking back before i had a computer. i used to do it all with pen,paper and c. netzers food count book!

anyway, as i got more serious about lifting i started to eat better and also more regimented. its not for everyone but it helped me hit my cal goals day after day week after week. imo this is where the real gaining will occur. pre-charting and similar meals im sure i was eating surplus 2-4 times a week but probably under the rest of the time so consequently i gained little but was sure i was eating like a horse.

try some new approaches. track it during the week only like totz. sign up for fitday or some other online tracking. try eating similar meals up to dinner during the week etc. etc.

bottom line i think is getting a good understanding on how many cals YOU need to maint, grow, cut etc. is as important as finding which w/o program (like HST) works best for you. once you pair a good w/o routine with the right amount of cals day after day for a few months.... look out.

good luck
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Oats in a shake eh? Sounds interesting - I might give it a go. I have oats (porridge) for breakfast most mornings and the oats I use are quite finely ground. I'm just trying to imagine how soluable they'd be. Well I guess so long as you can swallow them down ok then there would be no problem.</div>

Yes, because oats are good carbohydrates with some protein and good fat in it. They are better than the maltodextrin that is in most weight gainers. and i can make my own ratio of carbs to fat to protein with my own mixed shake.
the soluability of oats is not good but i mix all this stuff in an electronic liquidizer. i tried it with milk but then it is not good, with water the shake is good to drink and the consistency is ok too !

exactly it looks like this:
40 gr. protein (consists of whey,casein and egg ! fruit flavour)
400 ml. cold water
120 gr. oats
20 ml. oil

first mix the dry oats so that they look like flour. then add the water and protein powder and at the end the oil !
should give around 600ml in the shaker.
it consists of:

cals 771 kcal.
protein 49,2 gr.
carbs 81,6 gr.
fat 29,2 gr.

ok, say if you like it or not when you have tried it
(bluejacket @ Jul. 26 2006,20:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">if you dont eat roughly the same stuff most days it can be real hard to figure if your getting enough (without tracking it each day). this was a problem i had yrs back as tracking all the diff stuff i was eating all the time became tedious, were talking back before i had a computer. i used to do it all with pen,paper and c. netzers food count book!

anyway, as i got more serious about lifting i started to eat better and also more regimented. its not for everyone but it helped me hit my cal goals day after day week after week. imo this is where the real gaining will occur. pre-charting and similar meals im sure i was eating surplus 2-4 times a week but probably under the rest of the time so consequently i gained little but was sure i was eating like a horse.

try some new approaches. track it during the week only like totz. sign up for fitday or some other online tracking. try eating similar meals up to dinner during the week etc. etc.

bottom line i think is getting a good understanding on how many cals YOU need to maint, grow, cut etc. is as important as finding which w/o program (like HST) works best for you. once you pair a good w/o routine with the right amount of cals day after day for a few months.... look out.

good luck</div>
Thanks for the advice. I have signed up with FitDay. I just hope I can summon the discipline required to get all this calorie malarkey right. My gains have been so good up to now that I haven't had to bother counting cals much. I guess if I want to keep on making good gains I will have to. C'est la vie!
Or you can just eat normal like you do everyday. And then add in 500 to 1,000 calories extra a day. You know just count the extra calories before you hit the sack...or better yet get them before or after you workout.
Lol, if you are gaining well enough, then it's probably not a big deal. I think the OCD approach I use is best for guys like me who have to eat a truckload to have any hope of gaining even a pound a week. Haha.

I find it helps to memorize numbers and have some basic foods you can rotate through during the week. Fitday is good for this once you get all your foods inputted into the custom foods area. But if you know the content of the foods you eat, it's relatively easy to do it mentally too.
I took me months of a train-wreck of a cutting cycle to finally start charting calories. I'm finally losing 1 pound a week and not having the huge drops in strength. I guess it's not too much additional work to break down the carb/pro/fat ratios.