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Started first workout of the 15s today after a 13 day SD.

Was eager to get to the gym, cause, dang, 13 days without iron is loooong.

Doing a M/W/F standard full body routine.

Routine was 1 set of each exercise. So 1x15, except on calves and abs, which were 2x15

Exercises were in order:
Dumbbell Press
Lateral Raise (aka Side Raise)
Leg Press
Leg Extension
Incline DB Press
Front pulldown
Low pulley
Barbell Curl
Triceps Extension (aka Skull Crushers)
Standing Calf Raises
Cable Pulldown

The feeling in the muscles wasnt' bad, but since I'm used to hit or other failure training, it was mentally difficult. Quiting after one set, while not being tired was very hard to do.

Finished the entire workout in 40 minutes, which I consider to be quite fast. Did slow reps though.

I'm wondering wether to increase the amount of sets on some exercises (chest, tris and bis, since they only have one exercise). But I'll see how it feels wednesday, and if any DOMS shows up.

Will keep you informed.
I did 1 set for each exercise when I did 15 reps as well and I felt that burning sensation that is desired.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I'm wondering wether to increase the amount of sets on some exercises (chest, tris and bis, since they only have one exercise). But I'll see how it feels wednesday, and if any DOMS shows up.

Try adding in dips to hit your tris as well as your chest a little bit...

Also, I have no clue what low pulley is, and is front pulldown also known as lat pulldowns?

Ahh yes, low pulley = seated row.. for some reason I didn't do those this cycle as I like the pulldowns a lot.

Daxie, how do you perform your shrugs? - via barbell, smith, or dumbell? I took someone's advice on this forum and switched to dumbell a couple weeks ago, but I am not liking it at all (smith machines give me that smooth fluid motion)
As far as sets go, Bryan has suggested doing 2 sets during the 15s, and 2 sets during the first week of the 10's and 5's. That's what I have been using for my first cycle.
I always do 2 sets of 15's for all my movements. I like the extra work and so far have not had fatigue be a problem. I continue to do 2 sets of 10's and then 3 sets in the 5's. Post 5's, anything goes depending on how I am feeling.

If you feel the need to increase volume in the form of sets, then feel free. I know in the FAQ Bryan mentions that you should increase volume if you NEVER feel even a little sore or if you are not tired after your workouts. I had a brief (and unsuccsessful) stint with HIT, but I do understand how exhausting it can be to work to total failure (total temporary muscular fatigue). I immediately started my HST program after my HIT routine so I can at least vouch for how effective HST is for muscular hypertrophy. I basically did one set through the 15's, then two sets for the 10's then three sets plus a static hold during the 5's. This has worked very well for me and I always feel that I have had a productive workout.

The bottom line is that if you are eating enough clean food and EFAs and are not experiencing any muscle or joint problems, and don't show significant signs of overtraining, adding volume in an HST program is fine.
Doing the same number of sets for all muscle groups makes no sense to me. Every muscle reacts differently to stimuli. You should do enough sets for each muscle to get a good pump. Doing less is ineffective and doing more is inefficient. A more interesting and controversial topic is whether multiple sets per bodypart should be of the same exercise or different exercises.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]A more interesting and controversial topic is whether multiple sets per bodypart should be of the same exercise or different exercises.

I would say multiple sets per bodypart split among multiple exercises. The load targets the muscle group differently make different exercises more efficient.

For the 15's, I did 1 set per exercise and I got some burn. I thought that was the protocol that Bryan instructed but maybe I misread. Therefore my question is should I do 2 sets for 15's next cycle?

Also, for the 10's I do 1 set per exercise unless it is a large muscle group. I do the same thing for 5's except for the 1st week I plan on doing 2 sets for all the exercises. Just wondering if this plan is adviseable.

I don't do the same number of sets for all muscle groups, since some muscle groups have more exercises (eg shoulders, legs, back).

