HST Beginner, advice needed

ok tnx for the information. I just have to stop talking about it and start with the workouts hehe. Tomorrow im going to find my max on the 5's and then decondition. But when i start i'll try your approach, i like it and will definitely give a good workout when repping out.
I wish i had the opportunity to train before work but then i would have a workout in the middle of the night, lol.
About soreness, i almost never feel sore, do you? When i haven't workout for a while and then do a workout, the next day i almost cant walk but after doing the second and a third i almost never feel sore again while still lifting to my max. I just guess my body adapts quickly. I know for sure, the tuesday and wednesday after my first 15's workout will be hell, haha. But for me soreness is just not a good indicator for having a good workout or not. I guess its just what you said some posts earlier, as long as the weight gets heavier over time, the muscles will grow.
About soreness, i almost never feel sore, do you? When i haven't workout for a while and then do a workout, the next day i almost cant walk but after doing the second and a third i almost never feel sore again while still lifting to my max. I just guess my body adapts quickly. I know for sure, the tuesday and wednesday after my first 15's workout will be hell, haha. But for me soreness is just not a good indicator for having a good workout or not. I guess its just what you said some posts earlier, as long as the weight gets heavier over time, the muscles will grow.

Soreness is definitely not an indication that you are working out effectively. In some cases, it can be an indication of overtraining.

I get sore, like you said, when I do something I haven't worked on in a while. And when I do extremely high intensity stuff. But I feel a different type of soreness with HST, one that I hadn't felt before - probably because I had never done a linear progression-based program.

It isn't soreness and it's kind of hard to describe. I felt stiff throughout the cycle, but as I approached my maxes and hit new maxes, my muscles felt fatigued - kind of like a sore feeling deep in the muscle.

Best of luck on your training, Jugg - perhaps you'd like to log your cycle in the training log forum so we can all follow your progress.