HST and Boxing and arms


New Member
Hi well I just found out that the boxing bags at the gym I go to are availible to use without paying anything extra like for classes or anything. So I think sometimes I gonna hit them now and then. I was just wondering though if this is a good Idea it I want my arms to grow. Like will my arms grow more if I didn't box or wouldnt it matter. Or is there a certain time I could actualy box. Like after training or before or on days I'm not training or maybe even once a week. I don't want to do it if it will affect any growth. I ain't eating much asit is so I really don't wanna prevent anything from growing plus I noticed that my arms don't grow as much as they used to. well my arms used to look bigger but my body has caught up so they now dont look at big.
I have started to use this peace of equipment that I put around my neck and a curved peace of metal curves around my stomach and theres abit to put my elbows against for curls. I don't know what the equipment is called but are they worth doing.
Have you ever seen a boxer with small arms?.
If you want to hit the bag now and then just go for it!
Cheers well I'll guess I'll carry on hitting that bag then.

Onto that thing I put around my neck. Well I hope somebody know what I'm on about lol I just wanna know if its work doing or not or any advantages or disadvantages of using it is.
Hi well I've been hitting the bag after my training. I'm not sure how long to rest after I finish training before I hit the bag or how long I should hit the bag for. Could I over train my delts or arms or any other muscle if I keep hitting the bag.

When I'm deconditioning should I hit the bag then or just leave the gym for 2 weeks.
Ok cheers mate well I havnt read the guide for a very long time so i would have forgot abit here and there. Well like now I'm bored and its a thurdays and I don't train on thursdays and I just feel like going to the gym but just todo boxing though would this be ok to do this.
The neck thing is to make sure you dont cheat when doing biceps. Think they used to use them back in the day but you dont see them about much now.

I would say that unless ur a pro trying to perfect a problem in your near perfectly formed biceps its not that useful. Often cheat curls (ie doing heavy weights on bicep curls and jerking the body a tiny bit to help you lift the weight) can help you put on more mass than a more isolated exercise.

Sup 2 you like, but i know loadsa people with massive arms and iv never seenem use one of them
Weider called it the Arm Blaster. I sometimes use it with the 15's and 10's on EZ bar curls. "Cheat" curls are also good as Ian said.