So basically I have
shoulders: 2sets
legs: 2sets
chest: 1 set
back: 2sets
bis: 1 set
tris: 1 set

I'll see what 2x15s would bring extra, and maybe go back to 1x15 at the end of the cycle.
Colby, on your question about shrugs, I always use DBs for them (one in each hand). I don't know if this is the best way or not, but it has worked for me. I suggest that you try it for one cycle and see how it goes.

About sets and exercises for each bodypart, I generally use 2 sets per exercise. One exercise for small muscle groups (bis, tris etc.) and two exercises for large muscle groups (chest, back etc.). That is, for example, 4 total sets for chest but only 2 for bis (assuming the regular MWF full body workout).
I like using a barbell for shrugs as it allows me to add a lot more weight than DB's. I think a trap bar would be the ideal tool but wow they are really expensive and I cannot seem to justify spending that kind of money right now.
I've been asking some of these questions myself. How many sets, how much volume? I'm on my first cycle in my second week of 15s. I'm also on a lower calorie diet. So i stick to 1 set on each and every exercise and I plan on this throughout the rest of the cycle. I follow the MWF split. If i were eating in a surplus, i already know what exercises I would add a 2nd set to :D
I feel pretty tired and a little sore the next day so it seems to be working. I can't speak for the whole cycle but I'd definitely add more sets in my first week of 15s and then drop most down to 1 set for the second week on my next cycle if still low calorie. First week feels less 'pumped' than my 2nd week.
Daxie, I am also trying HST and a former HIT user. Training to failure is a habit that is hard to kick. However, I'm in the midst of my second week of 15's and as far as energy levels, and the fullness of my muscles I feel fantastic. When I was using HIT I was constantly exhausted from the extreme workouts. I think I might have actually damaged my CNS so severely that I started suffering from anxiety and panic disorders for days after my workouts.

I would try doing as Bryan recommends doing 2 sets for the 15's. If you estimate the weight correctly you will have a tremendous burn but also a feeling of satiety of productivness after the workout.
well, wednesday today, and tonight second workout.

Was hungry as hell yesterday, but I'm always like that :-p

Gonna increase the volume, all to 2x15s.

Don't have any soreness, as in zero. So increasing volume is needed it seems.
Will get back to you tonight
Hello daxie! :)

Yep, you pretty much should do 2 sets per exercise for the 15's. It's not really for superb and dramatic muscle gains, but really for the lactic acid build up to better prepare you for the heavier loads that will soon follow.

Although, after great SD, even the 15's can give you great gains. But even if it doesn't, just go on and by the time you finish the 10's, you'll get some results soon enough, as long as you also fulfill the other prerequisites for gaining muscle, like proper diet and enough rest.

Good luck, happy lifting! And keep on telling us about your results :)
Ok, back.

So yesterday evening I did 2 sets of 15's for every exercise. Calves were increased to 3 sets, and abs to 4.

Since I was alone, workout still fitted in 50 mins.

Feeling was a lot better, second set gave me a great burn, and afterwards I had a good feeling, feeling I actually did a workout. At some exercises I didn't complete the full second set, being afraid of approaching failure I guess.

Especially second set on leg press was great, very great burn, I know what you mean by lactic acid now. It was the same feeling you get when you have a cramp, but less pronounced. Felt great.

This morning I already feel some very mild soreness in my muscles. Will probably increase to a reasonable level by the end of the day.

Will keep this updated.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Especially second set on leg press was great, very great burn, I know what you mean by lactic acid now. It was the same feeling you get when you have a cramp, but less pronounced. Felt great.

Only a bodybuilder would say that. I guess that makes us what we are.
Third workout finished yesterday...

DOMS from the last workout was imo perfect, not too much, but when stretching muscles I could definitely feel it.

Workout yesterday was ok, got a bit distracted sometimes, so pace was a bit lower, but good workout, feeling was good too. Onto next monday. Already have the feeling some maxes will be too light, but will keep the weights as I set them.
Fourth WO of the 15s...

Nothing special to mention, still everything is going ok, second set clustering used...

Don't know what would be best... increasing the pace or clustering to get my full 15 reps.

Went to the doc to get my blood tested, especially to check t-levels.
