
New Member
Hello people,

I am relatively new to the HST scene because I have just switched over from another program so i can up the ante if you like, but i have been doing background research for a couple of months just out of curiosity before starting this program properly.

I am on the second week of the 15's of my first cycle, and I just needed some guidance, what to improve on my specific program, because i downloaded the bodybuilding.com hst templates, and added in the workouts. so please give me advice and guidance guys, thanks.

I just turned 21, and im not a novice in the gym scene, i have done 6 months of pre organised training, eating 2900 calories on training days and 2600 on non training days, im 5'10, weight 6 months ago 134.5 Pounds weight now 155 pounds below is a list of the HST workouts i do 3 times a week, full body workout

Squats 1 set
Deadlifts 2 sets
Bench 2 sets
pullups 2 sets
Rows 2 sets
Shoulder press 1 set
Rear delts 2 sets
Dumblell curls 2 sets
Tricep extension 2 sets
lateral raise 1 set
Pullovers1 set
Shrugs 1 set

what am i doing wrong? if anything? should i cut down on excercises, what is your general opinion?

thanks guys, from Rubento del piero
Looks good for a newbie; if the workout begins to get long, I'd want to pull out the pullovers and laterals first, but you're only doing one set anyway.
You gained 15 lbs. in 6 months. I would expect only a little less for an intermediate lifter on a bulk, so you're doing okay bulking slowly for your gym time.
Actually, you're not doing anything wrong. Good setup for now.
Thanks q.d

Im not too happy with 15lb of weight i put on in the last 6 months training, because even tho im more bulkier, im not getting that all round eyes staring like wat the hell, " woah, ure alot bigger than before " reaction. I feel like i could of done alot more but in my 2 week break after the first 3 months of Anthony ellis body for life program, i started to slack abit.
1) Read the thread: "Simplify and Win." Focus on the big, basic exercises.

2) Eat like its your job, meaning: Eat as much as calories as you need to gain weight EVERY week.
I think you should be able to gain 40lb or so in the first year of serious training. Yes, you'll add some fat but you'll also be adding some serious muscle.

I would focus on getting bigger first and then cutting back fat as required. I know a lot of folks here would rather do a slow bulk and retain a good looking physique the whole time - but for me that would be too slow and frustrating. It is possible to really pack on the pounds if you get your eating right, as Sci pointed out. Aim for about a 3 or 4lb a month increase.

Don't forget that as you get heavier you will have to increase your calories to ensure you are still eating over maintenance. Whether you are bulking or cutting, it seems to be a good idea to eat at maintenance for a week or two every couple of months.

If you are into sports I would consider adding cleans into your workout once a week. I wish I had done this when I was your age. And do have a read of the Simplify and Win thread as Sci suggests (link in my footer) if you haven't already done so.
Hey guys,

I have read the thread, it's mainly focused on beginners, but im a little confused, does the "beginners" do they refer to beginners to the weight lifting scene, or the HST scene, because i have been doing weights on and off for 2 years, but proffessionally for 6 months ?

anyways, should i stick with my initial cycles untill the end, or adjust it, to the 3-4 main ones the other thread suggest, how will i go about the alternations if any, and sets.
Lets see, you weigh 155 lb.s

I weigh 200 lb.s

I am following simplify and win. I am currently doing only 3-6 exercises TOTAL. Check out my log.

At 155, you are not even close to 'advanced'.
Not necessarily Sci. I would consider someone under a year gym time to be a noob, but 2 years is getting a little seasoning on. One thing I'd consider is the number of exersizes done and the caloric requirements. When I started HST using 13 exersizes, I was hungry as a horse every day! Much less so now I'm using about 3 per workout.
And I'm not totally against the idea of someone getting the whole body in shape for a while using more variety. I do believe it good to simplify if you want to gain mass, providing you're really willing to make the workouts count. Too many guys hit it kind of wimpy - and with just 3-4 exersizes, that isn't going to be effective, IMO.
"Advanced" would be a state where a guy has a lot of gym time, has tried many programs, has recurrently hit his weight and strength limits to where he needs dual-factor periodization or some very wordy sounding programs in order to advance even just a little bit. Or hit the juice. Intermediate is a big grey area, no?

