HST and Steroids


New Member
Hey guys,

Recently i've found out that a friend of mine has access to some anabolics (anything, well so he says) and i find myself intrigued and thinking about them...

I'm curious, what is the most effective way of combining HST with anabolics? any drugs of choice? methods?

Bryan? Blade? Biz?

Anyone with some good information would be greatly appreciated.
I wouldn't touch them until you are 24-25 or so. But if you are going to do them anyway, I would stick with something mild like Anavar.
i don't plan to take them any time soon, but knowing i have a source, changes things. Any ideas how to use them with HST?

or would u just use them like usual? dosages, except training with HST? or what?

also with the strength gains how would u got about going from 15s to the tens since ALL you're maxes will rise on the gear. if you kno what i meant..

like supposed your 15 RM for bench WAS 200 natural.. and with the gear it'd be more like 250... would u just keep incrementing week by week until you get a bit closer to your max b4 moving on?
There's information on AAS use with HST in the FAQ's.

Also you can search the forums, it has been discussed.

I'd still recommend taking a look at yourself first and being honest. Do you really need it? And do you really need it yet? It is a big decision, it's a move from the honest to the dishonest in the general populations view.
thanks Lance ya i know it's been discussed. just curious to see what people had to say about it. i'll check the FAQ thanks. (where's blade these days?)
I say to hell with the general population's view, consider more the possible damage to yourself as someone who isn't old enough to start messing with your hormones. There are legal, nonhormonal substances that can give you an edge in your workouts. Plus, chances are the steroids won't give you what you want. They aren't a short cut, and if you can't make a keep natural gains then you won't be able to keep gains from steroids. Using roids requires a level of dedication and discipline that few people have at your age. And if they do have that, then they wouldn't need the roids since their natural hormones are already as optimal as they're going to be. And the only two things that will change that situation are aging or using steroids.

So right now it's a bad decision, get it? Wait a while and you'll be thankful for doing so.


Carefull what you messing with, at your age, your body responds almost like steroids anyway.

Why don't you get real, and I mean real heavy first with HST and then...if you not happy maybe then pursue this route

I'll bet if you do a couple of cycles to the very nearest to your failure at the negative level, you'll get some blastout effects.

Try this out

Alpha-nitrox (USN) + Primer/Driver protein daily (3 x or so) + creatine could always use one of the non-hormonal stacks available.

I do not recommend anyone to play around with their metabolism, but that is my own opinion anyway.

Hope this helps.
Like i've said before, i don't plan on using them anytime SOON, i'm simply looking for information.

right now i need to get my diet on key...

past 2 HST cycles i've been tkaing in like 1.5 g per lb or protein, probably 1.5 gram of carbs... (not including snack food)

next bulk i'm upping it to 3 grams or carbs per lb... and protein stay the same.. hopefully i'll gain.

cutting right now u can probably find what i'm doing in a thread i posted a few days ago. i'll grab the link
Mmm, here goes...

Get your nutrition sorted - then do an 8 week cycle.
If you're using sane dosages, you should be OK (I can't remember the last time I read about a 20yr old who died from 'roids)
Your body is geared towards growth at this point in your life, so why not give it a helping hand? and lift the setpoint.

Put another way - most of the early 70's greats are still around & looking good on it. Does youth and low dosage equate to this - maybe, maybe not; you won't be the first and most certainly not the last to do juice at 20...

Judge the pros/cons for yourself, just don't get to middle age and regret NOT having done them.
i'd think that roids at around 20 yrs old would be better then super young 15-18 or at a later age i.e 30-40...

What does Bryan and Blade have to say about it? i've read nothing about age. from either of them... I havent seen Blade in a while i might email him? what do ya'll think?
Also is there any studies stating the "drastic" drop in test from age 20 until 30? i REALLY doubt it.

i think people over estimate the test drop.. from what i understand test. peaks mid 20s to 30 and stays the same and doesnt decline until about 60s.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (the_dark_master @ June 21 2005,10:49)]If you're using sane dosages, you should be OK (I can't remember the last time I read about a 20yr old who died from 'roids)
Neither can I. We can probably find several with bone problems, overall stunted growth and permanent HPTA problems however. Once more, at that age it is not necessary nor worth it, even if he's planning on waiting a while. How long is a while, couple months? Midtwenties to be safe, later twenties to be sure. And even then there are risks though they are minimal if the substances are used properly.
a while is probably yrs. i'm going to try something. that is eat as if i would is i was ON my next bulk up cycle...i want to see how much i can gain.
If you are simply wanting to learn more about AAS, i suggest you spend some time researching over at anabolicminds.com. There are some really knowledgable bros over there, but as a warning, you are not allowed to post until you are at least 21.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (OneMoreRep @ June 21 2005,1:03)]i think i know a fair bit, i'm lookin into buy anabolics 2005. i want to know all the physiology b4 i get into it.
Good idea. As is the pointer to anabolicminds. That's a very good message board with a lot of good info available. Pardon my tone in earlier posts, please. I don't care if people use AAS, I've used them myself. But there are people who can take that step and people who shouldn't, and I hate seeing anyone in the latter group go that route and hurt themselves. It's bad for them, and it's bad for the people who can use safely and effectively.