hows this look?


New Member
yet another "hows my workout thread" i just wanted to get some opinions on how i have everything set up. im 19 and have tried several cycles of hst over the last year. my main problem is i need to up my calories, but i want to make sure i have a solid routine to back it up and make the most of it.

basic 3x a week, MWF.
1x15, 2x10, either 3x5, or 2x5 with a burn set.

db flat bench
weighted dips
weighted pullups
bb military press*
upright rows*
skull crushers or one arm cable pushdown*
incline hammer curls*
weighted incline twisting situps*
shoulder shrugs
calf raises

for the 15's i would use a shortened version of those exercises, trying to stick to the core lifts.

for the 10's i wold do pretty much everything except for the isolations for biceps and triceps.

for the 5's i would do everything.

i will do supersets alternating bewteen opposite exercises(bench and rows; pullups and dips, etc..)so i can easily get in and out in about 45 to 55 minutes.

so my main questions are is it way too much or should i be fine? ive done it similar to this before and it seemed alright. also all the exercises i have a * by i'm not sure about. some there is more than one exercise there and i dont know which onewould be better. others i just dont know about. the military press and upright rows for shoulders in particular. also is there anything better i can be doing for my obliques besides the twisting situps? is deadlift, lunges and calf raises enough for my legs? im sure ill come up with more questions, but in the meantime i'd appreciate any advice/comments on what i have so far. thanks.

Let us put some oredr in it first:

deadlift - no squats (if yes then alternate) else lunges also alternated (lower back) / calf raises/ db flat bench alternate with weighted dips/ rows alternated with weighted pullups/ bb military press* - I personally don't really like upright rows* but it is up to you /
skull crushers / incline hammer curls or the straight variety / weighted incline twisting situps (don't add too much weight here) / shoulder shrugs (why not do this when you do deadlifts? - just do a shrug at the end of each repetition).

If you use this order and maybe leave out just the arm work, it shoudl be fine to use all, else go for the compounds and do 2x with a burn set at the 5's.

Lot of good exercises.....Just Too many!

I would keep it simple. More along the lines of

Workout A

10 degree dumbell bench press
Barbell Rows
Shoulder press

Workout B

Standing Military press with Barbell
Legg Press

I dont really see the point of doing direct Trap work with shrugs unless you are just really wanting huge traps.

At your age I would spend more time on the big lifts and most importantly eating.

Throw in some burn sets for arms too.

Also make sure you eat right and get the protein and carbs you need...but dont be affraid to throw in to the mix a double quarter pounder with cheese every now and again.

I am not advocating eating Fast Food b/c we know it is not good for your health, however if you are eating 5 good meals a day and are having problems hitting your calorie intake maybe a double quarter pounder could put you were you may need to be.

my 2 cents.
(Fausto @ Apr. 05 2006,03:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hi

Let us put some oredr in it first:

deadlift - no squats (if yes then alternate) else lunges also alternated (lower back) /  calf raises/ db flat bench alternate with weighted dips/ rows alternated with weighted pullups/ bb military press* - I personally don't really like upright rows* but it is up to you /
skull crushers / incline hammer curls or the straight variety / weighted incline twisting situps (don't add too much weight here) / shoulder shrugs (why not do this when you do deadlifts? - just do a shrug at the end of each repetition).

If you use this order and maybe leave out just the arm work, it shoudl be fine to use all, else go for the compounds and do 2x with a burn set at the 5's.

could you clarify what you mean here please? also, i do do the shrugs at the end of my deadlift like you said, along with calf raises, so those two small lifts(shrugs, calves) really dont bother me or add any extra hassle to the workout.
another thing, i've read on this site that you should do as much volume as you can without over training. anyone have any feedback about that?
Yes you should do as much volume that you can stand without burning out.

If you are making strength gains, feel great and have lots of energy...maybe increase a set or two here and there.

However as soon as you start dreading your workout, start getting tired or your strength gains stop.

SD and decrease volume

Remember More is not better.

I have found that 3 good hard sets with deep concentration is better than 5.

There is somthing about doing more volume that just naturally makes you hold back on those 1st couple of sets.

