HST good for cutting?

ive used it. it does work but you have to be prepared for some lack of energy due to diet restrictions.

in the future i will probably do less exer. in my w/o as i like to use moderate-high wgt. when cutting and keep the rest to a minimum. i hit the wall a few times and needed to down my supposed post w/o shake just to finish.
Yes as is any loading but I wouldn't expect much growth. The main idea is loading will help with diminishing the catabolic effect of dieting but this impact would be largely held with the contractile proteins not the sarcoplasmic, so there will more than likely still be a noticable size loss but don't worry it is mostly a loss in non contractile proteins, glycogen, and water.

If you are dieting skip the 15's and SD, you may even want to reduce the frequency to 2X a week, use the rest of the time for cardio, the true fat burning exercise.
walking will burn a lot of fat as its the main energy source for that exercise. running will eat some fat but also protein so be careful.

If you can, walk to work, school, the gym etc. Its boring since it takes a long time but it will burn off a lot of fat.
I like hst for cutting, simply b/c I decrease my volume and workout more often...b/c I hate cardio.

For me when I want to cut, it looks the exact opposite of what you would think it would look like.

I basically will pick a 4 week period and use all compounds and do 3 weeks of 10's and maybe one week of 5's. I like to keep the reps at 10 for more calories burned and more work.

I like to keep the lifts all compound no direct arm work, unless its for fun.

Right now I am cutting using 4 full body routines a week,
using my 24-36 rep principal side note ( hey Dan I have decided on a rep range that I am sticking to for good..hehe

My current cutting routine is...

Monday 4 sets of 6 rep with 8 rep max

Bench press
Standing dumbell press
1 set of squats with Tabata squats thrown into the mix

Wednesday 3 sets of 12 reps I chose different exercise per bodypart, so it might be dips and incline press for chest and standing barbell rows for back

Friday 4 sets of 8 reps with 10 rep max

Saturday 2 sets of 24 reps with 26 rep max

I also do a HYPERTROPHY BOOSTER shot for Chest and back on my off days...not really too effective for growth b/c I am cutting but is fun.

I know this is not typical 2 week rep ranges for vanilla hst, but I keep up with my weights and I try to increase the load by 2 to 5 % every other workout.

Hope this helps!
Hi Dan,

Why do you suggest cutting out the 15s? I would think that those would have some sort of cardio type effect during a cutting phase. Im actually cutting and on my last workout on friday of 15s, so I was just wondering.
You want something heavier than the 15s during a calorie deficit. If you decide to keep the 15s in, definitely do not cut calories during that phase. That is basically asking to lose muscle mass.
Tot is right on with loosing muscle.

If you are cutting...you could always throw in one heavy set and then one metabolic set to burn calories, just make sure you go heavy...that along with adequate protein will help you save as much muscle mass as possible.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If you are dieting skip the 15's and SD, you may even want to reduce the frequency to 2X a week, use the rest of the time for cardio, the true fat burning exercise. </div>

I don't understand your comments Dan. If a person is cutting, wouldn't it be better to go high frequency weight lifting as that burns more calories, during and after you lift?
Im with you on this Colby...Dan please explain?

The only thing I can see Dan getting at would be this.

We know we are at a calorie defecit when cutting so we should assume that we will gain no muscle at all. Basically we ar trying to maintain what we have and burn more calories from fat.

I might be off track here, but I am guessing Dan is saying two full body workouts a week is enough loading and stress to maintain muscle mass...and therefor cardio on the other days would be best for burning the most calories?

Am I looking at this correctly?
I would be very interested in this info too. I compete on occasion, but I haven't since moving to HST. Since I plan to very soon (Aug-Sept timeframe) this would be very good information to have. Joe.Muscle’s comments seem to pretty well express the basic concept -keeping the muscle during a calorie deficit and burning the fat.
 I've pondered this for a couple of weeks and wondered if an initial 10's scheme + a metabolic set might work. However, comments here lead me to believe that maybe a heavier initial set (like used for the 5's) + a metabolic set might be better (over the course of this 'cutting' phase), with a little less 'volume' plus added carido.
Can someone explain why doing high rep sets, such as the 15s will cause someone to lose muscle mass? I only have one workout left so I am jsut going to finish it but I would like to know? I haven't seen info like this before.
To keep it simple, on a diet your primary concern should be retaining as much size as possible.

The sarcoplasmic volume is going to reduce anyway, especially if using a carb depleted diet. The contractile proteins aren't as responsive to lessened food intake but may be more responsive to loading state.

With this in mind you would want to load as heavy as possible, still using a progressive load, and therfore minimize the amount of contractile loss. So why worry about the 15's. Secondly since cutting, you wouldn't want to SD, so the 15's are going to do squat except burn up more glycogen, which if you are dieting and glycogen deficient anyway, what does this accomplish?
(Dan Moore @ May 26 2006,08:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">With this in mind you would want to load as heavy as possible, still using a progressive load, and therfore minimize the amount of contractile loss. So why worry about the 15's. Secondly since cutting, you wouldn't want to SD, so the 15's are going to do squat except burn up more glycogen, which if you are dieting and glycogen deficient anyway, what does this accomplish?</div>

Thanks for the concise explanation. I'd never heard that explained before; it makes a lot of sense.

Is the reason you might reduce frequency because you can't sustain the heavier weights at a higher frequency while maintaining a caloric deficit? I guess I'm really asking if there is an optimum frequency and rep range you would recommend while trying to cut fat.

Also, how long can one maintain a &quot;cutting phase?&quot;
adb1X1, Optimum........nah, realistic.........yup.

Going post HST bulk, one is already probably getting close to being spent. This is why I recommend a progressive loading during a cut. Just a break from the heavy stuff for just a bit. Start with your 10RM or even 8RM do a couple sets a couple times a week and spend the rest of the week progressively adding cardio.

smf, it's a matter of priority. Just like HST is primarily geared to bulking one would then need to prioritise their cutting plan when cutting. Reducing freq still allows enough loading to maintain and adds in more time for cardio. If you don't want to reduce to 2X a week, don't. I don't think in the long run it will make much of a difference when looking at 2 or 3X week if volume is in check.

What's the magic number in sets/reps during a cut? There isn't one but a set or two of the big lifts should be fine but that's not etched in concrete. As there are many who do a potload more than this and still have effective cuts.

I know of some guys who cut for 8 weeks and some for 16 with all types of differences in between. I know some use a rule of thumb of Bulk to 15% Bf, then cut to 8%, wash-rinse-repeat but I think this varies by individual and goal, as I also know a few people who don't consider it a good cut until they are at 6% Bf or so.
today i'm finding out my 5 rep maxes...so if i want to cut should i just skip the SD and start next monday with my hst workout on a cut or should i still SD then do the 15s then start cutting during the 10s,5s,5s?