HST for joint rehab

Seems like a wierd question, but how do you sleep? on your back ? on your side?
When I sleep on my side, my shoulders usually hurt the next day.
When I sleep on my back, no pain.
Is your mattres in good shape?

Just a thought, as I chased solutions for my shoulder pain for a long time and
found it to my a mini-syndrom of what I was eating, how I was sleeping and the behind-the-neck presses I was doing.
Hey Dr. Debbs

I used to have the same problem, sleep on my side.

Resolved by getting extra pillow width, keeps my head apart from my shoulders by the necessary width, its working!

Just thought I'd share!
I sleep on my stomach most nights, it makes me shoulders hurt lately, so I've been trying to sleep on my back instead. But I have insomnia that shows up occasionally, it makes it difficult to sleep unless I'm in just the right position. Still, I think that is part of the problem.

Anecdotally, I've also noticed that my joints tend to be a bit more stiff and/or sore from exercise when I'm not getting a lot of fats in my diet. If I let fat fall below 20% of my total calories, even with fish oil supplementation, it seems to cause issues. Keeping it around 30% seems to be a good spot for me, however.

Anyway, I'm on SD this week. I'm figuring out my format, since I already know my 5 rep maxes, and I'll be starting my cycle midway through next week. My joints all feel quite a bit better, though one knee is still bugging me a little. My shoulders feel fine as long as I don't push on anything over my head too hard.
I've had arthritis in both my shoulders for a number of years. I'm 45 years young and have been lifting for over 25 years. And, as some of you seem to have discovered, the answer can be found in a combination of things (at least for myself). 1. an anti-inflamatory, 2. no behind the neck exercises (pull downs, presses, etc.), 3. no barbell bench presses (most likely years of bad form?), only dumbbell, 4. since it's difficult for me to keep from ending up sleeping on my side during the night, I hug a nice thick pillow which keeps my shoulders in better alignment throughout the night. I agree with the previous post, if your going to sleep on your side, it's important to keep the head in alignment as well. Also, I have to be very careful with the length of the 5's and haven't been able to reap the benefits of negatives yet. But let me say this, I've been following the HST principles for six months or so and can't wait each and every day to get my workout in (3x per week).
it seems that there are a lot of commonalities w/ our shoulder problems: sleeping positions, specific exercises, and just using high freq. (hst).

i tried dan's advice of 30-40reps for shoulder side raises yesterday and took the day off otherwise (was suppose to do upper body routine). today my shoulder felt better than it has in months. i was even able jump up in weight on my incline db presses from my previous 10rm (and if my shoulder keeps getting better i will increase more than i did today). anyhow, i didnt expect to see results from it so fast. perhaps it was just a good day, but whatever it is, it feels great! (aspirin was also taken 1 hour prior to workout, hopefully that is not the only reason)