I dont know what to do


New Member
On my training today i needed to put on the bench 65 kilo's. But instead, without even notice i put 75 kilos (Im on 5's by the way). I should be on 75 kilos only more 3 weeks, and i didnt understand why its so difficult to me (my rm5 before i start the cycle was 72.5 kilos). Now i dont know what to do. Should i continune from 75kilos (but then ill get stuck on bench much before the rest of my exercises) or should i do 70 kilos.
what do you say?
And how bad is my mistake?
it's not a big deal, no matter what you decide to do.

you may consider continuing from 75's (use max stim if you need to when it gets heavy)...or you could simply act like it didn't happen and progress from 65.

or...instead of continuing the 5's for another 3 wks, you could finish up your cycle sooner and thereby start your next cycle a bit sooner.

be fluid like water, nothing wrong w/ brainstorming w/ the folks here. ultimately, you'll need to do what feels right to you.
Hey, if you did 75kg for 5 reps, BIG congrats on the PB!

As FF says, it's no big deal. Just carry on as if you did 65kg today and perhaps try and push for a few more reps if you feel it's easy enough to do so. Once you get to 75kg again just stick with that for a few weeks and maybe cluster reps or do sets of 3 and aim to get all your target reps in. If you can increase the load a little further and find your new 5RM at the end of your cycle that will give you a new target to beat in your next cycle.
Next training on the bench i need to do 70 kilos. but because last training i did 75 kilos my muscle wont grow from 70 kilos. So you still think i should do 70 kilos on my next bench training?
(Avi1985 @ Oct. 25 2007,15:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Next training on the bench i need to do 70 kilos. but because last training i did 75 kilos my muscle wont grow from 70 kilos. So you still think i should do 70 kilos on my next bench training?</div>
It'll be okay. You'll just be applying Arnold's technique of &quot;confusing&quot; your muscles...
(Avi1985 @ Oct. 25 2007,15:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Next training on the bench i need to do 70 kilos. but because last training i did 75 kilos my muscle wont grow from 70 kilos. So you still think i should do 70 kilos on my next bench training?</div>
Don't worry, your muscles will still grow from the 70 kilos.
(Totentanz @ Oct. 25 2007,18:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Avi1985 @ Oct. 25 2007,15:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Next training on the bench i need to do 70 kilos. but because last training i did 75 kilos my muscle wont grow from 70 kilos. So you still think i should do 70 kilos on my next bench training?</div>
Don't worry, your muscles will still grow from the 70 kilos.</div>
It's funny because I remember asking such questions. It won't have any effect in the macro view unless, of course, you achieved a new PB. In that case, congratulations!
Volume is there, consistency, and load. Progression is there overall; it doesn't have to be cast in stone. Just don't worry too much and keep on strokin'.
You jumped ahead but your muscles are still where they were strengthwise and still progressing. They just got a quick shock treatment.
(Avi1985 @ Oct. 26 2007,08:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ok. So next training 70 kilos.
Good plan.
By the way, if it wasnt annoying it was funny. I was sure that im lifting 65 kilos and i hardly could do 6 reps (on this cycle i do 6's instead of 5's) while on my last cycle my rm5 was 72.5. I thought that i became weaker. I belive and hope that on the end of my cicle (more 5-6 weeks) ill be able to lift 6 reps of 80 kilos. Improve of 7.75 kilos since my last cycle.

Mistakes like this happen but they in no way hamper your progress:

1 - It was good thing as it pepped your ego (strength)
2 - You managed a new PR without even knowing, but realized afterwards.
3 - Muscle building does not happen from w/o to w/o but rather from cycle to cycle, therefore as the other guys put it, correct it and carry on!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I belive and hope that by the end of my cicle (another 5-6 weeks) i'll be able to lift 80 kilos for 6 reps.</div>

I believe with you, its way within your reach, just keep doing it buddy!
(Morgoth the Dark Enemy @ Oct. 26 2007,10:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This thread must be a joke. It must be one. There can be no other explanation. Please.</div>
Are you joking?
When I hit my 5RM (3 sets) I went back about 12.5% on my weights and started 1x5 + MS10. Going lighter and doing the max stim has really refreshed me and I feel ready to bust out some new PRs on the new rep scheme. Even at -12.5% of my 5RM it made me sore. That indicates to me that it is still effective because I dont do any high rep/cardio work.

My point is that 65 or 70kg should still be effective. The progression of the vanilla HST keeps you well ahead of RBE which is why starting (for example) your 5s at lower than your 10RM isnt an issue.
(Morgoth the Dark Enemy @ Oct. 26 2007,10:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This thread must be a joke. It must be one. There can be no other explanation. Please.</div>
And why is that?