HST principals with 5x5/SFT


New Member
I've been around here for quite some time, and I haven't really checked out this board until now.

Doesn't the general layout of a 5x5 or Single Factor training program use HST principals?

-full body training
-frequency (3x/week)
-progressive load (weekly)

... but pretty much without the SD and only one rep phase - 5's.

Yeah, 5x5 pretty much follows HST principles. Personally, I think it's great for bulking, but never really tried it for cutting...

I'm going into another 5x5 cycle in a bit here, once I finish up my HST cycle. If you're going into it the way I am, then instead of taking an SD, you could put the deloading phase first, then start off on week 1.
What specific format are you looking to do?
I wouldn't change my routine very much, whether bulking or cutting. The only thing you may want to add would be depletion work if you're going that route on your diet.
I don't plan on doing a 5x5 anytime soon... probably not until August when I can start bulking again. I am cutting till then with high frequency HST cycles - 8x (compound/iso split, AM/PM), 6x/week, 912, etc..)

How long does a typical 5x5 cycle go for?
A typical SF 5x5 routine goes four "at least" four weeks.  You'll spend the initial four weeks working up to your present 5RM weights, and then press on with increasing weights until you can no longer increase the weight.  However long that takes is up to the individual.  My previous 5x5 cycle went on for about 8 weeks.

A great 5x5 resouce is Madcow2's page, 5x5 Table of Contents.
(navigator @ Feb. 24 2006,00:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">A typical SF 5x5 routine goes four &quot;at least&quot; four weeks.  You'll spend the initial four weeks working up to your present 5RM weights, and then press on with increasing weights until you can no longer increase the weight.  However long that takes is up to the individual.  My previous 5x5 cycle went on for about 8 weeks.

A great 5x5 resouce is Madcow2's page, 5x5 Table of Contents.</div>

I can't get the link to open. I've always wondered what 5x5 is.
Just found this thread and figured I'd chime in, hehe. Just wanted to say, as far as 5x5 and HST, I personally think they go great together. I had just come of my 2nd HST cycle, yeah, HST newbie but loving it, and decided my &quot;core&quot; lifts and strength weren't quite where I wanted them.

I discovered madcow's page, the one linked in this thread, a few weeks ago, and decided I'd give the intermediate 5x5 routine a try. At first, it didn't seem like I was doing nearly enough work, but I kept going with it past the 1st two weeks. I must say, I love the plan, and truly feel I'm going to break my current max's on squats, bench and deads by the 5th week.

After I finish the 5x5 cycle, I plan on doing a minimum of 8 weeks to see how far I can take it, I plan on doing an SD, and setting up my 3rd cycle of HST.

Like I said, I've recently found, and love both of these methods, and think they compliment one another VERY well.