How much does your bench go up after a hst cycle?


New Member
Mine doesn't feel like it went up for the 5's. The 15's and 10's felt like i could lift more. for my cycle my 5rm was 205. i'm not doing negatives so should i add 5lbs on monday and attempt 5's and keep adding for a week?
I would go with adding 5s to each side of the bar each day for another week or two until you find your new 5 RM.
To elaborate on the first question... it really is too hard to estimate how much your bench will increase during a cycle. It depends on so many different factors that you can't really estimate. I usually progress quite slowly on bench, whereas others progress faster.
Some guys begin to feel the fatigue from such high frequency by the time they get to the 5s, particularly if they are pushing their weights as heavy as they can get them from the beginning. In such a situation, dropping the frequency down to twice per week allows for a little more recovery.
I always feel that the gains I seem to make during the 15s and 10s of a cycle are often due to the 5s from the previous cycle but which were 'disguised' by accumulated fatigue. I had to take a week off during 5s one cycle*; I started back in the 5s and was immediately stronger. Fatigue had dissipated and I was now seeing the results of the cycle up to that point.

(*I made sure I ate over-maintenance cals during the time off.)
so I added 5lbs to each side and I can do it. I did the 5 reps for sets 1 and 2 but had to do about 3 reps for the 3rd set, wait a little then do 2 more. =)