HST log of a lightweight rower

i watched a youtube clip of rip showing some guy how to squat. it seems that with hip drive he refers to looking down instead of straight ahead and pushing up with your bum & hips to start the upwards movement. is that right?

seems counter-intuitive because you'd think it would make you fall forward. but i've been trying it and it seems to help. problem is i cant get my elbows high enough. i guess i need to stretch more.
i watched a youtube clip of rip showing some guy how to squat. it seems that with hip drive he refers to looking down instead of straight ahead and pushing up with your bum & hips to start the upwards movement. is that right?

seems counter-intuitive because you'd think it would make you fall forward. but i've been trying it and it seems to help. problem is i cant get my elbows high enough. i guess i need to stretch more.

I've tried a lot of different things with the squat. I never really liked the 'looking down' aspect of Rips squat. I understand his reasoning (neutral alignment, right?), but in practice I've learned that head and chest up work better for me. Looking down makes me suffer from the 'good morning' effect where my hips come up too fast and I'm bent over too much. I have to 'good morning' out of it and it puts too much emphasis on my lower back. Not a big deal until I start lifting really heavy.
Target weights for the 10's

Today I counted the maxes for the 10's. Brian's formula 1,2*15RM gave in my opinion too high weights for me. I am more of an endurance type, and I probably also took the 15's with a little too much weight. That's why I used the Epley formula. I have used that also before, as it appears in a book called "Rowing Faster". the base formula is as following: 1RM=Weight*(1+(0,033*Reps)). From that 1RM I then counted 10 RM (with some math): 1RM/(1+(0,033*DesiredReps)).

It appears that formula gives about 10RM=15RM*1,124. It may seem low to some, but with the formula and some rounding I got in my opinion good weights I think I can handle with the 10's. It gives also pretty heavy zig-zag, but at least the 2 or 3 last sessions are above the 15's weights. I'll take the 10's little conservative, with the 5's I can then try to break some limits.

Anyway, here are the estimated 10RM's

Squat 97,5kg
Bench 65kg
Deadlift 135kg (was even more conservative wih this)
Power Clean 67,5kg (alternated with deads)
Press 37,5kg
Row 62,5kg
Chins BW+10kg
Calves 70kg
Ab crunch 7,5kg

+10RM for Some Extra's if I have time and energy
1 superset of
Bent over laterals 6kg
Laterals 6kg
1 set of
Dips ?
BB Curl 30kg
10's 1st Workout Thu 24.03. at 75% 10RM

Squat 2x10x73,5+kg
Bench 2x10x52,5kg
Deadlift 2x10x117+kg
Press 2x10x28+kg
Row 2x10x51+kg
Chins 2x10xBW
Calves 2x10x56+kg
Ab crunch 2x10x2kg

<<<<<45 min break>>>>>>

2 rounds of Spartacus ~25 min
-with 16kg/8kg/4kg kettlebells

Todays workout felt heavy. Especially the deads were brutal. However I did this workout at the rowing club and it has some pretty old weights from the 70's or so. I would not be surprised if the plates actually are 10% or so heavier than they should. Only the bench had a newer bar and plates. I'll proabably use it next time I train here with all the exercises.

Did the deads without straps with mixed grip. Did not have any grip problems with chalk. However I felt like I was somehow unbalanced in pulling, so I'll probably stick to straps next time. Also I think I need to start using a belt as the weights get pretty heavy.

I had again some form problems with the bent over rows from the floor (Rippetoe style). Before this HST cycle I have always done rows lying on a bench. I probably should have gone with even less weight with them. However I noticed that when I tried them using a belt in the second set, that helped me to better maintain the form and not raise my back too high.

I finished the main workout in 1:05. After that however I had to postpone the metcon/endurance strength Spartacus workout for 45min, as I had to help packing the boat trailer. Did the circuit after the packing for two rounds, as I already felt recovered from the weights.
10's 2nd Workout Tue 29.03. at 80% 10RM

Squat 2x10x75kg
Bench 2x10x55kg
Power Clean 2x10x55kg
Press 2x10x30kg
Row 2x10x50kg
Chins 2x10xBW+1kg
Calves 2x10x60kg
Ab crunch 2x10x3kg
+Dips 1x10xBW
+BB Curl 1x10x25kg
+Skullcrusher 1x10x17kg

I had to postpone this workout for 3 days because of military training I took part. The workout in itself was ok. I finished it in 1h10min. Only problem is that the gym I have to use the next 3 weeks does not have lighter plates for power bars than 2,5kg, so I have to alter my target weights slightly.
10's 3rd Workout Thu 31.03. at 85% 10RM

Squat 2x10x80kg
Press 2x10x30kg
Deadlift 2x10x125kg
Bench 2x10x55kg
Row 2x10x55kg
Chins 2x10xBW+2,5kg
Calves 2x10x65kg
Ab crunch 2x10x4kg
+6x10 abs of different kinds without break in between

Decided to repeat last times weights with bench and press, because the gym does not have 1,25 plates. Next time they will be 5kg higher then. Also had to swap their order because of other people.

