HST Questions + 1st Post


New Member
I have recently completed both the 15's and 10's of an HST cycle after the SD.  This is my first shot at it and am astounded by the results.  Thanks to Bryan and the rest of you guys for posting this information free on the web it's awesome!

Pre HST I was about 94kgs/206.8lbs and now only 5 weeks later I up to 98kgs/215.6lbs I'm 6'3" (I've also dropped some fat un-assisted) so as far as that goes I'm blown away and couldn't be happier.

Unfortunately I have a mesomorph body and ectomorph limbs.  (yes I do and always have trained legs, They are my main focus, arms aren't too bad at 16")  So for my HST cycles I start with squats and SLDL's.

If you guys could help I have two questions:

1.  As has happened with the above cycle I had to travel for work and got screwed around regarding training and have only managed to complete the first day of the 5's and it has now been 8 days since I did that.  What should i do now?  Should I start again with the 15's  or should I just pick up the 5's where I left off and do three more weeks of 5's?  Or should I do three days in a row this week and then go onto my last 2 weeks of 5's next week and then my SD?


2.  Does anyone have any suggestions for my HST workout that will allow me to get some more growth out of my legs without overtraining them?

Many thanks, Franga.


1 - I would not let that worry me too much, go back and try the 5's from the beggining, if you feel that is too heavy, go back into the 2nd week of 10's and start from there! Just be sure to warm up properly!

2 - Legs are funny "animals" not all of us react the same, try increasing volume a little and see what happens, I too feel that my legs are not growing as I desire, but I have added an inch to each in a year without feeding too well.

Also I noticed that some volume defintely helps. I have tried out doing some lunges and I can see them adding on some meat, I'll probably add them to me next cycle.

One thing that might work, do supersets (1 squat + 1 SLDL without rest and use two or three sets like that rest only after each set.
Welcome Franga!

After 8 days off you have deconditioned a bit so you could restart your current cycle at the 5's by going back to even lower poundages for the 5's than you originally planned to. Give yourself 2-3 workouts of 5's with increasing poundages to get back to your planned first workout of 5's and then continue on from there. The idea here is to avoid injury by piling on the load too quickly as you are somewhat deconditioned now. I know I have to take great care the first week or two after coming off of SD (yes, even with 15s!) to avoid an annoying injury that haunts me for the rest of the cyle!
Cool, thanks for the feedback guys, as suggested I started back this morning with the lighter 5's and feel good, I'll push my weight up from tomorrow morning and continue from there.  The weight will still be the same as my 10 rep max so hopefully should'nt hurt anything.  I suspect I'm not lifting anything close to you deadlifter

So Fausto is it ok to do six sets of legs per day?  What about during the 10's or is it just through the 5's to keep the volume up?

Try out some 5 x 5's although this is more of a strength approach, it should produce some growth.

There are various approaches, one that I like quite a bit is to J-rep squats for example, or simply use occlusion methodology (keep working within a smaller range away for lock outs, although within a strong part of the range).

The pump you get is quite incredible and should result is some growth as occlusion traps the blood within the muscle while exercising.

J-reps you simply divide the xercise in two equal halves and do each half repeatedly followed by the other half immediatelly afterwards.

When the weights get real heavy though, this just feels like too much (at least for me
Sorry, is a J-rep where you do the lower half of the rep only and then immediately follow it with the reps in the upper half of the movement or am I totaly confused
That is exactly what it is!

And...Shakeel is right! I gave them up now on the 5's, just too heavy for J-reps!

It is just too freaking heavy to try and J-rep, it is ok with lighter weights, but I am on 200 Lbs already.
This my sound confusing...but for lagging bodyparts I do two things

1) increase volume

2) or decrease volume....

I know this sounds wacko...but you never know until you expierement.

In college I did 25 sets for chest and it didnt grow...i back that down to 9 sets and it grew better...i up it to 12 sets and I have found the perfect mix...and it too is a lagging bodypart...so I will up the volume for a week or two and then back it back down sometimes too ...give it a try !
One other factor to throw into the mix is that the more sets you do, the more calories you will have to eat if you want to grow. Once you have triggered all the body's mechanisms to grow it can only do so if you provide it with a surplus of nutrients. You seem to be doing very well so far but if you up your sets be sure to eat a little extra, at least on workout days. Don't forget that as you get heavier, your BMR will increase so you will have to eat more anyway just to stay the same.

Six sets for upper legs/glutes sounds fine during 5s. (eg. 3 sets squats + 3 sets SLDLs + warmups). I am going to try two or three sets of 5s and a set of 15s this cycle for each of my exercises. I find a good hard set of 15s (not to failure) is great for my legs after the heavy stuff.
I will keep with the 3 x squats and 3 x SLDL for now, that 15 reps sounds interesting Lol maybe I could throw that in on the leg press.

Maybe I am not eating enough, i need to watch it more closely