HST plan

Big Boy

New Member
hi everyone

im not new to hst. i did a couple of months ago and everyone knows the phenominal gains i made.

well, right now i am on DC Training. but i like to come up with HST plans.

i thought it would be nice if i was to put down some of my thoughts here for y'all to discuss.

one of my major needs is constant progress. progress not only in terms of adding mass to my body but also adding as much weight to the bar as i possibly can.

so i thought of a slightly different approach to hst.

this is what i thought:
Week 1 = 2-3x15
Week 2 = 1x15
Week 3 = 4x10
Week 4 = 2x10
Week 5 = 1x10
Week 6 = 5x5
Week 7 = 2x5
Week 8 = 1x5

now here is the catch. i find out ALL my maxes, ok? 15, 10 and 5. then i work backwards. the wednesday of the last week of the 15 and 10 rep mesocycles is the day i lift my maxes. so that means i work backwards to plan my load progression. now on the friday of the last week of the 15 and 10 rep mesocycles i try to set a new PR for that mesocycle. lets say i work backwards reducing my load by 5-20 lbs each session till i come to the first day of the mesocycle. well, on the friday of the 15 and 10 rep mesocycles i will set new PRs and increase my strength by as much of a margin as i see fit. so it may be a 10 lbs jump or even (if i am lucky) a 25 lbs one.

for the 5 rep mesosycle, week 2 of that cycle which has me doing 2x5 i will reach my 5RM on the friday of that week. then on the next week i will set PRs on ALL lifts THROUGHOUT that week. once again: i can increase by as much a i want to.

now i narrowed down my lifts for each mesocycle. i want everyone to remember that everything i have written so far is in terms of me.

Weeks 1 and 2:
Hammer Strength Leg Press
Incline Dumbbell Press
Seated Cable Rows
Stiff Legged Deadlift Alt. with Leg Curls
Calf Raises

Weeks 3, 4 and 5:
Incline Bench Press
Hammer Strength Rows
Hammer Strength Leg Press
Military Press
Lat Pull Downs
Stiff Legged Deadlift Alt. with Leg Curls
Calf Raises

Weeks 6, 7 and 8:
Flat Bench Press
Barbell Rows
Stiff Legged Deadlifts Alt. with Deadlifts
Military Press
Calf Raises

now if we were to look at my load progression i would make only 5 lbs jumps so to maximize gains on the 15 Rep mesocycle. now since ive put so many sets in week 3 (4x10), id probably jump by 10 lbs or 15 lbs on some lifts.

im not putting this program up for someone to mimic and then recieve less-than-optimal results. hst is meant to be customized by following all the proven scientific theories stated by bryan haycock. i think ive done that.

what do u experts feel about my above thoughts?


Big Boy
oh yeah, i forgot to add: i dont want to do negs, etc in the first cycle of THIS plan. i will probably add it later if i feel like it.

and ive kept 2 weeks for 15s because i love 15s. i keep rest intervals minimal and it becomes a really fast workout followed by cardio for 30-60 minutes.

all this is hypothetical and based on my body and what i have found works for it.

thanks guys

Big Boy
I think I get what you're trying to do, progressively reduce volume to increase load (1x10 weight is much more than 4x10 weight). Its not bad, but probably more strength focused than hypertrophy focused (which is more about total workload)

Can I ask why you're doing DC? Not that I think DC is a bad program, its on the right track with the 3 w/os every 9 days etc. but I think that HST is more on the money with what causes growth, and isn't as hard on your joints.
personaly i prefer to keep the total sets the same or aroundabout.
lets say you squat 100k..1x10=1000k..4x10=4000k so there is a big difference in work done.
also i would drop leg-press you have squats.
agree with peak it seems more strength based..good luck
Faz and Peak_Power,

thanks for responding. yes, i am aiming for more strength than mass. but the mass will follow if i have a great diet. thanks for the positive replies.


im on DC because it has been going on in my mind to do that program. i dont know how to explain. u know how u felt doing something because u felt u HAD to do it? well, thats why i started DC. and im gonna be doing dc for the next 4-6 months. BUT: ill tell u one truth - if i wasnt on dc, id be on hst. ive infact spoken to a DC training expert and he's told me that alternating dc and hst cycles (6-6 months) is a VERY good idea.

once again Peak_Power and Faz, thank u for the positive replies.

Big Boy
Old and Grey: no sir, no direct shoulder work. i have shoulder injuries on both my shoulders and ive found from trial and error that keeping shoulder work to a minimum for a set period of time setting only PRs during that period and then switching them out to be what works best for me

plus, the inclince bench also hits the delts

thanks for ur help sir
Big HST fan...dont get me wrong.

However I feel this forum tends to error more on the lower volume side that at times they should.

It still think it takes more than 1 to 2 sets to get it done...IMO
(Joe.Muscle @ Oct. 23 2006,12:51)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">...this forum tends to error more on the lower volume side that at times they should.

It still think it takes more than 1 to 2 sets to get it done...IMO

Try this one day this week for chest:

Incline DB Bench Press
Flat bench DB Flyes

Do just 1 set of each in giant step fashion, i.e., no rest between sets. Do 15 or 10 reps or whatever you want. Then tell me you aren't as sore as if you did 9 or 12 chest sets with normal rest between sets using the same rep range.

You will have accentuated the upper, lower and middle pecs. 9 sets in total for chest for the entire week under a regular HST workout scheme.

Because most people have to work and aren't on steroids, they can't do both high frequency and high volume. This is a way to get the best of both worlds.