The deadlift was BRUTAL. Rowing 3 hours before the weights duroing the day had some impact definitely. Still I think I'm only upping the weight for it for 5kg next time.
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10's 4th Workout Sat 02.04. at 90% 10RM

Squat 2x10x85kg
Bench 2x10x60kg
Power Clean 2x10x60kg
Press 1x10x35kg - 7+2+1x35kg
Row 2x10x55kg
Chins 1x10xBW+6kg - 9+1xBW+6kg
Calves 2x10x67,5kg
Lateral raise rear and side supersetted 1x10x5kg
Ab crunch 1x10xBW - 2x10x5kg

Repeated the last weight in rows because of lack of small plates. Had to cluster the second set with press and chins. Otherwise training went as planned, even though I was a bit tired of the days rowing sessions.
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10's 5th Workout Tue 05.04. at 95% 10RM

Squat 90kg: 2x10
Bench 60kg: 2x10
Deadlift 130kg: 8+2/6+2+2
Press 35kg: 10/8+2
Row 60kg: 2x10
Chins 7kg:10/8+3
Calves 70kg: 2x10
+Dips BW: 1x10
+BB Curl 30kg: 1x10
+Skullcrusher 20kg: 1x10
Ab crunch 6kg: 2x10

Today I had no energy. Thge first 3 lifts took 1 hour to finish! Luckily I could speed up a bit in the end and finished the rest in 30 min. Also I had no rage in the deads and had to cluster them. The first set I rested rounding the back after 8th rep and taking 5 breaths, but in the second I let totally go of the bar and stood up for a little time. I probably could have barely lifted the first set up without the break, but I felt my form was breaking already after the sixth rep so I did not want to risk it.
10's 6th Workout Thu 07.04. at 100% 10RM

Squat 95kg: 2x10
Bench 65kg: 8+2/6+2+2
Power Clean 65kg: 2x10
Press 37,5kg: 7+3/5+3+2
Row 60kg: 2x10
Chins 8kg:10/8+2
Calves 75kg: 2x10
Ab crunch 7,5kg: 2x10
+Dips BW: 1x10

Today was much better day than tuesday. I was full of energy. Probably I timed the caffeine boost right today. I had a tight schedule, so I could not do extras even though I'd wanted. The whole set took 1h15'

In the squats I waded to "uncharted territory", as I have never lifted this heavy with going deep. They were hard, but I probably could have managed a few kgs more. In the Bench I had a little too much, but here are no 1,25 plates. The 8th rep was so hard that I only could have lifted 9th rep with max effort if at all, but no way 10, so I clustered it. Still I'm happy with that, as last time I lifted this heavy, I managed only 5 reps.

The other lifts I flew through, except the Press. I just could't get it up... Probably some form problems and/or tired of the bench.

Overall I'm happy with the final weights. Now to calculate the target weights for the fives.
Target weights for the 5's

A little delay on the logging... Luckily I have all the nubers stored in a text file in my computer, just not had the time to post them here.

As the target weigths for the 10's, These are calculated based on the Epley formula with some rounding, but this time from the 10's final weights. As these are estimates, I might lower the increments towads the end if the weight starts to feel so heavy I might not be able to lift it and finish with a little lower weight.

Squat 110kg [5kg]
Bench 72,5kg [2,5]
Deadlift 145kg [10]/ Power Clean 75kg [5]
Press 40kg [2,5]
Row 67,5kg [2,5]
Chins BW+15kg [2,5]
Calves 90kg [5]
Ab crunch 10kg [1]
5's 1st session tue 12.4. at 75% 5RM

Squat 3x5x85kg
Bench 3x5x60kg
Deadlift 3x5x125kg
Press 3x5x30kg
Row 3x5x55kg
Chins 3x5xBW+5kg
Calves 3x5x65kg
Ab crunch 3x5x5kg
+Lat raises rear+side supersetted 2x5x6kg
+Dips 2x5xbw

The weights felt heavy! Weird becasue I just lifted more and 10 reps.

Maybe the strain of the Training camp is starting to accumulate.
5's 2nd session thu 14.4. at 80% 5RM

Squat 3x5x90kg
Bench 3x5x65kg
Powerclean 3x5x65kg
Press 3x5x30kg
Row 3x5x55kg
Chins 3x5xBW+8kg
Calves 3x5x70kg
Ab crunch 3x5x6kg
+Bi's 2x5x35kg
+Skullcrusher 5x25kg - 5x27,5kg
+Dips 2x5xbw+3kg

Had to repeat some weights due to missing small plates. Otherwise the session went well, even though the weights are still feeling heavy.
5's 3rd session sat 16.4.at 85% 5RM

+Core work with Fitball as WU
Squat 3x5x95kg
Bench 3x5x65kg
Deadlift 5x135kg - 3+1+1x135kg - 5x135kg
Press 3x5x35kg
Row 3x5x60kg
Chins 3x5xBW+10kg
Calves 3x5x75kg
Ab crunch 3x5x8kg
+Lat raises rear/side supersetted 2x5x5kg/2x5x8kg

Wow. The deadlifts were really hard. I had to cluster the second set. Not long breaks, but still. I kept a longer break after the set and changed the music of the gym to heavy metal to help focusing... and was able to pull off the last set without clustering. I think this weight is pretty near my 5RM, so I'll raise it only a little to the next session. Surprisingly my back did not come as stiff as usual, even though the weight was heavier. I'm wondering if the core warmup with the fitball would have affected this?

