HST is freaky!


New Member
OK, so I am nearing the end of my first HST cycle.

I started HST at 188 lbs 18% bodyfat (3 site caliper by pro). was doing around 10-15 hours cardio a week. when i started HST I dropped my cardio down to 1 hr per week.

My ultimate training goal was to be 215 lbs at 12% BF by end of 2014 (not that I expected that, I just made up what to me seemed like an almost impossible to achieve dream goal).

After 5 weeks, I weigh 215 lbs.

Never before have I managed to put on so much weight in so short a time, not even close. And I do not think that too much of that is fat either, obviously some has to be fat. BUT I still fit in the same pants. And all my lifts have increased hugely. Examples: when I started lifting on HST program, I struggled with 135 lbs on incline press. I had to do the 15 reps sets in like 10 plus 5 with a break in middle. Today? did 4 x 4 at 225lbs clean no bouncing no cheating.

Chinups? at start of HST could do around 10 chinups at 188 lbs, sometimes 12, had to rest to get to 15. Today? at 215 lbs weight, did 4 x 4 with 55 lbs of plates, clean and correct (hanging from bar for 2 seconds between each chinups, and chin above bar every time, that is 55 lbs of plates, plus 27 lbs of extra body weight).

so to summarize, this HST stuff really works like nothing else I ever tried.

Now I have to figure out how to get to 12% BF, that will not be pleasant, been loving eating 5000 calories a day (and I just plain love eating).

I made awesome gains dirty bulking on a see-food diet once upon a time. Put on 20lbs in a few months.

And btw, 5000 kcals is near double what you should be eating (from your 188lbs starting weight anyway).

I made awesome gains dirty bulking on a see-food diet once upon a time. Put on 20lbs in a few months.

And btw, 5000 kcals is near double what you should be eating (from your 188lbs starting weight anyway).

Depends on the activity level and individual specifics - metabolism, genetics, height etc. All play a role.