HST for Sports


New Member
I have a question regarding modifying HST for a rugby player. I know HST isn't the most beneficial program for strength and athletic ability. But I love the muscle gains I've been getting and the overall balanced physique it developes. Anyways, I was thinking about just doing HST for my upper body and doing more low rep explosive lifts for my lower body once or twice a week to develope power and speed. I just find that all the high rep squating may have slowed me down a tad and I would like to change it up a bit. Also, I'm trying to do the program around my rugby schedule which is 3 days a week and I kinda dont want to kill my legs too much. Has anyone done something similar? or any suggestions? Thanks

Your best bet for Squats is a box squat to 90 degree or even less, what they call a quarter squat and high speed low reps (max 5), go the HST way (progression in load) but keep up the speed, increase only when it becomes too light.

Drop your frequency to 2x week and keep upper body same as always, I remember doing similar stuff for athletics and squats like that did not slow anyone down!

Just my 2 cents though, I'm not a rugby expert at all.