I do 4 sets for chest back and legs and 3 for shoulder and 1 set for arms...sometimes i dont even do arms.

yet I have been lifting for 12 years and my body is conditioned.....long story short play it by ear...and if you are a beginner keep sets minimal especially for bulking!
Unless you're playing football or looking to do compete in olympic lifting, I'd forget about the lunges. Squats and deadlifts are all that are typically needed for big strong legs. I have not done direct calf work in ten years. I started HST Nov. 04 and with just squats and deads my calves have gone from about 15 to 17.5.

I'd also split the workout up like joe.muscle suggested. I'd do squats first though. I'd also forget the leg press and do deadlifts.
the reason i have the lunges is because i can do them the same day as deadlift without a problem. dead and squat on the same day however is too much, and alternateing between them is a pain.

one thing that kind of confuses me is the fact that everyone has a fairly condensed workout with few exercises. yet, you are supposed to do as much volume as you can without over doing it. so what im thinking is should't you throw in as many exercises as you can handle without over training?
To answer your question shortly...NO.

The reason more exercise does not mean better workout or better gains. That being that everything is being equal.

A set of flys is not going to get give you the same bang for your buck that a compound bench press or dip is going to.

Dan and myself just had this discussion in private.

Stick with the basic for overall growth...however if you have a lagging bodypart or a muscle group you want to work on then maybe throw in an extra set or isolation move.

But remember this is HST... if you want to train With Super high volume then you are not training true HST.

Dont get me wrong we advocate using as many sets that you can handle...but not at the sacrifice of using more load, or frequency.

Trust me 3 to 4 good hard heavy sets of deep concentraton with good form and your muscle will be fried.
I'd definately drop shrugs, upright rows, leg press, and lunges. I suggest squats on M/F and Deadlifts on Wed. Good luck.
Joe is right. You don't need a ton of different exercises. Just stick with the best exercises and do multiple sets of those instead of adding in inferior lifts.
The guys are right. Also, you pointed out you want to do lunges because you could do them the same day you're deadlifting. You shouldn't need anything more than deadlifts, unless of course you're already pretty large and you think it'll help with a weak spot.
i guess the reason i thought i'd throw in the lunges is because i dont really feel it in my legs that much from deadlift alone, so i tried them and i could do both in one workout without problems so i thought what the heck.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">could you clarify what you mean here please? </div>

Simple, alternate exercises so that your workouts are smaller (not so many exercises).

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i guess the reason i thought i'd throw in the lunges is because i dont really feel it in my legs that much from deadlift alone, so i tried them and i could do both in one workout without problems so i thought what the heck. </div>

You can't be deadlifting much then, mate! If you do you will see what I and Liege mean immediately!

Not that lunges are bad, but deadlits and squats are just....better

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">one thing that kind of confuses me is the fact that everyone has a fairly condensed workout with few exercises.</div>

Experience tells us that is what works best! Simple really!
not to beat this thread to death, but heres what im looking at for a revised workout. tell me what you guys think.

deadlift(with calf raises and shrugs)
bench/weighted dips
rows/weighted pullups
military press
incline curls
weighted incline twisting situps

i will alternate between the exercises with a slash between them. i threw in the iso's for arms because i want to bringthem up a little. i threw in the flys because i would like to bring up my chest a little also, and i dont feel like on the days i would do dips it would be enough for my chest. hows this new revised workout look?
I know flyes add a stretch point movement but I would rather do an extra set of dips or bench until I had gained plenty of mass. Why not do dips and bench each w/o if you want to bring your chest up? They work wonders.
(Lol @ Apr. 07 2006,16:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I know flyes add a stretch point movement but I would rather do an extra set of dips or bench until I had gained plenty of mass. Why not do dips and bench each w/o if you want to bring your chest up? They work wonders.</div>
the reason i thought of flys is because its a good stretch point exercise. i just read pimp my hst and i am trying to incorporate some of the principles from that. also flys dont take nearly as much out of me as dips, and everyone said my workout was too much, so i was trying to lessen it i guess. letme know if im really messing it up here. ive done several cycles, but im still kind of a noob, since i pretty much stuck to the original workout every cycle. this is the first time in a long while that i changed it up.