HST  hypertrophy


New Member
hey everyone,

I am currently into the heavy weights part of the cycle..4 sets of 3 reps and i have introduced drop sets for isolation exercises.

My question is this, why does HST not incorporate glycogen depletion workouts to failure to induce growth via extra glycogen storage, to add to the myofibrillar growth you get with the increase in tension via progressive load (HST)???

Is there something i am missing here?? is extra glycogen storage not great in terms of size you can add? or is it because this training hampers the progressive load and frequency of training?

Experienced guys chime in and give me your thoughts..

I prob should of done in the 1st place but i am now gonna search this site for information and ill report what i find..
Don't take this the wrong way....( I dont mean it bad..I promise!).

But this is a prime example of getting worried over the small stuff in my opinion.

Why not just eat....eat ....and eat....and do HST as I sit back and grow...grow...grow.

Sometimes ( myself included) we get to caught up in the small stuff if you know what I mean.

Maybe one of the labcoats can address your glycogen question about growth...but if you eat a lot and then eat some more with adequate protein and HST you will grow!!!
Also I re-read your question above and I am not sure if glycogen growth is even considered real growth?

Again this question is above my pay grade!
Not long ago there was a post regarding myofibrillar growth versus sarcoplasmic growth. The conclusion was that in the long term genetics will dictate where/how you grow. Training has little or no influence over that. Further more glycogen depletion workouts represent a problem for hypertrophic purposes since the body's priority is to use excess energy (calories) to replace depleted glycogen and only after that will excess calories be used for muscle building. The "pump" you get after glycogen depletion workouts eventually subsides and the myofibrillar/sarcoplasmic proportion goes back to genetic defined ratio.
Also when doing workouts to failure the main hypertrophic stimulus comes from fatigue and increased fibre recruitment and therefore time under peak tension. The cost is a great CNS fatigue that accumulates and makes the following workouts increasingly less effective leading you to overtraining. When using heavy enough loads with enough number of sets you also get the same fibre recruitment and time under peak tension but with lower cost to CNS. This way you can keep going for longer and in the long run heap more benefits.
Glycogen levels per se are not directly anabolic. However, it is facilitatory in nature. On the flip side, the process of glycogen depletion strongly activates AMPK which directly impedes hypertrophy.

I guess the long and short of it is that a depletion workout is a strategy used when cutting body fat. During normal conditions however, the perceived benefit in "fullness" (or smoothness for a lot of us) does not directly translate into more muscle tissue.

On a side but related note, weight lifting temporarily causes lactate to collect in the t-tubules and this has an osmotic effect leading to a swollen condition while training is consistent.
Bryan on a side note during your own training ( you stated you do 6 day a week hst upper lower)

Do you ever lower the frequency to say 4 days a week upper / lower and really pump up the work sets?

I just figured with your crazy schedule 6 days a week is very demanding.
(Joe.Muscle @ Jan. 26 2010,3:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Bryan on a side note during your own training ( you stated you do 6 day a week hst upper lower)

Do you ever lower the frequency to say 4 days a week upper / lower and really pump up the work sets?

I just figured with your crazy schedule 6 days a week is very demanding.</div>
I don't very often skip two days per week, but I frequently skip my Saturday workout.
(Bryan Haycock @ Jan. 26 2010,10:33)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Joe.Muscle @ Jan. 26 2010,3:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Bryan on a side note during your own training ( you stated you do 6 day a week hst upper lower)

Do you ever lower the frequency to say 4 days a week upper / lower and really pump up the work sets?

I just figured with your crazy schedule 6 days a week is very demanding.</div>
I don't very often skip two days per week, but I frequently skip my Saturday workout.</div>
to watch manchester united i bet
ok, i do understand what your saying bryan, low glycogen levels inhibit myofibril growth, i get that.. what i really wanted to know was is there no size benefit from improving your glycogen storage?

Are you going to look bigger if you store extra glycogen?

Im still gonna carry on with drops sets as i am into 4 sets of 3 now so to provide some more metabolic demand..

Although i dont really understand why this is facilatory for growth? could you ellaborate a little bryan?

All i know is that the burn helps activate a signalling pathway which facilitates growth??
(faz @ Jan. 27 2010,5:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Bryan Haycock @ Jan. 26 2010,10:33)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Joe.Muscle @ Jan. 26 2010,3:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Bryan on a side note during your own training ( you stated you do 6 day a week hst upper lower)

Do you ever lower the frequency to say 4 days a week upper / lower and really pump up the work sets?

I just figured with your crazy schedule 6 days a week is very demanding.</div>
I don't very often skip two days per week, but I frequently skip my Saturday workout.</div>
to watch manchester united i bet  
Well they are, &quot;the world's most popular football team&quot; aren't they?
(ratty @ Jan. 29 2010,8:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">ok, i do understand what your saying bryan, low glycogen levels inhibit myofibril growth,  i get that.. what i really wanted to know was is there no size benefit from improving your glycogen storage?

Are you going to look bigger if you store extra glycogen?

Im still gonna carry on with drops sets as i am into 4 sets of 3 now so to provide some more metabolic demand..

Although i dont really understand why this is facilatory for growth? could you ellaborate a little bryan?

All i know is that the burn helps activate a signalling pathway which facilitates growth??</div>
Don't have time at the moment to elaborate, but I will get back to it when I get a chance. I've got to get home and get some food in my belly!
sure bryan when you do have time to elaborate could you do so please as i would like to under stand more...