In the squats I figured out the meaning of the hip drive Rip is talking about. Last 2 sessions felt heavy, but today I got it right again and the weight felt relatively easy. I don't know how, but I was today really slow. The first 3 lifts took 1 hour to finish! The rest I did in 40'. Maybe I have to blame the deads.
Good lifting, helps to have the right music. I like to listen to Viking Metal when doing Dead Lifts.

One thought, if your workouts are taking 1 hour and 40 minutes if you have the ability to schedule it you might want to do a split like alternate days or AM/PM. From everything I’ve read the longer you go over an hour, some say 40 minutes, your testosterone can actually start dropping and your cortisol goes up.
One thought, if your workouts are taking 1 hour and 40 minutes if you have the ability to schedule it you might want to do a split like alternate days or AM/PM. From everything I’ve read the longer you go over an hour, some say 40 minutes, your testosterone can actually start dropping and your cortisol goes up.

Yes, I have heard that too. I do not really know about the science, so how bad is that? Doesn't hard training always raise cortisol levels? And for me the time comes mostly from resting and breaks in changing the exercise and searching the right plates and putting them to the bar... So I don't know, does it still apply?

Usually the training during the 10's and 5's has taken 1h15-1h30 (15's took about 1 hour or less) but sometimes when I have been "lazy" it has taken more. I do agree that it is a bit too long. However I have only time for 3 sessions in a week, and I really like my setup. Maybe I make some changes when I start the next cycle though.

For now I think I found a way to speed up things a bit (in addition to trying to move faster from exercise to another and trying to be faster with the plates): start doing the lighter warmup sets for the next lift during rest perioids of the previous lift. For example during the rest on squats I'd start warming up for the bench. Of course that can only be done if the gym is not full, but that should save some time.

i would say the squats would have a major effect on your deads. i personally wouldnt do them both on the same day.

Yes, I agree the squats have some effect on deads. If I'd like to do a maximum PR attempt on them I would not try PR on squats before that! However I think for training purposes, the negative effect isn't that bad for me. I have done them this way the whole cycle and it has been ok.
Yes, I have heard that too. I do not really know about the science, so how bad is that? Doesn't hard training always raise cortisol levels? And for me the time comes mostly from resting and breaks in changing the exercise and searching the right plates and putting them to the bar... So I don't know, does it still apply?
I’m not sure how bad it really is as I haven’t read about it for some time since I’ve always managed to keep my workouts below an hour. The worst case scenario I remember reading about was that even running more than 30 minutes could start to lower your testosterone level. Yes any stress, not just hard training even light training like jogging for a long time or mental/emotional stress raises cortisol. I’m assuming that the 40-60 minute window I’ve read about is trying to find a happy medium between the benefits and problems caused by working out. I don’t know how much resting between sets effects any of this.
Slight drawback

I arrived from a 3 weeks training camp back home last sunday. However I guess the strain of the camp and the travelling were a too big strain to my body, as on monday evening I felt I'm getting sick. I have had a break of 1 week from lifting now, as the last session was last saturday.

I feel I've regained sufficient strength now, so tomorrow I'll continue. I'm planning to repeat the last session's weights (85% 5RM), to start a little lower, and then continue normally.
5's 4th session Sun 24.4.

It's been long since my last visit here... well here's the first of the sessions I haven't logged (online) yet:

Squat 3x5x95kg
Bench 3x5x66kg
Powerclean 3x5x66kg
Press 3x5x35kg
Row 3x5x60kg
Chins 3x5xBW+11kg
Calves 3x5x75kg
Ab crunch 3x5x7kg

After the sickness I did not know how much I can lift so I almost repeated last sessions weights. As usual after a break, I got heavy DOMS from the squats. The other lifts were okay.
5's 5th session Wed 27.4.

Squat 3x5x100kg
Bench 3x5x67,5kg
Deadlift 5*x135kg - 3x135kg - 3*x135kg
Press 3x5x37,5kg
Row 3x5x62,5kg
Chins 3x5xBW+12,5kg
Calves 3x5x80kg
Ab crunch 3x5x8kg

I had sore throat again and a little powerless feeling. However the session went okay overall.

Only the deads just didn't go up today, even though I repeated last session's kg's in them. I felt it right from the first lift. First set I struggled the 4th rep but failed the 5th. Didn't have power to cluster them. Also failed the 3rd rep with 3rd set. I guess I have found my limit in them.

I was having too long breaks between warmups, as the 2 first lifts alone took 50'!!! I guess it is because of the squats, as I am basicly breaking my records in it each new session, and dont have the courage to lift them with shorter breaks...