Where are my manners? I forgot to say "welcome" to Ruben!
All well and good quadancer.
But he thought 'simplify and win' was just for total novices, and its not. Alot of intermediate guys train that way too.
He's got a lot of room to grow still.
Agreed, but I'm not totally sold on noobs doing simplifications at first. I think it's good to spend some time for them to condition the body for the bigger stuff and build up from different angles to prevent injury later, to set up mitochondrial growth early (since you won't notice it later), and practice form. I just feel like I would have possibly hurt myself with PL type movements and new strengths, along with the slower adapting tendons and cartilages.
But that's just my opinion; others may feel it's okay to skip the conditioning. I figure you're gonna look like a men's fitness model at best for a while, so might as well take advantage of it.  
I'd say Ruben could go any direction he wants to try out.
Welcome Ruben

I am of the opinion that less is more and that is why I started the thread simplify and win, as sci already put it, eat about 500 or so calories above BMR and you should get into a growth phase.

One other opinion, you can keep the program you have now, but switch to a simplified version once you get to the 5's, it'll pay off I believe, normally it should have squats 2x week, Deads 1x week, Bench, Dips, Chins, Bent over rows, Military presses turning into push presses.

Not much of anything else is required then of the mix get as heavy as you can in progressive style of course, don't get caught by pushing heavy because you feel you can (its a mistake...I did it and it robbed some of my strength...but I am an old monkey,
therefore my body does not respond like yours should at 21), even though you're young get into good lifting habits and be patient
with your growth and by the time you 30, you will have a very, very respectable build.

Obviously in the next 4 to 5 cycles you'll put on some huge amount of muscle ifyou do things right, but after that it'll slow down...it is normal...parctice your SD religiously, once 9 days is not good anymore introduce 14 or even 21, it works.

Thank you guys for the warm welcome and advice, i will be following what you lot told me closely,

so as Fausto proposed, I will be following that when i reach the 5's, but do i include alternations for certain excercises? and which ones are they,

thanks again guys
Lets see, when you get to 5's and beyond, try this mix:

Squats / Bench / pullups / Pullovers / Shoulder press / Dumblell curls + Tricep extension

Deadlifts / Dips (weighted) / Rows / lateral raise + Rear delts / Dumblell curls + Tricep extension

Keep everything at three sets, except where I use the plus sign, that is a superset so it is up to you.

Deads - stick to three heavy sets once per week.

I mostly used your workout except that I included Dips, let me mention pullups (I prefer chin ups) sghould also become weighted by this time.
Thanks, despite me eating regular meals 6 times a day every 2-3 hours, started my creatine cycle today after 4 months being without and im back on the ZMA and protein, does any one have an idea on what is the best testosterone boosting tablets ? excluding the steroids !!! lol
(Ruben_pereira @ Apr. 16 2008,1:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">does any one have an idea on what is the best testosterone boosting tablets ? excluding the steroids !!! lol</div>
Excluding steroids? Nothing else works. Sorry.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thanks, despite me eating regular meals 6 times a day every 2-3 hours, started my creatine cycle today after 4 months being without and im back on the ZMA and protein, does any one have an idea on what is the best testosterone boosting tablets ? excluding the steroids !!! lol </div>

Tablet 1: Squatosterone (Squats ATG and heavy as you can [aim for 2x bodyweight])

Tablet 2: deadliftosterone (proper deadlifts [aim to get in 2 - 3 x bodyweight])

Now, seriously I am joking but am also very serious, both of the above compound exercises are the best boosters of testosterone known to man, unless of course your blood work is short of testoterone as in normal production, in which case a visit to the doctor will help in lieu of getting HRT.
You do Isolation movements on your 15s week? Yikes. Dont you want to vomit?

Your exercises are similiar to mine. I dont think you should be doing more sets for your isolations then you are for yoru compounds

For the 15's I do 1 set for compound and no isolations

For the 10's I do 2 sets for compound movements, 1 set for isos

For the 5's I do 3 sets compound, 1 set iso.

Your tris, bis and traps are getting worked on so many other exercises its not neccessary to go crazy with them on the isos.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Your tris, bis and traps are getting worked on so many other exercises its not neccessary to go crazy with them on the isos. </div>

Quite true BigL...quite true!
Funny thing is, i find myself more fatigued since the initial start

But i was just going by what the bodybuilding.com HST training program suggested

and i found myself doing less reps on the second set, which was a let down sometimes.

i.e first week of the 15's for the two sets i tried lifting 75KG for 15 reps X 2 on the deadlift, in the second week i had to drop the weight because it was getting to much for me, the weight on my wrists started to stress me out.