HST + AAS suggestions/advice


New Member
I have been searching all over the internet and other boards for this, but have not found much information. I read the FAQ about it, but it was referring to 2-on/4-off cycles and didn't help in what I was trying to figure out.

Basically trying to run a 10-week sust and tbol cycle and I want to incorporate HST (which i have just recently discovered). I was thinking maybe:

starting with +10lbs more than my previous 8-week HST routine:

1 week before cycle - 15s (2 sets per exercise)
week 1 - 15s (2 sets per exercise)
week 2-3 - 8s (3 sets per exercise)
week 4-5 - 5s (4 sets per exercise)
week 6-7 - 8s +10lbs (3 sets per exercise)
week 8-9 - 5s +10lbs (4 sets per exercise)
week 10 - 5s + 10lbs (4 sets per exercise)

then 4-week PCT of either:

weeks 11-12 - 8s (maintaining weight and dropping sets)
weeks 13-14 - 5s (maintaining weight and dropping sets)


weeks 11-12 - 5s (maintaining weight and dropping sets)
weeks 13-14 -5s (maintaining weight and dropping sets)

any advice or suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Someone who has experience with this can hopefully help me out.
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My Training partner has done a 6 week HDROL (pro hormone/designer steroid) using HST. then a 4 week pct.

He Did

2 weeks 12 reps
2 weeks 8 reps
2 weeks 5 reps + Drop sets
2 weeks 3 reps + Drop sets
2 weeks at 5RM

His strength improved fast once he hit the 5RM.

He didnt increase his RM before starting although that would be a good idea to add 10% on.

Hes done many cycles and was happy while using HST and assistance.
Basically trying to run a 10-week sust and tbol cycle and I want to incorporate HST (which i have just recently discovered). I was thinking maybe:

starting with +10lbs more than my previous 8-week HST routine:

1 week before cycle - 15s (2 sets per exercise)
week 1 - 15s (2 sets per exercise)
week 2-3 - 8s (3 sets per exercise)
week 4-5 - 5s (4 sets per exercise)
week 6-7 - 8s +10lbs (3 sets per exercise)
week 8-9 - 5s +10lbs (4 sets per exercise)
week 10 - 5s + 10lbs (4 sets per exercise)

then 4-week PCT of either:

weeks 11-12 - 8s (maintaining weight and dropping sets)
weeks 13-14 - 5s (maintaining weight and dropping sets)


weeks 11-12 - 5s (maintaining weight and dropping sets)
weeks 13-14 -5s (maintaining weight and dropping sets)

any advice or suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Someone who has experience with this can hopefully help me out.

I don't know if you will want to spend so much time in the 5s. I think you are going to run into some joint issues that may wreck your cycle before it’s finished...in addition, you may end up unable to train heavy when you're finished because everything hurts. “tbol” isn’t going to help your joints any. Basically anything that doesn’t significantly increase water gain (bloat) isn’t going to help your joints when going heavy. The Sust may help though depending on how high you go.

There is nothing wrong with adding weight as you feel stronger, but I would highly recommend you do it within the 10-12 rep range. I noticed you were dropping from 15 reps to 8 reps. Remember that a 10rep load is plenty heavy to trigger growth when you are “on”. Plus, you will not aggravate your joints as badly as you will by doing 5’s for weeks on end.

So, if you experience significant strength gains, add weight to the 10 rep weeks until you max out there. Then if you want to get into the 5s as you come off you will be in good enough shape to keep doing 5s for a few weeks. I promise, you won’t lose any potential gains by doing 8-10 reps instead of 5 reps.

If you’re a veteran lifter, you will want your volume to stay on the high side, especially for legs.
I doubt I need to say this but your diet is going to make a tremendous difference in how much weight you put on. If at any time you feel yourself getting “leaner” -and you are not trying to lose fat- you are not eating enough carbs. The extra carbs will also boost the effectiveness of the sust as well.

I don’t know if I answered your question or not. If I haven’t please clarify and we’ll sort it out. :confused:
Can someone explain a drop set to me?

A "drop set" is a set utilizing decending weight loads as you fatigue. So for example, a regular set would have you perform 15 reps with a fixed amount of weight (lesser than or equal to your 15RM). A drop set might also have you perform 15 reps, but instead of starting with a weight you can lift 15 times, you would use a weight you can only lift 5 times. Then, as you fatigue (i.e.stall-out) you would quickly put down the weight a grab a weight that is light enough to perform 5 more reps, then as before when you reach failure your would grab an even lighter weight and lift it until you are completely spent.

A drop set can be performed using any number of reps that you like. The point is simply to go to failure 3 times during a single set.