(RUSS @ Apr. 20 2007,10:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(scientific muscle @ Apr. 18 2007,23:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If you want hypertophy, and you already gained 20 lb.s... do HST. You are not a novice.
Didn't mean to confuddle you - I'm quoting this because it should clear things for you and I agree 100% with it...
Russ, just to confuse the he*l out of everyone
I'll say this: actually, using the term the way that I've seen Rippetoe and Pendlay use it, he may be a novice. They categorize people in terms of the complexity of training needed to progress,
not how strong they are. Someone who can still progress by simply adding weight every session is classed as a novice, even if quite strong.
So your original post was actually very good, and made the point that I had originally attempted to make in this thread, only better.
That said, since Jeff apparently preferred to do HST I simply tried to make the point that he should push the strength gains as long as possible in the post 5s which would have a similar effect to running a Rippetoe program. He'd be doing 15s and 10s for a few weeks with Vanilla HST then be in heavier weights. Either one should do well for him. Mainly I wouldn't want him to waste time by, for example, only doing a 6 week HST run then adding 10 pounds a lift if he could be adding 50 a lift.
Morgoth, as for the troll question, you're certainly correct about the typical people on Lyle's site. Some of the discussion can be quite entertaining. Taken at face value, they seem collectively to be an extraordinary group of clever, high IQ, unusually dysfunctional people.
In any case, I
may be the reason that Jeff found this place. He posted a thread about HST and different rep ranges on bb.com, and I linked to MikeNov's routine here that combines 15s, 10s, and 5s in the same week. The nutritional ideas seemed strange to me, but I don't claim much expertise there and left it alone. However, I've seen lots of folks with weird ideas about nutrition, and discussing it is almost like debating religion. Not likely to change anyone's mind. They're not necessarily trolls, just believe stuff that seems weird to me.
So as to the troll question, I don't know. If he is, he's an unusual and clever one.