How much volume for each cycle?

I do one exercise per bodypart per workout. For the 15's it is just one set. For the 10's it is one set of 10 reps and a drop set of 5. For the 5's it is one set of 5 reps and then 2 drop sets of 5.
It depends on how many sets you are doing across the board as well. I'll do two exercises for chest - dips and bench press, and two for back - rows and chins.
Right now im doing 20 total sets 3 legs, 3 chest, 3 back, 1 traps,2 delts, 2 biceps, 2 triceps, 2 calves, 2 abs

is 20 sets to much or too little?

what does everyone think is the optimal amount of sets for each bodypart?

also should this volume be the same throughout the 10s, and 5's??

is it just me or are alot of other people having a dilemma with the amount of volume that you are suppost to use?

Thanks alot !
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">is 20 sets to much or too little?

20 is a solid number of sets

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">also should this volume be the same throughout the 10s, and 5's??</div>

Keeping volume constant isn't something you should be nitpicky about, but it's a good thing to watch. Most people keep the volume of reps the same, so they do 1 set of 15's, 1-2 sets of 10's, and 3 sets of 5's.

Personally, I just do as many sets as I can with an exercise. What it ends up being though is more sets in the 1st week than 2nd - duh!
I do 1 set of the 15s, 2 of the 10s and 3 of the 5s. This seems to be recommended a lot even though it means you do more volume during the 10s, but I guess it's neglible.
The recommended volume is as much as you can handle while still making strength gains. When I went 2x a day MWF all I could handle was one work set. I go the usual MWF and do 2-3 work sets.
It really depends on the bodypart. Legs and back can handle a lot, in my experience, compared to everything else. I like 4 sets for legs and 4 for back, 2 for chest and shoulders, then 1 for arms or whatever other isos I might do.
(ckso226 @ May 25 2006,18:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Right now im doing 20 total sets 3 legs, 3 chest, 3 back, 1 traps,2 delts, 2 biceps, 2 triceps, 2 calves, 2 abs

is 20 sets to much or too little?

what does everyone think is the optimal amount of sets for each bodypart?</div>
I think it was in the Customizing HST thread where Vicious recomended increasing frequency over increasing volume. Liegelord also alluded to frequency determining volume in this thread. If you have the time to increase your frequency, you might want to give that a try. And do close to the same total volume PER WEEKyou are doing now, but divided over more training sessions. I found 2X per day 3 days per week (even sometimes 4) to be quite exhilerating for about a month, and it produced noticable size gains that have lasted til now (months later). During that 2X per day training, I felt like my muscles never lost their pump.