HST routine in Articles section


New Member
Hi. I was just wondering, I mind as well just follow that sample HST routine that was in the articles section. You know the article that includes a sample HST routine.

I don't want to tweak it out because i am not a physiologist like Mr. Haycock. So im just guessing if its my best bet to follow that sample routine as closely as possible. Thanks

Yeah, I was thinking of using that default routine for my brother once I start him on HST pretty soon here.
How old is your brother?

Yea and I was thinking, if we just keep tweaking this routine, before we know it well end up doing high volume again and just be right back to where we came from. I think we have a tendency to want to tweak everything and make it better, and it was probably fine to begin with.
I have stuck with vanilla hst and it has worked for me. I have only tweeked it in How i do it. Am - Pm and then burn sets in the 5s and negs. And loaded streches added here and there. But it is still the vanilla routine only intesified in the 5s and negs.
Thats good to hear. I see how you tweaked it, but you stuck to the gits of it, which is what exactly what I wanted to know. A lot of us (especially me) have the tendency to add more exercises, start doing multiple sets, etc.... Thats what i wanted to avoid. Thanks for your help
I am planning on using the example my next cycle, no more clustering
, or working with linear increments
, just plain ole simple effective HST.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dkm1987 @ June 10 2005,9:31)]I am planning on using the example my next cycle, no more clustering  
, or working with linear increments
, just plain ole simple effective HST.
"I am planning on using the example my next cycle, no more clustering
, or working with linear increments
, just plain ole simple effective HST."

Is that due to any dissatisfaction with what you were doing, Dan, or do you just want a change?
Well, mostly just to practice what I preach. I am usually the first to say that most trainees can gain huge on the basic routine but yet I haven't used it since my 2nd cycle.

Plus I am burnt out on Clustering, I've been clustering since November 2004 BVCT (Before Vicous' Customizing thread) ;) and have worked in a linear increase versus zig zag since my 3rd cycle.

With the changes in strength that I have gained from clustering I think the basic program will serve two purposes.

1. A respite from the mundane
2. A chance to get back in touch with my inner self, I touch my outer self all the time
, but you all didn't need to know that.

Seriously, I just want to see what basic HST with the strength I've added will do for a cycle or three.
The basic routine seems like so little. It's hard for me to grasp that 2 inclines and dips is enough for the chest. But i guess the fact that you're doing this every other day well compensates for that low volume. That's the whole point isnt it?? Working out every other day (frequency) plays a much larger role than high volume/infrequent workouts.

I'm the only one who does anything like HST in my gym. Everyone else massacres their body parts. Today, i saw some 250lb black dude putting his little 100lb cousin through hel and back with his shoulders. By the time i was done doing my whole body HST, they were still training his shoulders!!! I jokingly said to him "he aint gonna be able to move tommorrow" and the big dude said "yea thats the point". I guess i know something special thanks to this website.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I guess i know something special thanks to this website.

Well, young Grasshopper it appears you are ready to try and grab the pebble from Bryan's palm as many of us have try to do. Word of caution, for a blind old fart with a really long FU Manchu, he be quick.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dkm1987 @ June 10 2005,9:31)]I am planning on using the example my next cycle, no more clustering  
, or working with linear increments
, just plain ole simple effective HST.
Holy ****! The HST expert universe just imploded into a quantum singularity!

What's next? Bryan proves Vince is a prohet and DOMS is the one true way?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ectoman @ June 10 2005,4:22)]Vince is a prohet and DOMS is the one true way?
He aint?


Holy Canolli Ectoman, I am crushed.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]What's next? Bryan proves Vince is a prohet and DOMS is the one true way?

I need someone to show me the things in life that I can’t find. I can’t see the things that make true happiness. I must be blind. Play that solo Tony! ;)

Now all my days
Are filled with tears
Wish I could go back
And change these years

I'm going through Changes
Hmmm this is getting interesting. For anyone else who responds to this thread, let me know if your just doing the original HST routine, or if you have tweaked it in some way. Im just wondering how many people have taken the original routine for what its worth
Mr. Basile, what went on in your head
Mr. Basile, did you deadlift, or did you lift with the dead?
The DOMS to your calves seemed so tragic
With the soreness of it all
You made your calves grow with black magic
But you puked all over the floor
I was just posting another Sabath song, not my own works of art, like you Jules.
Got a little off subject. No biggie. If you reply to this thread though, still let me know if you do the original HST, or if youve tweaked it