hst + secondary training

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looking for some input about using hst and also training for a strength move. the move im looking to train is the planche.  i know how to train for it, but am wondering on the days to train. is this possible or would i hinder hypertrophy?  Thanks
here is a little image of it, i want to do it with the legs not straddled however.

(not me)
its only a bodyweight exercise,so practicing it shouldnt effect your gains from HST,whenever you decide to do it,on none weight days would be better.
thanks faz, exactly what i wanted to know, it pretty much involves static strength and was unaware if putting my muscles thru that on off days would hurt my hypertrophy or muscle recovery. thanks for you input, so as it stands, tomorrow i start practicing on holding a planche. today is a gym day
Your abs and lower back will have extra added training, as well as your arms and shouders but provided you rest well each day and your nutrition is right there should be no negative effects!
Ha,ha! It may be only body weight Faz, but if you give those suckers a try you will realise that they are brutal on your core and delts.

@dreadrok: Planches are a really cool move to master. I think if I was working on a planche on non-training days (like the guys have said), I'd try to keep away from failure when doing any sets for delts on training days. I'd still do the exercises but I'd just make sure I didn't push too hard for that last rep so that my functional strength would still be high for planches the next day. As far as the planches go, perhaps it would be good not to push for a maximal effort on those too, at least not until you are in the 5s of your HST cycle.

If you find that your shoulder training is making it hard to recover enough strength for planche training, just drop the direct shoulder work. Your delts will still get a good deal of work from most chest and back compound exercises.

All the best.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> I'd try to keep away from failure when doing any sets for delts on training days. </div>

that should be a given on HST anyway LOL
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">@Lol: I'd still do the exercises but I'd just make sure I didn't push too hard for that last rep so that my functional strength would still be high for planches the next day. As far as the planches go, perhaps it would be good not to push for a maximal effort on those too, at least not until you are in the 5s of your HST cycle.</div>

Wise words as always.
perfect, thanks alot guys. ill increase intensity as i progress thru my hst cycle. hopefully i can get this move soon, &amp; ya they are brutal. also, its nice to be back in hst. injury has kept me from most physical activity for 9 or so months now. also, ill leave planche alone during sd.
I can't even get the tuck planche (or something like that). Even the one that you put your knees on your elbows are though. I must be kind of mentally challenged or something.
oh ya we used to call those frogstands. im basically doing press movements and some static holds.
Oh hell, I can do that move.... lying on my back that is.

Pretty cool looking move. I assume this is advanced Yoga stuff. I have never tried any aside from the simple stuff they had us try in grade school gym class. Body weight work can be surprisingly challenging for sure.
its a gymnastics move, you mostly see it on the rings but sometimes they do it on floor also. legs together is like 3 times harder. i dont really know the ratio of difficulty, but it really feels that way. i have also seen a 1 handed version which is completely insane. the body position is slightly different. but that seems like a long way down the line =/
quick update, so this is my HST workout.  
MWF 15x1 10x2 5x3 5x3 (last 2 weeks at 5RM, increase weight if possible)

DB bench/DB incline bench
cable rows
military press
tricep pushdowns
seated curls/ seated hammer curls
DB shrugs

finally im feeling it in my mid and upper back where i was lagging with my other HST cycles.

and for my non gym days and in hopes of attaining a held planche cleanly for at least 3 seconds.  These are broken down into quasi-cycles, going on to the next exercise when the current one is no longer a challenge.  (some tweaking may be necessary)

cycle (not sure if im going to superset this)
1.near handstand pushup against wall never to failure x3
2.hold tucked planche on wall (10seconds x3) / hold advanced tuck planche (work to 60sx1) / tuck to straddle (10sx1) / straddle (10sx1) / FULL PLANCHE (3+ max seconds =D)
3.pseudo pushups 20x3 / tuck planche pushups 5x3 / wall planche pushups 5x3 / straddle planche pushups 5x3 / PLANCHE PUSHUP!! (at this point train for max reps)

I am also thinking about doing some static holds on the chinup bar in hopes to get a &quot;lever&quot;
basically tucked holds untill i reach 60 seconds, then increasing difficulty untill the lever is reached.  possibly doing pullups in some of the static hold positions below failure.

So, my question again is, do you think this will lead to overtraining.  i just thought giving a more specific view of my workout might lead to a better conclusion.  I hope to keep gaining muscle with HST and making these body weight strength gains without screwing up and wasting time.

Thanks guys
oops sorry about the double post. typing from my phone is kinda weird still. but n e ways, whats your take on my training? thanks guys
(dreadrok @ Sep. 26 2008,3:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Squat/deadlift
DB bench/DB incline bench
cable rows
military press
tricep pushdowns
seated curls/ seated hammer curls
DB shrugs</div>
No dips...?  