Most splitters think that the more volume you do the better you will grow. To them, total stress is more important then frequency. While stressing muscles is very important, what they forget is that muscles have a saturation point. After some point, adding sets will not significantly increase hypertrophy and limiting yourself to 1 day per week doing, for example, chest, deprives your chest of another 5 days of potential growth since protein synthesis will be complete, regardless of the number of sets, within 48 hours of working that muscle.

I don't know where that saturation point is and it obviously depends on many individual factors. For me, it appears to be at 3 sets if worked in a giant set fashion.

One word of caution. This is a very stress inducing way to work out. I don't recommend doing more than 1 week of 15's, 1 week of 10's and 2 weeks of 15's before taking a week of SD. I also recommend that you don't do it more than 3 times per week. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing.  
Will try O&amp;G.

Big Boy just re read everything and I guess it doesn have a damn thing to do with your program.

However I was just saying some if you have been doing DC training then most likly unless you SD for a while lower total in work would not be a good idea.

This is why I use more volume than the rest of the group.

Now when i say more volume...its only 1 extra set per workout...so I dont think that is overtraining? But who knows.

I was simply stating that if you are accustomed to somewhat higher volume then 1 to 2 sets will most likely not cut it.

After doing full body for two years now...I love it.

And although hst prinicpals are the best..I still dont buy into 1 set or 2 just 3 times a week?

That just my opinon...and some of the others would beg to differ.

I would love to be wrong...b/c who doesn't want to do lesss and get more.

But I know how to train properly and 2 sets per muscle group just seems to be more maintance to my body.
^^i hear u bro...have u seen my program? ive got some 3x15s, some 4x10s and some 5x5s....however once i start setting new PRs less WILL BE more because the fewer sets i do, the heavier ill be able to lift...

infact, i think what im most probably gonna be doing is 1 week of 15s and then 4 weeks of 10 (instead of 3) but ill just do 5x10 for week 1 of it though...

Big Boy
Your Right Big Boy...you definatly are more like myself with your setup.

as a matter of fact my routine is just like yours except I only do 4 sets of 6 reps instead of 5x5.

Again I have tried HST and other full body workouts and I think the extra volume is great.

Let me know how your results go..I bet they are great !
Hey bigboy let us know how you go with your DC training, it'd be good to compare your results to HST. As I said I think DC has a lot of good things going for it, frequency, load as the stimulus for growth etc., only thing is dogcrapp only understands the concept of &quot;recovery&quot;, I don't think he knows the difference between neuro and musular recovery, or the significance of deconditioning, which is why his routine is so punishing (with training to failure, starting at heavy weight etc.)

I personally doubt someone could get better results in a 8 week period on DC than HST, all other things being equal (effort, diet etc), but then you may prove me wrong...

Let us know how it goes buddy.

i will let u know how DC is going. i just finished 6 weeks of it and ive gained 10 lbs. i had gained the exact amount when i did a 7 week hst cycle as well. but the strength gains that come with DC are waaayyy better than hst bro.

and i agree with u on the recovery thing. dc is VERY punishing - thats why im headed for a cruise for the next 2 weeks.....

im gonna be posting here more often - helping people out with my limited knolwedge, so we'll definitely meet more

peace sir

Big Boy
(Joe.Muscle @ Oct. 23 2006,17:51)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Big HST fan...dont get me wrong.

However I feel this forum tends to error more on the lower volume side that at times they should.

It still think it takes more than 1 to 2 sets to get it done...IMO
the amount of volume is up to you HST is a set of principals you adjust it to suit.
if you want to do 6 or 7 sets thats fine

personaly i dont use sets i use a set amount of reps usually 30 then get them however i can.
I've read conflicting things on volume. I've read that most of the microtrauma you're going to get occurs in the first couple of sets. After that, the returns are so diminishing, it's not worth it.

I have also read that diminished or not, more returns are better. Plus, you're doing extra metabolic work in those added sets, etc.

I think the most important thing is not making yourself so fatigued that you cannot workout again in two days. Do as much as you can, strength-wise, time-wise, and fatigue-wise, but no too much. (?)

Now lets look at this in a real world scenario for myself.

I run my own business.

I work many hours a day...sometimes missing a workout. (I have a life outside of the gym)

So the extra sets in a way is my &quot;insurance&quot; that heaven forbid...I miss a workout I still got in enough work or volume to hopefully hold me over better than say 2 sets.

Now in a perfect world.

I would do twice a days with Vanilla HST with 20 reps. 20 reps in morning and 20 reps in evening.

3 days on one week 4 the next...oh and I would have a chef to cook...my 6,000 calories a day of chicken breast that tastes like the best pizza.

Unfortunatly I am not there yet.
(etothepii @ Oct. 24 2006,14:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I've read conflicting things on volume. I've read that most of the microtrauma you're going to get occurs in the first couple of sets. After that, the returns are so diminishing, it's not worth it.

I have also read that diminished or not, more returns are better. Plus, you're doing extra metabolic work in those added sets, etc.

I think the most important thing is not making yourself so fatigued that you cannot workout again in two days. Do as much as you can, strength-wise, time-wise, and fatigue-wise, but no too much. (?)</div>
LOL hit the nail on the head in a previos post (do as much volume as you need to grow)
so when you start you could do 20 reps total if you grow
&quot;why change&quot; if you stop growing add more reps.
but as LOL said why start of doing 30 reps total when you could be growing on 20.