I read Protein post WO only?


New Member
I am not sure if I read correctly but I think in a thread Bryan mentions to make sure you take in more protein than carbs post WO then 1 hour later do your usual carb up; is this correct?
From the "Diet and Nutrion" FAQ

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Anyway, my point is this, Take your protein without (or with less) carbs immediately after you workout. This will allow more amino acids to skirt past your enterocytes and liver and make it into the blood stream where they are taken up by skeletal muscle. Then take your carbs one hour later, which still allows you to take advantage of the metabolic "window" post workout.
By taking your carbs one hour later, is he suggesting dextrose? Or regular, slow-burning carbs?

I'm guessing the general consensus is...no dextrose then?
Although he doesn't actually state in that part of the FAQ, it has been mentioned that any Simple Carb would do, dextrose, honey, whatever.