HST good for cutting?

(p0fell0w @ May 26 2006,13:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">today i'm finding out my 5 rep maxes...so if i want to cut should i just skip the SD and start next monday with my hst workout on a cut  or should i still SD then do the 15s then start cutting during the 10s,5s,5s?</div>
Sure skip the SD, start adding cardio while maintaining a small caloric surplus or just maintenance, then gradually increase exercise while gradually reducing kcals. To cycle carbs or not or other ways of caloric manipulating is up to you and your goals.

Start with 80% of 10 rm and increase the weight 5-10% every week, 2 sets of the big lifts 2 or 3X week. Simple yet effective.
Great..now I feel like I just wasted the last 2 weeks, and possibly unnecessarily lost musle. Should I feel this way? So then for cutting would it be alright to just continue to HST cycle of 10/5/5? Would anyone recommend doing a 5X5 routing instead?
(bizzblar @ May 26 2006,13:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Great..now I feel like I just wasted the last 2 weeks, and possibly unnecessarily lost musle.  Should I feel this way?  So then for cutting would it be alright to just continue to HST cycle of 10/5/5?  Would anyone recommend doing a 5X5 routing instead?</div>
IMO, I wouldn't say you wasted 2 weeks.

Cycle a 10/5/5 scheme, sure you could, do a 5X5, you could but it may be more volume than is needed when your main concentration should be on cutting.

Let me say, these are my opinions only, others may disagree. I mean bottom line in order to lose fat a caloric decrease must happen. No way around it, but when trying to retain as much lean tissue as possible, it may be more beneficial to keep an adequate loading scheme in place.
Yeah I do think we sometimes make it more complicated than it is.

Like Dan said just lift heavy and make sure most importantly there is a calorie deficit.
so if my incline bench is 185x10 i should do this

135/145/155/165/175/185 2 sets each

and my 5 rep max is 205

155/165/175/185/195/205 3 sets each

then for my 5s or negetives i should do this

205/205/205/205/205/205 for 3 sets each

Just start out with 10 reps and skip the SD is that right?
(Dan Moore @ May 26 2006,13:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(p0fell0w @ May 26 2006,13:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">today i'm finding out my 5 rep maxes...so if i want to cut should i just skip the SD and start next monday with my hst workout on a cut  or should i still SD then do the 15s then start cutting during the 10s,5s,5s?</div>
Sure skip the SD, start adding cardio while maintaining a small caloric surplus or just maintenance, then gradually increase exercise while gradually reducing kcals. To cycle carbs or not or other ways of caloric manipulating is up to you and your goals.

Start with 80% of 10 rm and increase the weight 5-10% every week, 2 sets of the big lifts 2 or 3X week. Simple yet effective.</div>
so would i start with 80% for the 10s for the 2 weeks then do 80% for my 5s?